Aliens! Historia.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Syrrans 883 och en Nikon Deetree.
Two aliens landed in the Arizona desert near an abandoned gas station. They
approached the gas pumps and one of them said to it "Greetings,Earthling.
We come in peace. Take us to your leader". The gas pump of course did not
respond. The alien repeated the greeting and there was still no response.
Annoyed by what he perceived as the gas pump's naughty attitude the alien
drew his ray gun and said impatiently,"Greetings Earthling, we come in
peace. How dare you ignore us this way? Take us to your leader or I will
fire." The other alien shouted to his companion, "No, you must not anger him,"
but before he could finish his warning the first alien fired. There was a
huge explosion that blew both of them 200 meters into the desert where
they landed in a heap. When they finally regained consciousness the one
who fired turned to the other one and said
"What a ferocious creature.
It nearly killed us. How did you know it was so dangerous?"
The other alien answered,
"If there is one thing I have learned in mytravel around the galaxy
it's if a guy has a penis he can wrap around himself twice and then stick in
his own ear, you don't screw around with him."
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