Chris Ash skrev:
En Desmosedici hade flygit över krönet rätt in i räcket, Doohan hade 316 där med den gamla NSR:en (man kan inte hålla riktigt fullt) och då var det precis att han hade markkontakt på slutet, bägge hjulen sladdade i toppfart....
"It´s got my all-time favourite corner – where you come over the top of the hill overlooking the pits. I know it´s dangerous but to me it´s everything racing is about."
"You´re in sixth gear at over 300 kays, the bike is just about revving out and it doesnt´t want to turn. You flick it left and you run past a bank really fast. As you go through the left you´re over the brow of the hill and the track starts to fall away and there´s a little dip in the road there too. The bike also unloads the suspension as you go from one angle of lean to the other. The steering suddenly goes light and the back breaks away – the whole bike is loose. It´s breaking loose and sliding at close to top speed, then while that´s happening you knock it down two gears for the next right. To me, riding a bike lika that at those speeds is why I like racing".