Red Bull U.S Grand Prix


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Laguna Seca!! Behöver man skriva mer ..

Fjolårets galna race med med Valentino och Stoner i huvudrollen gör att helgens drabbning inte är ett race i mängden utan här kommer det att köras hårt o det tas inga fångar...

Stoner måste bada i revanchlusta men inte vill Valentino släppa något gratis utan siktar såklart på 101:a ..

Själv är jag skeptisk till att de två hetsporrarna klarar att hålla sig på hjulen hela racet och det skulle isåfall öppna upp för en något annorlunda pall..

det tidiga palltipset ..

1. Dovi (Het på LS)
2. Lorenzo (Vykort krascha ifjol, pallen iår)
3. Nicky (ja, va faan)

Info sajter ..
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Gick med
31 Mar 2009
Vermeulen stod i pole 2006, ledde en bra bit in i racet när hojen började strula pga värmen. 2007 och 2008 har han stått på pallen. Han verkar uppenbarligen gilla banan så bli inte förvånade om han står på pallen igen.

Rossi vinner.


Diamonds and pearls don´t move this girl
Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Såklart att jag bor!!
No more!! :( :( :(
Dom visar fjolårets race på Viasat motor klockan 19:30. DET ska jag fan se.

Favorit i repris lixom. :)

Rossi vinner i helgen. Han är såå het nu. Kommer inte att nöja sig med nåt mindre än vinst. Lorenzo och Stoner vill såklart oxå förmår inte att rå på världens bästa Rossi. :krama



Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Yuki Takahashi kommer inte köra på Laguna Seca. Teamet säger att dom satt stopp för honnom där. Dom har inte råd att ta över honnom till USA. Dom har inte tillräklig ekonomi. Speciellt inte sen hans krasch i Barcelona. Teamet kommer koncentrera sig på Gabor Talmasci. Detta gör att han kommer ha 2st hojar och kan tex byta hoj i ett race om det blir regn.


Gick med
12 Jun 2007
Aprilia rs 125 *inlöst/SÅLD*
1. Rossi | becose u never question god |
2. Lorenzo | har bra fart nu |
3. Stoner | för att de e stoner |


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Yuki Takahashi kommer inte köra på Laguna Seca. Teamet säger att dom satt stopp för honnom där. Dom har inte råd att ta över honnom till USA.

hahaha .. fy va surt, kan signalen vara tydligare !

Ahhh.. honom missade iallafall jag.. Helt rätt Vermeulen har kört mkt bra däröver så visst måste LS vara en favoritbana :tummenupp

Rossi vinner i helgen. Han är såå het nu. :krama


Madhonda lika punktligt som en algblommning i Östersjön :tummenupp
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Today it´s win or hospital !
Gick med
6 Feb 2006
Ska Scott köra med två hojar nästa år?
Eller är Takahaschi på väg bort och ersättas av Gabor?


Green Meanie
Gick med
29 Aug 2003
En gul Daytona 675
Detta gör att han kommer ha 2st hojar och kan tex byta hoj i ett race om det blir regn.

Fast regn på Laguna Seca, existerar det?

Det som är roligt med Laguna Seca är att det kan bli andra än de tre som brukar vara på pallen som hamnar där. Lårenzå kan inte de rätta spåren tillräckligt bra för att nå pallen, kommer 5a eller 6a. Vale gör ett bra rejs som vanligt, men räcker inte till för att slå Stoner som blivit frisk och inte gör samma misstag som förra året. Vermeulen är som sagt bra på Laguna Seca, han kan överraska igen. Alltså:

1. Stoner
2. Vale
3. Vermeulen
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Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Takahaschi verkar passa på med att göra en operation som kommer ta 3 månader innan han kan köra igen. Så gissar att han är ute för i år från MotoGP.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Mika Kallio kommer förmodligen inte heller köra på Laguna Seca. Han skrapade bort hela nageln och skinnet ner till benet på ena fingret i sin krasch på Assen. Ingen ersättare kommer teamet ha för Kallio.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Han skrapade bort hela nageln och skinnet ner till benet på ena fingret i sin krasch på Assen.

