1. Exhilaration. If you aint wheelie-d you aint felt the thrill
2. Sex. The bigger your wheelie the more women ya gonna pull, something like driving a ferrai or riding a push bike
3. Money. Wheelie and save money, by only using one tyre your missus has got to be pleased at the quarterly tire savings
4. Fame. Upon wheeling, you automatically gain the full attention of little kids, chicks and wannabies
5. Sex. The longer you keep your wheelie up reflects well to women how long you can go for.
6. Money. A Stonking wheelie is worth a few pints from your mates down the pub, another bonus for the missus' purse strings
7. Satisfaction. The Pleasure to wheelie past a queue of cars and see them seething in your mirror
8. Revenge. Get your enemy on the back of your bike and wheelie away - Oh they will never double cross you again!
9. Ego. Everyone will think your the best thing since sliced bread
10. Sex. It's better than.

2. Sex. The bigger your wheelie the more women ya gonna pull, something like driving a ferrai or riding a push bike
3. Money. Wheelie and save money, by only using one tyre your missus has got to be pleased at the quarterly tire savings
4. Fame. Upon wheeling, you automatically gain the full attention of little kids, chicks and wannabies
5. Sex. The longer you keep your wheelie up reflects well to women how long you can go for.
6. Money. A Stonking wheelie is worth a few pints from your mates down the pub, another bonus for the missus' purse strings
7. Satisfaction. The Pleasure to wheelie past a queue of cars and see them seething in your mirror
8. Revenge. Get your enemy on the back of your bike and wheelie away - Oh they will never double cross you again!
9. Ego. Everyone will think your the best thing since sliced bread
10. Sex. It's better than.