Skalman skrev:
Felet i ditt resonemang är att 10*0,999... inte är 9,999... eftersom du i det första fallet har oo decimaler, men i andra fallet oo-1 decimaler. (viss reservation för detta resomemang)
I så är väl inte decimalantalet oändligt?
"Maybe looking at the question the other way would help. What does it
mean to equal 1? The idea of "equal" that we use here is that there's
no distance between your number and 1. To prove there's no distance,
think of any distance you want. Certainly, after enough 9s, it's even
closer than that. So, the only possible distance is zero; any other
distance is too big.
Another way to approach the question is to subtract.
- .9999999....
Sure looks equal to me. What about the "1" at the end, I hear you ask?
Well, I'll write it as soon as I finish writing infinitely many 0s.
Any decimal place you name (say, the four billion three hundred
twenty-eight million two hundred seven thousand four hundred
ninety-fifth) has a 0 in it. A number with a 0 in every decimal place
is certainly 0." - Dr. Math