Åh fan, mkt trist .. Undrar vilket handskmärke han körde med på Assen och vilket han kommer att använda i fortsättningen !!

"Kallio's left hand became trapped under his Desmosedici, burning away his glove and part of his finger."
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Benny C

Stadig men lite på sladd
Gick med
9 May 2008
2 st Kawasaki ZX-10R. 1 -08 och en -04 Racer limegrön och svart (blivit stulen). OBS hittelön, PM'a tips!
1. Rossi
2. Pedrosa
3. Dovi

Lorenzo krashar ut sig i jakt på Rossi och tar med sig Stoner! (högoddsare, jag vet)


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
"When he crashed during the last lap of the Assen GP, Finnish rider Mika Kallio of Team Pramac Racing, not only missed out on a great opportunity but also lost half of his ring finger on his left hand.

The injury was treated by the Clininca Mobile and the racer expressed his desire to take part in the Laguna Seca GP even though it will not be an easy task."


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Mika Kallio
“I was so excited to race at Laguna Seca, but I guess destiny wanted it to be this way and I will have to miss out, which is a pity. We have taken this decision together with Pramac Racing and I think this is probably the best way. Laguna would have been a new circuit to learn for me and with my physical condition we thought it would have been too risky. I will look after myself in the best way possible to be in good form at Sachsenring, which is one of my favorite circuits. I wish all the best to Niccolò who will have to do well for the Pramac team this weekend.”


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
The injury was treated by the Clininca Mobile and the racer expressed his desire to take part in the Laguna Seca GP even though it will not be an easy task."

läste att Mika vart hos sin läkare i finland och att man senare satte stopp för laguna seca ..


På två hjul sen -89
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
ett bygge, + en 954 + YZF750R -95 som R7 stylats men också skrotats + Aprilia RS250, + RGV 250 + två RD350 + en kinamoto med egendesignade kåpor, en Stomp MiniGP och en Anaconda mingp-motard och en egenbyggd GP70racer.
Åh fan, mkt trist .. Undrar vilket handskmärke han körde med på Assen och vilket han kommer att använda i fortsättningen !!

"Kallio's left hand became trapped under his Desmosedici, burning away his glove and part of his finger."

Alpinestars GP tech

Är nog bara en Kushitani GPR handske som skulle ha en chans att klarar den nötningen.

Den har nötningsskydd av Zylon som är det nu mest avancerade materialet som används av någon tillverkare.

Den wire som säkrar att F1 hjul inte far ut i publiken efter en crash är tillverkade av Zylon.

men när ska mc skydd börja tillverkas av M5 fiber?
"M5 is stronger and lighter than kevlar and Spectra, as well as most current armor materials in personal armor systems. It has excellent flame and thermal protection. It can outperform high performance structural composites, also because it can be glued very well, in contrast with for example dyneema. M5 is more fire resistant than Nomex. In fact, it is the most fire resistant fiber yet developed. It's less brittle than carbon fiber and won't snap when stretched and is resistant to ultra-violet rays and acid."
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Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Valentino Rossi har just nu en vinstprocent på 46% vinster på alla sina starter i GP! 100 segrar på 217 starter sen 1996. :)


Kenny Roberts Sr, Eddie Lawson och Wayne Rainey var och tränade med sina Superkartar på Laguna Seca i Fredags. Racet dom ska köra går på torsdag och då kommer Valentino Rossi också medverka.

Kenny Roberts Sr
“That’s the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever driven!"

Eddie Lawson
“I cannot believe its perfect right out of the trailer.”
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Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Livio Suppo Ducati MotoGP Project Director
“It is always great to race at Laguna and particularly so this year, with Nicky in our team! We’ll do everything we can to make sure Casey is in the best physical condition possible and to give Nicky the opportunity to ride at the level we all know he is capable of at his favourite circuits, where he has scored two wonderful victories in the past. The bike is improving all the time and we’re confident we can do well with both our riders this weekend.”

