Ännu en "billig" hoj


Gör't MC - klubben med fjong!
Gick med
25 Feb 2005
Vässad Fazer 1000
Va fan. Jag måste gett ett överpris när jag gav 40 papp för en fyra år gammal hoj. Här kan man ju få en skitfin utan en skråma som bara är två år gammal för 28000... Det är ju förbannat


It's good to be me!
Gick med
7 Aug 2006
Gixxer 750 K8
ännu en gång där man inte tar en skärmdump på annonsen istället snarare än att mejla länken som försvinner ganska snabbt...


Gick med
28 Jan 2006
Crf450HM -03 Crf250 -10
Fick detta svar när ja skrev att ja ville köpa den.

"ood evening,

Thank you for your interest. The moto is always on sale. You must know that the moto that I sell is 100% operational, aucunes straws or inequalities, aucunes scratches or any kind of damage. Approved for road with automobile license and immatriculation.PREMIERE HAND, very well maintained and regular revisions. Follow-up with notebook of maintenance.

Unfortunately I just moved in London,United Kingdom because i am a british and i wanted to be more close to my parents because they are old and very patients. The moto is here with us, as well. We await a baby in a few weeks and we want to really improve the old house and also I sell my moto for health reasons "dorsal"; now prohibiting to me to practice moto and motor bike.

Such are the reasons why sell urgent with the sacrificed price.

All the documents, included/understood the handbook of owner in swedish, undeniable title and sale contract will be provided with the moto. The moto is being recorded in Sweden it will not be any problem to countermand it the recording and to transfer it on you.

If you would be still interested announce me it and I will explain limit sale, that there is no risk for me as for you.

Thank you!"

Fredde Meck

Ny medlem
Gick med
10 Oct 2003
Scott 2005
Fick detta svar när ja skrev att ja ville köpa den.

"ood evening,

Thank you for your interest. The moto is always on sale. You must know that the moto that I sell is 100% operational, aucunes straws or inequalities, aucunes scratches or any kind of damage. Approved for road with automobile license and immatriculation.PREMIERE HAND, very well maintained and regular revisions. Follow-up with notebook of maintenance.

Unfortunately I just moved in London,United Kingdom because i am a british and i wanted to be more close to my parents because they are old and very patients. The moto is here with us, as well. We await a baby in a few weeks and we want to really improve the old house and also I sell my moto for health reasons "dorsal"; now prohibiting to me to practice moto and motor bike.

Such are the reasons why sell urgent with the sacrificed price.

All the documents, included/understood the handbook of owner in swedish, undeniable title and sale contract will be provided with the moto. The moto is being recorded in Sweden it will not be any problem to countermand it the recording and to transfer it on you.

If you would be still interested announce me it and I will explain limit sale, that there is no risk for me as for you.

Thank you!"

:) Maila babelfish, dom får se över afrika språken.......


Raj raj raj
Gick med
9 Mar 2003
SCOTT trampcykel :(, KTM 950SM 2006 såld, Triumph TT600 -01 såld, R1 -02 stulen
Skickade det här:

"Hi Raul,

A friend of mine contacted you regarding the motorbike. Since I live in London I can come over and check it out right away for him before any purchase is made. He is very interested and eager to buy it from you.

Let me know what day and time would suit you. I can even come tonight as long as it is before midnight.

Regards, Nicke"

Fick detta svar när ja skrev att ja ville köpa den.

"ood evening,

Thank you for your interest...

Anmäl så fort ni ser skumma annonser! Börjar bli lite less på typ 18:e tråden om de här annonserna nu.


Det dyker upp massor med skumma annonser som den här på både Blocket och hos er. Finns det möjlighet för er att kolla begagnatlistor innan ni publicerar? Priset är ca en tredjedel av vad den bör kosta vilket bör vara alarmerande.

Mvh, Niklas

Last edited:


Raj raj raj
Gick med
9 Mar 2003
SCOTT trampcykel :(, KTM 950SM 2006 såld, Triumph TT600 -01 såld, R1 -02 stulen
Ojoj vad han reser runt. Nyss var han i London pga sjuka föräldrar men nu helt plötsligt i Milano :)



Ok.Now i'm in Milano,Italy,and i will send you the bike to your address and
you will test the bike for 1 week,only with 1 condition.The payment will be
100% save for you,and she will be by Western Union.Now we start the deal?If
you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.


On 7/1/08, Niklas <nn> wrote:

[Hide Quoted Text]


I come from Sweden but live in London so I would like to check it out on
behalf of my friend. What day would work for you. I am flexible so just let
me know address and which time that suits you.

