Lotus Motorcycles is a joint project of Kodewa, car designer Daniel Simon and the Holzer Group.
Kodewa has recently built the new sports car Lotus T128 LMP (Le Mans Prototype)
Så som alla andra motorcykeltillverkare alltså.
Fast skall de inte utnyttja aluminium?
titan avgassystem?
Dvs. literhoj av något slag.
Fast borde inte Lotus, enligt traditionen, satsa på en mindre motor men en extremt lätt hoj?
Typ en 600:a med 125 hästar och 130 kg.
Det blir nog inga 200 hästar ur en 600cc iaf.
ÄSch då, med överladdning går det nog.
Fast med mindre vikt så behövs det inteÄSch då, med överladdning går det nog.
Det låter spontant som att det kan bli en intressant maskin, men utan folk som förstår sig på hoj-chassin så blir det ju pannkaka direkt oavsett om motorn går bra.
Fast BMW som alltid tillverkat järnspisar på räls för gubbar som kissar långsamt lyckades ju klämma ur sig en riktigt hårig hoj för inte så länge sedan. Vem hade trott det? Inte jag iallafall!
Kalex, då kanske det börjar bli lite intressantare.THE ‘Lotus’ name has been spreading around over recent years – with various companies and race teams appearing under the Lotus banner despite little connection with the Norfolk-based sports car builder.
A few years ago it was straightforward. If a car said “Lotus” on it, it was probably designed and made by Lotus in Hethel. Even Chris Boardman’s revolutionary carbon-fibre ‘Lotus’ bicycle from the 1992 Olympics really was a Lotus. Over the last few years, though, that’s changed as other companies have been able to borrow the Lotus branding, sometimes with complicated results – topped by the awkward situation in 2011 when there were two unconnected Lotus F1 teams competing against each other…
The newly-minted Lotus Motorcycles company is another to brandish Colin Chapman’s initials and iconic black-and-gold colours (which themselves have little to do with Lotus and plenty to do with John Player Special cigarettes). But the level of connection with Lotus itself seems to be limited.
Little detail has been given apart from a promise of 200bhp and the fact that the bike will be designed by Daniel Simon, who’s better known for Hollywood props than any real vehicles – he’s credited with the Lightcycle design from the recent Tron sequel, as well as various Captain America vehicles.
The new company is a venture by the Holzer Group and Le Mans racing team Kodewa, which ran a Lotus-branded LMP2 car in last weekend’s Le Mans 24hrs. Holzer also owns Kalex, a fact that’s not mentioned in the press release; an unfortunate decision, perhaps, as it would have added a significant layer of credibility.
At the moment, the only image of the bike is a close up of what might be a fuel tank, complete with Lotus badge and JPS colours.
The JPS link is an interesting coincidence, as it also has connotations of the John Player Norton monocoque designed and raced by Peter Williams. Williams later went on to work for Lotus, and during the late 1990s was involved with the development of a carbon-fibre Lotus motorcycle when the original, Hethel-based considered entering the two-wheeled market.
That project was dropped when the company underwent one of its periodical changes of ownership, but Williams hopes to revive the idea once his newly-announced run of JPN replicas is completed.
Read more: http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle...cycles-firm-launched/22906.html#ixzz2XISWTyrZ
Är det här nåt mer än en löjligt påkostad rödljusracer för stenrika gubbar som redan har allt och gillar kopplingen till racing...
Motorn lär ju vara grym men hojen ser inte direkt ut att vara tänkt att svänga med, eller?
Precis, känns som en flådigare v-rod.För tankarna till ett annat designexperiment med Sir John som förlaga, nämligen Edsel.
Är det här nåt mer än en löjligt påkostad rödljusracer för stenrika gubbar som redan har allt och gillar kopplingen till racing...
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