Norick Abe död


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
Abe var ju i princip alltid bäste Yamahaförare och under andra halvan av 90-talet var GP500 repsol cup och sen fick de andra slåss om det som blev kvar något han gjorde med bravur.
Jag vill minnas att där snarare var fullt av Japaner i GP under 90-talet men det har tunnats ut radikalt. Säsongen 1997 var där 4 japaner i top7 (Abe 7:a och näst bästa yamaha efter Simon Crafar)
Kanske/troligen var det jävligt synd att han inte fortsatte att köra Honda när han gjorde debut i 500-VM. Då bytte han istället till Yamaha som lika lite som nu var den bästa hojen. Å andra sidan kan man säga att han hade sig själv att skylla: han valde att fortsätta köra för Yamaha. In i det sista. Lojalitet står högre i kurs mellan japaner än oss andra tycks det. Synd, för det hade varit skoj att se honom på en NSR 500 eller RC 211 V i VM


På två hjul sen -89
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
ett bygge, + en 954 + YZF750R -95 som R7 stylats men också skrotats + Aprilia RS250, + RGV 250 + två RD350 + en kinamoto med egendesignade kåpor, en Stomp MiniGP och en Anaconda mingp-motard och en egenbyggd GP70racer.
genombrottsracet på en BlueFox Honda 1994


japanskt tvinslag om olyckan
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Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Begravningen sker på lördag, 13 okt.




Ny medlem
Gick med
17 Mar 2004
Lessebo kommun
Honda NTV 650
fy fan....vad händer i denna världen egentligen...är det sant VARFÖR...en kille till med mörk hästsvans och R ettan....RIP...



Grinig gråhårig käring
Gick med
6 Sep 2006
Honda FT 500
Kanske/troligen var det jävligt synd att han inte fortsatte att köra Honda när han gjorde debut i 500-VM. Då bytte han istället till Yamaha som lika lite som nu var den bästa hojen. Å andra sidan kan man säga att han hade sig själv att skylla: han valde att fortsätta köra för Yamaha. In i det sista. Lojalitet står högre i kurs mellan japaner än oss andra tycks det. Synd, för det hade varit skoj att se honom på en NSR 500 eller RC 211 V i VM
Vi fick väl svaret vid helgens MotoGP! Han fick inte! Honda ville inte låta honom fortsätta i GP500 utan han skulle bara köra i Japan! Det är väl inte enda gången de har konstigheter för sig :(


Kör på tomgång
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Vi fick väl svaret vid helgens MotoGP! Han fick inte! Honda ville inte låta honom fortsätta i GP500 utan han skulle bara köra i Japan! Det är väl inte enda gången de har konstigheter för sig :(
Verkar vara ett vanligt Honda-fenomen det där att tappa bra förare för att Honda anser att de ska köra kvar i andra "lägre" mästerskap.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Foto med fans utanför templet.

Innifrån templet.


"Dude I almost hade U"
Gick med
12 May 2004
Med pathfinder, hamilton och djävulen centralt i s
snyft, Abe med sin något annorlunda körstil kommer man aldrig att glömma, mycket tragiskt att läsa om detta.

Abe is reported to have collided with a truck, while riding a motorcycle near the city of Kawasaki, after it made an 'illegal' U-turn in front of him.

Abe was one of Japan's most celebrated racing heroes, having burst on the scene by battling for victory as a Honda wild-card in the 1994 500cc Japanese Grand Prix. Abe fell three corners from the finish, but had done enough to earn a full time ride with Kenny Roberts' factory Yamaha team for the following season.

The 19-year-old took his first 500GP podium at Suzuka in 1995, but it was at Suzuka '96 that Abe etched his name firmly in the record books - by becoming the first home rider to win the 500cc Japanese GP, and turning him into a national hero overnight.

"I can remember everything about that race," recalled Abe, speaking in 2005. "It was my second season with Yamaha and I had been very fast in pre-season. The first two races of the year were in Malaysia and Indonesia, but they both went very badly for me, worse than they had done in my debut season in '95. The third round was my home grand prix at Suzuka and there was so much pressure on me to do well, it was unbelievable.

"In practice and qualifying I was no good and by the time the race came around the pressure had built up so much that I couldn't even think about what I was doing. In the end it worked in my favour because I just went out and raced as hard as I could. Everything came really easily and I was so fast, it was a bit of a surprise! I finished over six-seconds ahead of [future world champion] Alex Crivillé... I couldn't believe it really.

"I remember the next day the interest from the press, television stations and the fans was amazing. More importantly, people within the sport started taking me seriously. Some people weren't so sure that I had the talent to win races but after Suzuka '96 they started to look at me differently and trust in my ability. That race changed my life," declared Norick, who switched to Wayne Rainey's Yamaha team for 1997 and 1998, before becoming a d'Antin Yamaha rider from 1999 to 2002.

Abe claimed 17 podium finishes during his grand prix career, with a best championship position of fifth (1996), but struggled to convert his raw 500cc pace into the new 990cc four-stroke era that arrived in 2002.

After spending 2003 as a factory test and wild-card rider for the YZR-M1, Abe returned for one final MotoGP attack - with Tech 3 Yamaha - but finished 2004 just 13th overall and moved to World Superbike, with Yamaha France, for the 2005 and 2006 seasons.

Although close on several occasions, Abe never climbed the WSBK podium and retired from international competition at the end of last season.

Norick remained contracted to Yamaha - his employer since 1995 - and had returned home to compete in the Japanese Superbike Championship, where he held third position with one round remaining. Abe was present in the MotoGP paddock, as a spectator, during the recent Japanese Grand Prix.

One of the many people amazed by Abe's explosive 1994 Suzuka ride was a young Valentino Rossi, who later adopted the nickname 'Rossifumi' ('Norifumi' was the first name Abe used at the time) in tribute.

"I was struck immediately by this wild-card named Norifumi Abe," Rossi

wrote in his official autobiography What if I had never tried it. "Abe had long straight hair and even when he was standing still, he looked like a great character. But most of all, he rode like a madman. He was absolutely fearless. I think that that day was the fastest race of his life.

"His racing style made me think he was an absolute nutter. He took turns with his steering locked, and often had to keep himself up with his knee. His suit was usually smoking, and he overtook in the most outrageous spots. His steering finally gave out and he fell... But to me, Abe was a hero." joins the motorcycle racing world in offering its condolences to Abe's family and friends.
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Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Hittade ett bra klipp på youtube där Abe vinner Rio's GP 1999.

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