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Vet dom att cyklisten verkligen sköts efter?
Kan ju varit ett kriminellt cykelgäng..
Cyklisten sköts först i morddrama
Det var cyklisten som sköts först i morddramat i de franska alperna där en familj mördades i början av september och kanske var han den ursprungliga måltavlan. De nya uppgifterna har läckt ut från en polisutredning till den franska tidningen Le Parisien. Först spekulerade polisen i om cyklisten mördades bara för att han råkade passera platsen.
Det är fortfarande oklart vem som var mördarens egentliga måltavla. Inledningsvis spekulerades det i att det var mannen i familjen. Men den nya polisrapporten visar enligt BBC att cyklisten sköts först och då skadades. Därefter ska mördaren ha skjutit ett gift par, deras ena dotter och mannens svärmor som var bosatt i Sverige. En fyraårig flicka överlevde genom att gömma sig i bilen och den sjuåriga storasystern skadades, men överlevde. Familjen var brittiska medborgare, men kom från Irak.
BBC uppger att pappan i familjen ska ha försökt rädda sin familj genom att köra från platsen, men att bilens bakaxel fastnade så att det inte gick.
Efter att ha skjutit familjen tror polisen att mördaren gick tillbaka till cyklisten och sköt ihjäl honom. Sedan tros han åter ha gått tillbaka till bilen och mördat pappan, som först bara var skadad.
Mördarens motiv är fortfarande oklart. Först fanns teorier om att det skulle ha rört sig om ett lönnmord riktat mot mannen i den mördade familjen och att förklaringen skulle kunna hittas i hans verksamhet i Irak. Det ska också ha funnits en ekonomisk tvist mellan den mördade pappan och hans bror, vilket brodern förnekat.
De nya uppgifterna om hur mördaren agerat och gått fram och tillbaka mellan offren tyder enligt fransk polis på att det inte kan röra sig om en professionell yrkesmördare. Det kan lika väl ha varit en lokal, udda person som utförde dådet. Att cyklisten sköts först öppnar nu för frågor om det var han som var det egentliga målet.
Fransk polis uppges fortfarande arbeta utifrån teorin att mördaren agerade ensam. Fransk och brittisk polis samarbetar för att utreda den mördade pappans bakgrund men räknar enligt BBC med att utredningen kommer att ta lång tid. Pistolen som ska ha använts beskrivs som något gammalmodig. Samtliga mördade sköts två gånger i huvudet.
But Lieutenant Colonel Benoît Vinnemann, who is leading the inquiry into the murders, denied the press reports. “The order of the deaths of the four victims have not yet been determined,” he told AFP on Saturday.
Annecy state prosecutor Eric Maillaud also stressed that the order of the killings was unknown. “No serious investigator is capable of telling,” he told AFP Saturday.
Jag läste det där igår. Det verkar dock inte vara något som är konstaterat och idag förnekas det att man vet i vilken ordning morden skedde.
Känns ju dock mer logiskt att en lokal nisse blir skjuten av en fiende än att en turistande familj blir avrättad av en hitman efter att ha kört fast.
En före detta polis har gripits för de mystiska morden i de franska Alperna 2012. Mannen beskrivs som ensam och vapenintresserad.
En före detta polis har gripits för de mystiska morden i de franska Alperna 2012. Mannen beskrivs som ensam och vapenintresserad.
Uppgifterna om mannen som greps på tisdagen kommer från nyhetsbyrån AFP som citerar en anonym källa med insyn i fallet. En annan källa säger att mannen, som är 48 år, sades upp från sin tjänst i juni i fjol.
Morden i de franska Alperna i september 2012 både chockade och förbryllade omvärlden.
Fyra personer, varav en svensk medborgare, hittades ihjälskjutna i närheten av Annecy.
Tre av dödsoffren fanns i en bil som stod parkerad på brottsplatsen, och en av de dödade var en förbipasserande cyklist.
Den gripne mannen kan vara den person som sågs på en motorcykel i närheten av brottsplatsen minuterna före dödsskjutningarna, enligt åklagaren Eric Maillaudle.
Genombrottet kom efter att polisen släppt en fantombild på mannen, iförd en ovanlig hjälm som beskrivits av ett vittne.
Den gripne kommer från regionen Haute-Savoie och beskrivs i fransk tv som en ensling med många vapen. Polis har genomsökt hans bostad som ligger nära brottsplatsen. Vid husrannsakan var mannens flickvän närvarande. Han ska inte ha någon tidigare relation till de mördade, enligt åklagaren.
