Är du en squid?


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Syrrans 883 och en Nikon Deetree.
oFFkeFF skrev:
Töntigt test, då flera frågar har fel svarsalternativ..

Jag postade länken innan jag hade kollat testet speciellt noga, finns inga bra svar på många frågor. Nästan omöjligt att inte bli en squid.

"So far, 5558 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. Your grade was 68 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are a buffoon who doesn't take motorcycling nearly serious enough."


Ur-medlem sen 2002.
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Stan - Hbg.
MV Agusta F4RC, ZXR950R, ZXR750, ZXR400R, ZX-7R
Jag vet att jag inte är en bläckfisk - jag är ett lejon :)


Robban W

Ny medlem
Gick med
26 Apr 2003
cbr600, gsx750r, xrv750
Klarade bara till fråga 19 sen fick krupp. Ska prova testet nån gång när jag har riktigt tråkigt.


Very nice
Gick med
24 Feb 2002
GSX-R750WT + G650X Moto
Sannerligen ett jävla skittest. Det började ju okej, sen blev det töntigt.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
R1 *Såld* Gixxer 1000 *Såld* XJ6n -10 *Såld*
Men det var ju inte lite frågor.... :/


Gick med
9 Sep 2003
- SÅLD -
So far, 5593 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. Your grade was 96 (from 0 to 100), and 1 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are extraordinaly responsible and a shining credit to motorcyclists everywhere.

Thank you very much for taking the time for this survey! While you're here, feel free to look around the rest of this web site.


Gick med
17 Aug 2003
Lindsdal kalmar
Yamaha yzf750r-93 "såld",Kawasaki klx 650"såld",cbr 900rr streetfighter-92"såld", fazer 600-00 såld. gsx 750-84såld. honda vtr 1000
Phu!Jävla jobbigt test!!! mitt resultat=

Squid Test Evaluation

So far, 5596 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. Your grade was 98 (from 0 to 100), and 2 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are extraordinaly responsible and a shining credit to motorcyclists everywhere.

Thank you very much for taking the time for this survey! While you're here, feel free to look around the rest of this web site.


Gick med
21 Mar 2003
Malmö, Kirseberg
Cbr 600f -99
Efter att ha tryckt i alla frågorna lite olika blev resultatet:

So far, 5598 people have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. The last grade was 58 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. This score indicates that the last test taker is an idiot whose driving license should be taken away and replaced with a tricycle.


Ny medlem
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Squid Test Evaluation

So far, 5608 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. Your grade was 82 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are a fairly responsible motorcyclist but a bit of a wise-ass.


Ny medlem
Gick med
31 Mar 2003
Hornet 900
Your score indicates that you are an imbecile of epic proportion and a danger to everyone and everything nearby.

Är det bra?
Kanske skulle svarat på fler än 15 frågor.


Gick med
17 Apr 2003
ZX-9R -01/02
Squid Test Evaluation

So far, 5611 people (including you) have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 51. Your grade was 66 (from 0 to 100), and 0 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47.

A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. Your score indicates that you are a buffoon who doesn't take motorcycling nearly serious enough. Your test answers seem a bit skewed however. Are you sure you properly answered ALL the questions on the form?
:hördu Ja!
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