kato nära att...


Hojlös i Barcelona!
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Hojlös! :(
Usch...hojen var verkligen inte hel nånstans, måste varit en ruggig crash.
Hoppas verkligen han klarar sig....håll tummarna för honom där hemma!

RGV Nisse

Äntligen hel!
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
RMZ450 SX144
kopierat från motogps forum


Author: kiri_46 (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: 04-06-03 10:15

He is in a coma,has had cardiac arrest and is on a respirator (right word?).....according to doctor costa and the italian press,his life is a gamble and it could be fatal.So lets pray for Kato San and hope that he gets well

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Author: Simon7 (---.gl.digi.pl)
Date: 04-06-03 10:30

Kato is so poor.Last season he didn't race well (crashes,2stroke)and the season was awful.Now I was Hopeful about Kato's great season,and he ended it with horrible crash....It's very SAD...:( hope he gets well

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Author: variable (---.abo.wanadoo.fr)
Date: 04-06-03 11:44

well thats a hell of a bad news
15 percent of chance they say

i dont know what to say about it, but...WHAT HAPPENED?

i am daïchan'first fan

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Author: eliza7 (---.cable.wanadoo.nl)
Date: 04-06-03 11:49

Terrible!!Will pray for him.

What happend?It`s not sure yet....but how he was put on that stretcher,that was really bad!I`m sure there will be somethings said about that.And they should have shown the red flag.Man,this is awefull!


Äntligen tillbaka
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Gnesta [sörmland]
Kawasaki ZXR 400 -92
Claudio Macchiagodena: `The first news we received from the medical team on the track was that Kato´s heart had stopped, and he was unconscious. Only fast action in the ambulance to resuscitate his heart gave him the chance to fight for his life, and when he arrived at the hospital he was in a slightly improved condition. There is no diagnosis in this situation, only the intention to save Kato´s life. The hospital scans confirmed serious injuries to his head, chest and neck. He is now in intensive care fighting for his life.´


MotoGP officials Paul Butler (Race Director) and Claudio Macchiagodena (Medical Director) offered the following statement regarding the incident involving Japanese rider Daijiro Kato at today´s SKYY VODKA Grand Prix of Japan at the Suzuka Circuit.

Paul Butler: `We don´t know what caused the crash, but what we all know is that it was in the braking zone approaching the chicane. There are no marks on the track and, as we always do in these cases, we have reviewed the video evidence from the live television feed and the closed circuit cameras but frankly we are none the wiser to what caused this very tragic accident to happen. This accident could have occurred at any circuit in the world. I would like to add that we are all thinking about Kato-san at this time and our sincere thoughts go out to his family, friends and team


I feel the need...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Ecoride, 2010. 0,3hk
Fy fan... Jag uppfattade aldrig att det var så illa? Men det var verkligen bara skit kvar av hojen...

Hoppas, hoppas han fixar detta.


Helmet time is good time
Gick med
6 Mar 2003

Hoppas att han klarar sig. För jäkligt om det är pga tekniskt problem med hojen som han skadat sig så illa att han kanske inte överlever.

:( :( :( :( :(


Norra Europas fattigaste kapitalist
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Ducati 1199 Panigale S ABS
Det är oroande när föraren inte rör sig efter kraschen... Hoppas verkligen att han fixar detta.. :(


På två hjul sen -89
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
ett bygge, + en 954 + YZF750R -95 som R7 stylats men också skrotats + Aprilia RS250, + RGV 250 + två RD350 + en kinamoto med egendesignade kåpor, en Stomp MiniGP och en Anaconda mingp-motard och en egenbyggd GP70racer.
kato + vård + bansäkerhet

det tycks mig mycket märkligt att dom bara lyfte upp honom på båren, direkt.
Med dessa skodor, eller rättare sagt efter en sånn crasch och en uppenbarligen livlös förare kan ju inget annat än rödflagg och läkarhjälp på platsen vara aktuellt.
(om hjärtstillestånd konstaterades och utrusting i ambulansen va enda hjälpen så är ju det korrekt, men varför inte rödflag direkt? )

smällen inträffade ju på okänt sätt men på en plats som det mig veterligen aldrig hänt nått på tidigare, detta belyser faktum att de ställen som är lite osäkra men godkännda vid banbesiktningen för att "det har aldrig hänt nått där" är dom riktigt farliga ställena.
Dessa luckor i säkerheten finns på samtliga svenska banor, har någon t.ex tittat vad som finns bakom posteringen vid ingången till esset på sviesta?
Last edited:


Very nice
Gick med
24 Feb 2002
GSX-R750WT + G650X Moto
Re: kato + vård + bansäkerhet

KJS skrev:
Dessa luckor i säkerheten finns på samtliga svenska banor, har någon t.ex tittat vad som finns bakom posteringen vid ingången till esset på sviesta?

Jag har. Simfötter på!