The bike looks good from the photos but I want to see it close up.

Regards, Niklas

*From:* fox fox [mailto:foxfox55@googlemail.com]
*Sent:* den 2 juli 2008 00:16
*To:* nn
*Subject:* 2006 Honda CBR 1000


Yes mister the bike is still available for sell.From where are you?You have
more question?You want more fotos with the bike?The final price of the bike
is negociable.If you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.



Ny medlem
Gick med
24 May 2007
Triumph Daytona 675
samma visa

Ojoj vad han reser runt. Nyss var han i London pga sjuka föräldrar men nu helt plötsligt i Milano :)



Ok.Now i'm in Milano,Italy,and i will send you the bike to your address and
you will test the bike for 1 week,only with 1 condition.The payment will be
100% save for you,and she will be by Western Union.Now we start the deal?If
you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.


On 7/1/08, Niklas <nn> wrote:

[Hide Quoted Text]


I come from Sweden but live in London so I would like to check it out on
behalf of my friend. What day would work for you. I am flexible so just let
me know address and which time that suits you.

The bike looks good from the photos but I want to see it close up.

Regards, Niklas

*From:* fox fox [mailto:foxfox55@googlemail.com]
*Sent:* den 2 juli 2008 00:16
*To:* nn
*Subject:* 2006 Honda CBR 1000


Yes mister the bike is still available for sell.From where are you?You have
more question?You want more fotos with the bike?The final price of the bike
is negociable.If you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.





Yes mister the bike is still available for sell.From where are you?You have more question?You want more fotos with the bike?The final price of the bike is negociable.If you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.


Trötta man blir ! Å då Mailade jag på svenska så nått lurt är de givetvis

Går de inte å få tag på denna trött mössa ? Någon måste ju känna nån i London ?:mad: :huvet


Det är för jävligt. Att de aldrig kan sluta att lura hederligt folk


Skickade en fråga enligt nedan och fick inget svar, måste vara något skumt med annonsen.

I´m a beautifal boy that would like to buy your motorcycle.
Is it ok if I pay "handpenning"....say 50.000 skr.
Can you send me an email with technical specs please, 0-100 km/h and topspeed in 6th gear. I drive a KTM is it ok?

With kind regards
Last edited:


Bygger om allt!
Gick med
8 Mar 2003
Utanför Örebro med min familj på vår gård!
Honda Hybrid, byggd av 919,954, VFR800 + mycket eget!
Det är för jävligt. Att de aldrig kan sluta att lura hederligt folk


Skickade en fråga enligt nedan och fick inget svar, måste vara något skumt med annonsen.

I´m a beautifal boy that would like to buy your motorcycle.
Is it ok if I pay "handpenning"....say 50.000 skr.
Can you send me an email with technical specs please, 0-100 km/h and topspeed in 6th gear. I drive a KTM is it ok?

With kind regards

Dax att vakna va...:va


I´m a beautifal boy that would like to buy your motorcycle.
Is it ok if I pay "handpenning"....say 50.000 skr.
Can you send me an email with technical specs please, 0-100 km/h and topspeed in 6th gear. I drive a KTM is it ok?

With kind regards

stopp fåning you now!


SuperRetards Västerås
Gick med
14 Aug 2006
KTM 525 -06

Går de inte å få tag på denna trött mössa ? Någon måste ju känna nån i London ?:mad: :huvet

Han befinner sig ju definitivt inte i England skulle jag tippa på iallafall! Han är sitter väl i utkanten av nån stad och tjänar bra med pengar på den här skiten.


Dum spiro, spero
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Blårykande crossmoppe
Ja!! Reglera allt, så vi slipper tänka och göra egna val.. Den vanliga medborgaren förstår ju ändå ingenting! Hur bra som helst :huvet

Nej men att företag tillåts tillhandahålla ett smörgåsbord för bedragare tycker du är bra då?


Mc Förare
Gick med
17 Jan 2007
Fick oxå svar från (foxfox55@googlemail.com)


Yes mister the bike is still available for sell.From where are you?You have more question?You want more fotos with the bike?The final price of the bike is negociable.If you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.



Bygger om allt!
Gick med
8 Mar 2003
Utanför Örebro med min familj på vår gård!
Honda Hybrid, byggd av 919,954, VFR800 + mycket eget!
Fick oxå svar från (foxfox55@googlemail.com)


Yes mister the bike is still available for sell.From where are you?You have more question?You want more fotos with the bike?The final price of the bike is negociable.If you have more question please ask me.Reply me soon.


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