[h=1]94 C280: Mercedes..head gasket..the timing and place the tensioner in[/h]
[h=3]Resolved Question:[/h] I have A 94 C280 Mercedes. Had a bad head gasket so i replaced it and now when I set the timing and place the tensioner in. The engine locks up. Tensioner is too tight. What am I doing wrong?
Submitted: 4 years ago.
Category: Mercedes
Marty replied 4 years ago.
Hi, you must completely disassemble the tensioner by pulling the plunger out of the end of the housing and reinserting it from behind after the housing (#14) is installed into the motor. The tensioner is a ratcheting type tensioner and unless you reload it from the back it will be too tight.
Marty, Mercedes Technician
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Experience: Bosch Certified Master Tech. Over 35 years experience.
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Customer: replied 4 years ago.
I did reload it but, may have done it wrong. I see on the image the locking key#9 doesn't go the piston #10. is this my problem
Marty replied 4 years ago.
The ring goes on the piston. Whay do you say the chain is too tight? Are you having trouble tightening down the plug in the back of the tensioner?
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Customer: replied 4 years ago.
when i install the tensioner the timing chain gets too tight and i can't turn the motor. so when i losen the tensioner the motor turns. but the tensioner is out about half inch.
Marty replied 4 years ago.
It's possible that you have the chain doubled over somewhere. Have you rotated the motor around two or three times by hand with the tensioner loose?
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Customer: replied 4 years ago.
yes, but i will try it again. just to verify? tdc with both 4mm holes on camshalft and inlet advanced clockwised
Marty replied 4 years ago.
That is correct.
Here is a nice write up on the head gasket replacement that you might find helpful.
Remember #14 and 15 need to be installed and tightened before the rest of the tensioner goes together.