Ny medlem
Gick med
6 Apr 2003
R1-05,Suzuki GSX550ES-82 MED Växelindikator

Har hört att KATO har avlidit efter den skadan han fick i dag. tydligen fick han hojen rakt i huvudet.

Jag har fått information från en god vän som har pratat med de svenska kommentatorerna direkt på telefon.

En mycket svår dag för oss alla.

Daijiro Kato RIP


The one and only
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Crime Village
S1000RR -12, GSXR 1000 -07, RMX 250 -94
:( som sagt... finns inga ord... detta är verkligen en stor förlust för världen.. :(


Ny medlem
Gick med
8 Mar 2003
Ducati monster bucci 944 termis helsystem och keihin fcr 41:or andra tändboxar osv..! Samt en fullkittad aprilia sr180cc malossi motor med jolly moto trimkrök och lite annat godis!

Är det ågon som vet vart man kan se en filmsnutt ifrån olyckan, vill se vad som skedde!!!


Ny medlem
Gick med
6 Apr 2003
R1-05,Suzuki GSX550ES-82 MED Växelindikator
Nej tyvärr. jag tror inte de kommer lägga ut det heller.
när man tittar på racet ser man inte vad som händer


Kalla på Åsa!!!
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
I ett gult hus med blå dörr någonstans i Tollarp
Lilltösens depåstöd!!!

Kungen skrev:
Har hört att KATO har avlidit efter den skadan han fick i dag. tydligen fick han hojen rakt i huvudet.

Jag har fått information från en god vän som har pratat med de svenska kommentatorerna direkt på telefon.

En mycket svår dag för oss alla.

Daijiro Kato RIP

Tittade precis på Eurosport News och de sa inget om att han var avliden det står det inget om varken på Motogp.com eller Eurosport.se utan att de närmasta 48 timmarna är avgörande....


Very nice
Gick med
24 Feb 2002
GSX-R750WT + G650X Moto
Hörsägen är inte fakta. Jag för min del väntar gärna tills det kommer från officiella källor.


fd. EVIL
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Hojlös :-(
Talar om det i lite mer positiva ordalag på Eurosport News nu. Verkar inte livshotande längre men fortfarande coma.

RGV Nisse

Äntligen hel!
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
RMZ450 SX144
nytt om kato från moto.gp.coms forum låter inte bra :(

Hi to all.
I see from your posts that you don't know much about kato's condition
This is a sad sad day for motorcycling. Kato had a daughter just 10 days ago, and would be 26 tomorrow.
Here's the information I have been able to gather from the Italian press (I'm italian).
Kato's condition is very serious. He is now in deep coma. Dr Costa says there is only ONE hope of saving him... Costa says Kato has a 15% chance of survival. But the real bad news is that there was a problem between his first and second vertebrae and even if he does survive he will have lost the use of his legs, arms and even breathing.. he won't be able to breathe by himself and will need a respirator at all times. He will be paralyzed from the neck down.
About his crash not much is known. There is no video. Gibernau is the only pilot to see him. Here's what he had to say:
"I broke something on my bike at the start and stopped at the pits to fix it. When I got back in the track I found myself behind Kato. I was right behind him and I was going about 250kph and I saw him start his braking and change gears. In that place all riders follow the same line, right left right. Kato instead suddenly went left. I don't know why and even the telemetry doesn't say anything. I could not believe my eyes. I saw him go suddenly left and crash into the wall at more than 200kph and I think in 4th gear. I've never seen anything like this.
It's crazy to crash into a wall in 2003 as has happened to Melandri, Barros, Poggiali and Ukawa.. Cecchinello was lucky but he got really close to the guardrail at full speed in the straight. We can no longer race here at Suzuka and everyone has to understand this. I don't want to race here again. it would be crazy".

Also what we know is that Kato's helmet was broken in two places and he has blood at the base of his brain.
Dr Costa also said that when kato got there he had no heartbeat and wasn't breathing. They reanimated him and put him on a respirator. He was then airlifted to the hospital.
He also said that Kato's life depends on the next few hours. he had a "catetere" (I don't know the english translation for that) apllied to his leg artery to try and lower the blood temperature to 32-33 C° and thus avoid the risks of an "edema" (again don't know how to traslate it) that could be fatal.
The doctors also said he has multiple wounds all over his body and probably has more damaged bones although so far they have only been trying to take care of his head/brain and neck and the rest will come later if he survives.

Costa also said that Kato will indergo a therapy of "barbiturici" (again no translation) to reduce his brain activity and not stress the brain, and hypothermia.

And lastly about how this happened, but it's not confirmed yet... it appears some photographer noticed that his right front brake disc had the carbonium braking strip missing while the brake pump and left disc appeared to have no damage. So his brake was probably working on the left side only which mighy explain why he suddenly went left during braking. The bike in now in the custody of Dorna officials who will investigate the crash.

Well all I can say is good luck kato... we'll miss you.
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