Tenacius D maraton på Tvåan ikväll!!!


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
3 May 2003
Hornet 600 och en Buell XB9r med delad vårdnad
Swedie skrev:
for the cluesless, please enlighten us /fast på svenska öh...
Well, you see Johnnyboy, Tenascious D is a band started by the American actor Jack Black and his friend Kyle. The band mixes different genres like Rock, Comedy and Pop, often into one single song, and that's why the masses support their music. It brings some joy into their otherwise so dull lives.
So watch the show tonight and form an own opinion about their style in music...

Have a nice day



Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Yamaha R7 -24
kaZmur skrev:
Well, you see Johnnyboy, Tenascious D is a band started by the American actor Jack Black and his friend Kyle. The band mixes different genres like Rock, Comedy and Pop, often into one single song, and that's why the masses support their music. It brings some joy into their otherwise so dull lives.
So watch the show tonight and form an own opinion about their style in music...

Have a nice day

fuk u faggot

:lol tack
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