Gaan & Smee


Godis är gott!
Gick med
28 Aug 2003
Det burgna Täby, stan på landet!
Suzuki DR 650 SE 1999
Fan jag är på topp idag. Postar en till jag hittade på FB:

A Queensland (Australia) Radio Station, QFM, was running a competition
to find contestants who could come up with words that were not found in
any English Dictionary yet could still use these words in a sentence
that would make logical sense; the prize being a return trip for two to
Bali for a week.

The DJ, Sam, had many callers, the following two standing out:

DJ : QFM, what's your name?

Caller: Hi me name's Dave.

DJ: Dave , what is your word?

Caller: "Gaan" spelt G, A, A, N.

DJ: We are just checking that (pause)... and you are correct
Dave, Gaan is certainly a word not found in the English
Dictionary. Now the next question, for a trip for two to
Bali, is: What sentence can you use that in that would
make logical sense?

Caller: Gaan screw yourself! Ha Ha Ha

At this point the DJ cuts the caller short and announces that there is
no place for that sort of language on a family show.

After many more unsuccessful calls the DJ takes the following caller:

DJ: QFM, what's your name?

Caller: Hi me name's Jeff.

DJ: Jeff , what is your word?

Caller: "Smee" spelt S, M, E, E.

DJ: We are just checking that (pause)... and you are correct
Jeff, Smee is certainly a word not found in the English
Dictionary. Now the next question, for a trip for two to
Bali, is: What sentence can you use that in that would
make logical sense?

Caller: Smee again! Gaan screw yourself Ha Ha Ha!
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