Gripandet är det första på fransk mark i samband med morden.
Erik Paulsson-Rönnbäck/TT
[h=1]Alps murders: ex-policeman arrested in village near scene of al-Hilli shootings[/h] Police investigating murder of three members of British family and French cyclist arrest man described as 'arms collector'
- The Guardian, Tuesday 18 February 2014 18.34 GMT
An artist's impression of a motorcyclist seen close to the spot where the shootings took place in September 2012. Photograph: EPA
French police on Tuesday arrested a 48-year-old former policeman in a French Alpine village close to the layby where the Iraqi-born British engineer Saad al-Hilli, two members of his family and a French cyclist were murdered.
The arrest came after police issued an efit in November of a man wearing an unusual model of motorcycle helmet.
The motorcyclist was spotted near the scene on an isolated road near Annecy where Hilli, 50, his wife Iqbal, 47, and her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, were murdered on 5 September 2012. A passing cyclist, Sylvain Mollier, 45, was also shot dead.
The 48-year-old man, who was arrested as he left his home in the village of Lathuile close to Chevaline, where the murder took place, has not been identified.
Media reports in France, citing sources close to the case, said he was fired from his job as a municipal policeman last June in Menthon-Saint-Bernard, south of Annecy. He was described by Le Monde as a "taciturn" loner and "arms collector".
Weapons were reportedly found at his home, where he lives with his girlfriend. Police were carrying out other searches and examining the garden of a house in another nearby village, Tailloires.
It is the first arrest by French police, who have teamed up with British colleagues to investigate the murder.
Eric Maillaud, the Annecy prosecutor, cautioned that it was "impossible to say" at this stage whether the detained person may have anything to do with the killing. He does not have any connection to the Hilli family. Maillaud also suggested that more arrests may follow.
In a statement, he said: "As part of the inquiry into the Chevaline killings in which four people were shot dead and a little girl was seriously injured, a 48-year-old man living in Haute-Savoie was brought in for questioning by Chambery police this morning and placed in police custody.
"This questioning, which may not be the only one, is the result of witness statements collected after the release on 4 November of an artist's impression of a motocyclist seen near the scene of the crime who investigators were actively looking for. In the interests of the importance of presuming innocence and in the absence of a direct link between this man and those involved in the incident, no further information about his identity will be given."
The arrest could help to shed light on the murder mystery. Police are also trying to find the driver of a dark BMW four-wheel-drive vehicle, which was noticed by a forestry agent on the mountain road at about the time of the murder.
Hilli, who was staying on the shore of Lake Annecy on a caravan site with his family, was shot after parking his BMW in a layby on a wooded road above Chevaline. One of his daughters was seriously wounded in the attack. The other, aged four, survived by hiding under the skirt of her mother, who was on the back seat. The bodies were discovered by a British cyclist, retired RAF pilot Brett Martin, who has a second home in Lathuile.
Detectives were puzzled by the weapon used in the attack: an antique 7.65mm Luger P06 handgun, issued to the Swiss army and police in the 1920s and 1930s. The use of such a weapon would appear to rule out a professional killing, and investigators had turned their attention to gun collectors.
The arrest came after police interviewed about 40 witnesses who came forward after an artist's impression was released in November of the motorcyclist who was seen in the area at about the same time between 3.15pm and 3.40pm shortly before the killings. Only 8,000 such helmets have been manufactured. It was recognised by witnesses because of its unusual side fastening under the chin.
The arrest may indicate a shift in the investigation back to local area. A dozen suspects whose phones had been detected in the area at the time of the murder have been interviewed and ruled out, according to media reports.
Until now, French police appeared to focus on a theory that the murders were motivated by a family dispute over money. Hilli's brother Zaid was arrested by British police but released from bail last month when Surrey detectives deemed there was not enough evidence to charge him.
Zaid al-Hilli, 54, from Chessington, Surrey, said he was relieved, but French investigators said they still had "many questions" to ask him.
Speculation about the murders has been rife, ranging from a secret service hit job because of Saad al-Hilli's job work on satellite technology, to an Iraqi connection, or a link to the French cyclist, who worked in the nuclear industry.
The Hilli brothers were alleged to have been locked in an inheritance dispute centred on the £825,000 home in Claygate, Surrey, where Saad and his family lived after their mother died in 2003.
Zaid, who inherited half the property, claimed that in 2011 his brother began to demand his share of the house "there and then" and pinned him down during a row. The two men never spoke again except through lawyers, but Zaid denied rumours that he had threatened to kill his brother.
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