Casey Stoner
“We have had some setbacks over the past couple of races that have prevented us from showing our full potential. We have done a lot of work on the bike and found a great set-up for the race on both occasions but I have not been in good shape when it was the moment to take advantage of that work. We have come straight to America from Assen and there hasn’t been much time to recover, although I do feel better already. What we learned from last weekend is not to underestimate the symptoms. I have always liked Laguna, with its natural elevation changes, I love racing in America and the Ducati has always gone well here. We have the potential to challenge for a good result again but we’ll wait until we get out on track and see how things shape up.”

Nicky Hayden
“We still have a lot of work to do but it has been nice to see a little progress over the last few weeks and at Laguna I really need to take another big step. I don’t have any big plan or anything – it’s not that easy! All I know to do is keep trying and working at it and hope it will come. Laguna is a great track and very challenging. There are a few points that stick out but in general it is different to most tracks, which usually have a few different sections, whereas Laguna is basically just one section and you have to put it all together to make a good lap. This year we’re racing in America on the 4th of July weekend and it’s perfect – I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the holiday than at the US Grand Prix! Also the fact my brothers will be racing on the same weekend in the AMA championship helps make it special for me. This will be the first time my American fans get to see me on a Ducati so that will be cool because there are a lot of strong Ducati fans in the states. No predictions or anything but we’ll go full gas and see what happens.”

Andrea Dovizioso
“I really look forward to the race in Laguna Seca. The track itself and the whole atmosphere makes coming to Laguna a fascinating experience. Last year was the first time that I had raced in the United States and I was impressed by this track. Some parts are quite dangerous and very different from the European standard of racetracks we are used to, but the whole atmosphere is incredible and I like it a lot. I’m confident that we can have a good race here. Last year I had a good battle and finished 4th, which I was pleased with. I feel as though I’ve come fourth enough times this year though, so I hope to make the step up. At each race we’re getting closer to the leading riders but we’re still not close enough yet. So we need to work hard to get the speed and consistency we need."

Dani Pedrosa
“I’m actually really looking forward to getting to Laguna and I’m feeling confident going into the weekend - as I was before Assen. The result there wasn’t great, but there’s no reason why we can’t have a strong race in the US. I felt much better on the bike in Assen than I did in Barcelona and, although my physical fitness is not at 100 per cent because I haven’t been training as usual for quite a while, the injury is getting better and isn’t giving me any problems on the machine. The Laguna track itself is unique and it can be a lot of fun to ride - as long as you’re going quickly. When you’re struggling it obviously isn’t quite as much fun! As a team we’ve got to continue working hard and bring the whole machine package up to a level where we can compete for wins again. We’re making progress and with luck Laguna will take us closer to that target.”

Valentino Rossi
“The wonderful memory of the 100th win is still fresh, but now we have just a few days to recover before the next race, which is hard for everyone. We have to try to relax as much as possible and recharge the batteries a little, because Laguna is always a tough weekend and often very hot. Last year I had a great battle with Stoner and for me it was for sure one of the turning points of the championship and a very important win; I have some good memories. I think this year it will be hard again because Lorenzo is in brilliant form and I am sure Stoner will also be back to his best. Laguna is a great place to race and an exciting track, I also have a little trip to Los Angeles and Yamaha US first which I am looking forward to. The championship is very open at this point so we need to keep focus, get back to normal after Assen and try to get another good result this weekend.”

Jorge Lorenzo
“Last year Laguna wasn’t good for me but I don’t think about this. It’s the only time I’ve been there but I don’t see that as a problem – until 2008 I’d never won in Portugal before and I won my first race there in MotoGP, and then again this year I won in Motegi where I’d never won before, so I don’t consider any track ‘bad’ for me – the past doesn’t matter. We are feeling very strong after the last races and everyone is very motivated to continue in the same way so I am looking forward to the challenge and learning more about the track. I will do my best and hopefully that will mean we can run at the front again.”
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