Honda mot Rossi


Ny medlem
Gick med
31 Mar 2004
Buell s1
Vet inte om detta har varit uppe innan........ Hittade det på Eurosports hemsida, där dök den upp 27/3-04.

How can Honda stop Rossi?

Honda's MotoGP riders may be subjected to team orders this season to prevent Valentino Rossi winning a fourth straight world championship. Italian Rossi will be riding the Yamaha M1 this year after making a dramatic switch from Honda last year, with whom he won the last 500cc title and the first two championships of the MotoGP era.

"We know Rossi is consistent and by finishing third or fourth every race he could win the title," Honda Racing boss Carlo Fiorani told Wednesday's edition of Motor Cycle News.

Honda will have six riders in three teams in the championship this year, American Nicky Hayden partnering Brazilian Alex Barros, last year's runner up Sete Gibernau of Spain pairing up with twice world superbike champion Colin Edwards and Italian Max Biaggi alongside Japan's Makoto Tamada.

"If we need to help one of our riders to win the title then we will speak to other riders and teams," Fiorani said.

"I don't want a situation like Ferrari in F1 when Rubens Barrichello slowed down to let Michael Schumacher through. But one Honda rider could slow a little to let another through.

"The reason we have two-man teams is so we can work together."

Riktigt dåligt om VM ska avgöras på detta sätt.


Macho Woman

Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Stockholm, Söder
Förvuxen 80-talsmoped
Det har ju hänt med t.ex. Fonsi Nieto och Toni Elias. Då blev jag verkligen arg och om det är en taktik som Honda kommer att köra rakt igenom är jag rädd för att mitt intresse för sporten kommer att svalna. Det blir i alla fall svårare att tala väl om den inför andra.

Chris Ash

Kapten Gars
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
En gammal en
Chilly skrev:
Vet inte om detta har varit uppe innan........ Hittade det på Eurosports hemsida, där dök den upp 27/3-04.

How can Honda stop Rossi?

Honda's MotoGP riders may be subjected to team orders this season to prevent Valentino Rossi winning a fourth straight world championship. Italian Rossi will be riding the Yamaha M1 this year after making a dramatic switch from Honda last year, with whom he won the last 500cc title and the first two championships of the MotoGP era.

"We know Rossi is consistent and by finishing third or fourth every race he could win the title," Honda Racing boss Carlo Fiorani told Wednesday's edition of Motor Cycle News.

Honda will have six riders in three teams in the championship this year, American Nicky Hayden partnering Brazilian Alex Barros, last year's runner up Sete Gibernau of Spain pairing up with twice world superbike champion Colin Edwards and Italian Max Biaggi alongside Japan's Makoto Tamada.

"If we need to help one of our riders to win the title then we will speak to other riders and teams," Fiorani said.

"I don't want a situation like Ferrari in F1 when Rubens Barrichello slowed down to let Michael Schumacher through. But one Honda rider could slow a little to let another through.

"The reason we have two-man teams is so we can work together."

Riktigt dåligt om VM ska avgöras på detta sätt.


Äsch ni är överdrivet negativa....teamorder är inget speciellt effektivt vapen i Roadracing och knappast något som kommer att användas. I Kalle Anka-sporten som kallas F1 så är det däremot en helt annan sak.
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