Tydligen sa han nyligen såhär när en brittisk tidningen intervjuade honom och frågade vad han tyckte om Isle of Man TT.
”I'm completely against that race.”

”For a thrill I can go at 185 mph without a helmet if I want but it's not a good idea, the TT is the same thing. We know there's danger in racing and we've been fighting for rider safety for a long time so that doesn't seem like a good idea. Taking part in a sport is one thing, but being stupid or reckless is another. Mind you I'm not saying that the riders who take part are stupid, it's just those circumstances. The world has grown up in many areas and safety is one of them.”

”I think that some of the scenes we get from that race such as motorcycles jumping in the street don't give a good image for motorcycle racing. I would ask the people who organise that race if they would be happy if their son were taking part.”
Någon som har en avvikande åsikt som är mer genomtänkt än ”Folk får väl göra vad de vill”? Bidrar Isle of Man TT egentligen med något annat än ett kortsiktigt tillskott till den lokala ekonomin, badwill för motorcykelkollektivet och personliga tragedier?
”I'm completely against that race.”

”For a thrill I can go at 185 mph without a helmet if I want but it's not a good idea, the TT is the same thing. We know there's danger in racing and we've been fighting for rider safety for a long time so that doesn't seem like a good idea. Taking part in a sport is one thing, but being stupid or reckless is another. Mind you I'm not saying that the riders who take part are stupid, it's just those circumstances. The world has grown up in many areas and safety is one of them.”

”I think that some of the scenes we get from that race such as motorcycles jumping in the street don't give a good image for motorcycle racing. I would ask the people who organise that race if they would be happy if their son were taking part.”
Någon som har en avvikande åsikt som är mer genomtänkt än ”Folk får väl göra vad de vill”? Bidrar Isle of Man TT egentligen med något annat än ett kortsiktigt tillskott till den lokala ekonomin, badwill för motorcykelkollektivet och personliga tragedier?