Bilder från den Brittiska spanienresan

Olof Eriksson

1 0lof 3riksson
Gick med
12 Oct 2003
Alice Racing Aprilia SXV450 07, KTM 200 SX (SM) 04
Hallå allihopa! Jag fick nöjjet att åka iväg till Spanien med ett gäng brittiska killar. Bland annat Christian Iddon, Greg Kinsella och Lee Jones.

Min träning under vintern har tagit bra och jag lärde mig en hel del av dessa snabba förare under helgen. Sista dagen lånade jag en standard motocross CRF 150 med supermotohjul under ett körpass, och körde fyra sekunder saktare än Christian Iddon's bästa tid (som sattes i helgen under ett race)!

Kanontrevligt evenemang med väldigt väldigt hög standard på förarna :tummenupp Banan var Guadix norr om Granada som är en testbana där blandannat F1 varit och testat senaste veckorna :) Ett offroadparti med riktiga hopp ((C) Lennartsson), räfflad betong i utgången av offroadpartiet och två snabba asfaltkurvor som man tog på höga varv sista växeln med Aprilia VDB-hojjarna. Sedan gick man in mot en långsam dubbelapex-kurva, en lite snabbare vänster höger kombination och ett ännu snabbare S-parti upp över krönet där man fetade ut bakändan in på gruset igen.

Skrev ihop en bit om det på engelska, som jag klippt in nedan:

The pictures I've taken can be viewed here: av team Mortec/Olle/Spain 2008/Riding

And non riding pics here: av team Mortec/Olle/Spain 2008/Other

I uploaded all the riding pictures I had, because even if they are out of focus or otherways crappy you could always make something out of them.

All pictures are free as a thanks to everyone for being nice and helpfull. If you're gonna use a picture in a magazine, I would love to get a copy of the magazine :)

A short guide to the pictures:
Page 1 to 6: mainly Aprilia riders
Page 6 to 11: sliding pictures
Page 11 to 15: race pictures

In the folder "Fullstorlek" (yellow button on top of the page with grey text) you've got the pictures in full size (3888 x something) which are good for printing in A3 size. The pictures you see in the first link are VERY compressed, bad quality, but fast to go thru. So look up which name the picture you'd like to save have, go to the Fullstorlek album and right click, "save as..." and you're set to go!

If anyone has video's of the Aprilia riders and/or me I would love to have them, I was thinking about putting together a video :)


Thanks to all you guys who paid for my trip:
and you who didnt want to be mentioned

Thanks to team Ferrari for all the help and the company:


Thanks to team Jones Pizza Delivery:


And thanks to all the guys who lend me bikes, especially Richard who had to see me riding his bike with the rubber side up... Thanks to all the guys who helped me with my riding by either giving me tips or watching me ride and tell me their thoughts and obeservations!

My Spain trip

It all started off with a snow storm. Me and my parents live in seperate houses, by about 60 feet, and you couldnt see the other house thru the window! It was a slow ride to the airport because theres reindeers everywhere on the roads. My mom was crying as always when she says good bye as I'm about to go on a trip. About 11 hours and three flights later I met up with the British guys of team Ferrari. We had a hard time finding our way out of the airport and I had a equal hard time understanding what anyone of them were saying ;) The hotel was very nice for being a spanish hotel and we hit the sack pretty soon.


You could think that when you go all the way from northern Sweden to southern Spain you'd escape the snow, ofcourse not:

On the first day I wasnt feeling that selfconcious and I took everything in very small steps since I didnt want to crash any bike. The track was pretty fast in some parts, fifth gear thru one corner with the fast Aprilia SXV VDB replica of woodie, and a little slower on one part. The offroad section was very good measured by swedish standards, one speed jump, one brake jump and one fine table top. Out of the dirt section there was concrete "ribs" that shoke off the dirt from the wheels. I had a hard time with this part of the track during the whole weekend. By the end of the day I started riding faster and some fast riders like Andy Mitchell passed me and I got the opportunity to see how the offroad should be done.

