Hur vinkar du?


Har klampat in igen
Gick med
24 Sep 2011
På landet
Suzuki GSX 400e, Ninja 300, Ninja 636
Tyckte den här var lite smårolig o började fundera på hur jag själv gör...

Den korta versionen:
If you drive a motorcycle, you know about “The Wave”. “The Wave” is your rolling connection to the biker brother & sisterhood, but is there a special secret to this wave?

1) Left-handed low wave, sometimes called the Harley or cruiser wave. Typically seen used on cruiser style or custom chopped motorcycles. The arm is fully extended and aimed down towards the street in a 45 or lesser degree angle with the extension of either one, two, three or five fingers. If you have a cruiser and can’t get this wave to work for you, then consider the Left-Handed straight out wave or trading out your bike.

2) Left-handed straight out wave is an all around general wave. Typically seen used on crotch rockets, cruisers, customs and baggers alike. The arm can be either fully or partially extended with no more than a 10 degree angle higher or lower than the shoulder. If for some reason you can’t get this wave to work, you will probably have serious problems with the kickstand dynamic and should immediately sell your motorcycle before you cause yourself anymore embarrassment!

3) Left-handed high wave is a variation of the typical wave seen made by kings and kids alike. Mostly used by upright riders of crotch rockets and baggers. The elbow is kept even or slightly lower than shoulder height. The elbow should be bent at about a 75 – 85 degree angle with a slight forward angling of the forearm. This wave has been proven very useful when you have a loose watchband.
Important: Should you be riding a crotch rocket, it is extremely important to maintain the image by using this wave only if the left hand is coming from the left hip or thigh. This should never, ever be used when coming from the handlebars. There are rules!

4) Right-handed (ha, ha, I have cruise control) wave. This is an occasional use wave by bagger riders. Typically seen being employed by Ultra Classic and Goldwing riders. They’re riding on rolling living room sofas. These big, comfy and not really coooool bikes are great for touring. The general message being sent is “You might be on a cool bike but damn it, I’m comfy”. If the rider of the touring bike is a smoker he will typically light up a cigarette or a cigar, just to drive that point home.

5) Left-handed forward wave. This wave is solely used by crotch rocket riders because, let’s face it, what the hell else can they do in that position? A flashed wave, is almost imperceptible due to the speed of the wave and the bike. The only way to avoid this lame wave stigma is by doing something crazy like riding a wheelie while naked. If you don’t fall off, that’s a big plus!


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
CBR 945RR POS SilverTejpSpecial -92 Och en XR600R från japan -91
Jag ställer mig på sadeln och gör honnör!


Alltid på väg mot nya mål
Gick med
31 Jan 2005
S-holm, men med hjärtat i Hedesunda
Jag tycker att mängder med sporthojsfolk mest pekar rakt ner i backen när dom hejar? :va Hänger alls så förbannat på armarna så dom inte orkar lyfta armen högre än fotleden och blir glada för varje tillfälle att lätta på trycket på handleden? :hihi


Har klampat in igen
Gick med
24 Sep 2011
På landet
Suzuki GSX 400e, Ninja 300, Ninja 636
Jag ställer mig på sadeln och gör honnör!
Haha, jag tror dig, men du vet pics or...

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