För att scenen inte släpper upp-packat HD / DVD Material? Har jag fel?
För att filer även kan bli/vara korrupta över torrent, uploader kan ha en defekt fil som han delar ut. Orka få hem en trasig 20GB fil.
Each .torrent file includes information on how to split the files being distributed into many smaller pieces that can be transferred individually, even out of order. This is much like the multi-volume RAR archives, although the pieces are smaller and you never have to deal with them yourself. So when a scener might have to manually re-download a file of several megabytes, the BitTorrent user doesn’t even notice that their client automatically re-downloaded a few kilobytes when needed. Your BitTorrent client can do this, because
the .torrent file also comes with checksums for each little piece. (Checksums which, by the way, are created using a much better algorithm than that used in .sfv files).
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