On the second day I focused on helping the other riders out. I borrowed Richards standard SXV and took a couple of "fast" laps in between helping the other riders with their riding. I managed to do what I think was my third ever highside on that bike too, I realy thought I was saving it by lowsiding but in the very last minute I let off and the bike gripped, sending me off on a run... No part of my body hurt but I felt a big shame towards Richard, who on the other hand seemed to take it pretty well. Thanks for that Rich! I did a couple of faster laps on woodies VDB replica which was kind of similiar to my bike and then by the end of the last session Lee Jones borrowed me his Aprilia, helmet and gloves. Took five laps on that bike, two to learn the characteristics of the bike and then three laps really trying it out. Man thats a fast bike, no wonder tho, he is supported by Alice racing.

The third day I focused on taking pictures. There was so many fast riders out there and it was a joy learning how to take pictures of them. The British standard is very high! On the second half of the day I got to try some different bikes, one being a standard MX spec CRF 150 (Joe Jones's). Man that bike is awesome! I was almost able to reach the ground on that bike also! In the evening we hit the beer and I had a very good conversation with Greg Kinsella that gave me a lot of confidence. He's a really nice guy.


Going home was a trip. I love riding in the car with team Ferrari, they are a great bunch of lads! They dropped me of at the airport and I made my way back to sthlm. When I sat down texting woodie I looked up and my eyes were met by this very cute swedish girl that was taking the same flight as me back to Skellefteå. We exchanged looks and smiles and with my new self confidence I decided to write my number and "call me!" on the back side of my ticket. As we landed I gave it to her. My mom saw us meet and she asked if we both had been in spain, because she was as me red in the face (I've got sun burn) ;) So I hope I get a phone call soon

The trip was just awesome. I thought it were a dream when I woke up this morning. I really enjoyed the company and I miss you guys already (in a hetero way, sorry King Karl). The track was great, the riders were awesome, the people were hillarious people and I hope I get to make up for all the help I've got making this possible. I really really needed this, mostly psychologically, north sweden is a dark and lonely place in the winter.

Thanks for everything
Olof "Olle" Eriksson, #103


Gick med
31 Mar 2007
Yamaha R6 2009
Ser bra ut, du är grym såg på youtube för ett tag sedan när du körde på isen ser riktigt skoj ut! imponerad av din körning, keep it up :tummenupp

Olof Eriksson

1 0lof 3riksson
Gick med
12 Oct 2003
Alice Racing Aprilia SXV450 07, KTM 200 SX (SM) 04
hehe, sånt händer..såg inte så allvarligt ut som tur va, eller gick de illa?
Har du några nya resor på gång, eller blir de körning i sverige? Ser bara så läckert ut med massa motarder som kör skiten ur hojarna, toppen bilder :yoparty

Haha nej det var ingen fara, jag klev bara av, stod upp i slutet av klippet, men det är lite svårt att se :)

Tack ska du ha!

Jag kommer sikta på köra första brittiska mästerskapstävlingen, sen hade jag tänkt försöka få åka AMA i USA, men vi får se hur det går med det :)


God & glad kexchoklad!
Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Umeås utmarker
2 st Kawasaki KX450F 12:a och 09:a
Härligt Olle! Fina bilder och bra kört, men jag saknar en bild, tjejen från flyget... :tummenupp

Olof Eriksson

1 0lof 3riksson
Gick med
12 Oct 2003
Alice Racing Aprilia SXV450 07, KTM 200 SX (SM) 04
Några utvalda bilder (jag har först nu tittat igenom bilderna)

Christian Iddon ställer cykeln ut ur en kurva
Lee Jones lägger omkull
Andy Mitchell showar för kameran
Min hyrbilskamrat JC hoppar för första gången
Nån random snabb förare på sista bilden


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Olof Eriksson

1 0lof 3riksson
Gick med
12 Oct 2003
Alice Racing Aprilia SXV450 07, KTM 200 SX (SM) 04
De fyra bilder som kommit upp med mig på hittills:


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