Sista för kvällen


Godis är gott!
Gick med
28 Aug 2003
Det burgna Täby, stan på landet!
Suzuki DR 650 SE 1999
A bunch of Indians captured a cowboy and brought him back to their camp to meet the chief and his fate. The chief says to the cowboy, "You going to die! But me sorry for you, so give you one wish a day for three days. On sundown of third day, you die! What first wish?
The cowboys says, "I want to see my horse." The Indians get his horse. The cowboy grabs the horse's ear and whispers something, then slaps the horse on the rump. The horse takes off. Two hours later, the horse comes back with a naked blonde. She jumps off the horse and goes into the tepee with the cowboy. The Indians look at each other, figuring, "Typical white man...only think of one thing."
The second day, the chief says, "What your wish today?" The cowboys says, "I want to see my horse again." The Indians bring him his horse. The cowboy leans over to the horse and whispers something in the horse's ear, then slaps it on the rump. Two hours later, the horse comes back with a naked redhead. She gets off and goes into the tepee with the cowboy. The Indians shake their heads, figuring, "Typical white man...going to die tomorrow and can only think of one thing."
The third day comes, and the chief says, "This your last wish, white man. What you want?" The cowboy says, "I want to see my horse again." The Indians bring him his horse. The cowboy grabs the horse by both ears, twists them hard and yells, "Read my lips! POSSE, damn it! P-O-S-S-E!"


Godis är gott!
Gick med
28 Aug 2003
Det burgna Täby, stan på landet!
Suzuki DR 650 SE 1999
URRninja skrev:
Vad betyder posse?

He he he. Jag var tvungen att kolla upp det första gången jag läste den, annars hajar man 0.

Hämtat från:

1. A group of people summoned by a sheriff to aid in law enforcement.
2. A search party.
3. A gang involved in crimes such as running guns and illegal narcotics trafficking.
4. Slang A group of friends or associates.

Lyssna på hur uttalet låter (finns på sidan) så fattar ni.


Centrum för byggnadsvård
Gick med
11 Jul 2003
Gpz900r och XTZ 750
Jo, jag hajade att hästen hörde fel.. var bara lite nyfiken på vad killen egentligen frågade efter. :arsele


Centrum för byggnadsvård
Gick med
11 Jul 2003
Gpz900r och XTZ 750
TomK skrev:
Men va fan! Har du inte sett en enda westernrulle i ditt liv (eller besökt East L.A.) ? "Hey! let's bring the posse!" :tungan

Inte fan säger dom posse särskilt ofta i westernrullar.. :va (och east L.A. har jag inte varit i men där säger dom det säkert hela tiden :D )
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