Intervaller SXV 550?


Ny medlem
Gick med
17 May 2006
SXV 550
Har efter ca 100mil haft hojen inne och bytt växellådsolja, motorolja och filter.
När ska jag byta motorolja/växellådsolja nästa gång?
Har kört ca 70mil till efter 100mils servicen och nu har oljekannan kommit upp i displayen.

Tacksam för svar.


Gick med
1 Jan 2006
kan inget om intervallerna men oljekannan i displayen låter som oljepåfyllning omedelbart så det inte rasar.


Ny medlem
Gick med
4 Feb 2007
Suzuki RMZ450 -07, KTM 530 -08
Jaha, Nu ska vi se om man kommer ihåg detta rätt

Oljekannan som kommer upp i displayen är en indikering på att det är daxs för en oljeservice. Detta milintervall kan man styra själv genom att gå in i menyn i displayen. Har för mig att preset miltalet är 35 mil och det låter konstigt att du fick upp symbolen vid 70mil, men det kan förklaras att den firman som gjorde din service just valde att lägga intervallet på 70 mil. Har för mig att din nästa service ska ligga på 300mil vid gatkörning (enligt service manual). Snacka med din Aprilia verkstad om servicesymbolen. Jag vet att det kan vara problem att hitta denna info i din handbok eftersom att det inte står något om denna symbol.

Tack å bock


Ny medlem
Gick med
4 Feb 2007
Suzuki RMZ450 -07, KTM 530 -08
Ska vara timmar på oljekannsymbolen

Resetting Oil Service Indicator (Oil Can Icon)
Press and hold SCROLL, turn key to on position, and continue holding SCROLL until "WS" appears in the lower right hand corner of the display.
Press SCROLL to cycle through available settings until the oil service icon (oil can) appears, and then press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to confirm your selection.
The display will show "NO" which will be flashing. Press SCROLL to switch to "YES" which indicates that you have performed the service and want to reset the notification, and then press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to confirm your selection.
The display will show four digits, which are the number of operational hours before the service icon will reappear; an entry of "0000" will disable the icon entirely. The first digit will be flashing. Press SCROLL to increase the digit by one unit. Waiting 5 seconds will advance the cursor by one digit.
Press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to store the setting.


Resetting General Service Indicator (Wrench Icon)
Press and hold SCROLL, turn key to on position, and continue holding SCROLL until "WS" appears in the lower right hand corner of the display.
Press SCROLL to cycle through available settings until the general service icon (wrench) appears, and then press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to confirm your selection.
The display will show "NO" which will be flashing. Press SCROLL to switch to "YES" which indicates that you have performed the service and want to reset the notification, and then press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to confirm your selection.
The display will show "Km/h" or "Mph" which indicates the units this setting will use. Press SCROLL to cycle between the two units, and then press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to confirm your selection.
The display will show 5 digits which are the number of kilometers or miles (whichever you selected) before the service icon will reappear; an entry of "00000" will disable the icon entirely. The first digit will be flashing. Press SCROLL to increase the digit by one unit. Waiting 5 seconds will advance the cursor by one digit.
Press and hold SCROLL for 5 seconds to store the setting.

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