The skipper (en äkta klassiker)


Gick med
8 Mar 2003
08', Triumph, Daytona 675
The skipper
Check out the picture (nothing unusual).


  • skipper.jpg
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Gick med
8 Mar 2003
08', Triumph, Daytona 675
Now read this:

In Sweden it is a bit of a custom for the groom to be kidnapped and whisked off somewhere for his stag night, which usually lasts all day and all night- rather than the typical British stag night where you all arrange it beforehand, go out, get drunk and hire a stripper.

The Swedes do it different. The groom has no idea until he gets nabbed. He might be dressed up in something crazy... and go do something funny...and then the fun starts!

This particular guy is a keen sailor. And when he was kidnapped for his stag night they pasted a false "skippers-beard" on him and put him at the helm of a 60-foot yacht and let him be skipper for the day.

Much beer and fine food was consumed. But nothing nasty happened to him at all...
In the evening when, they got back on land and were getting cleaned up for the nightclub, they all had a sauna as is customary in Sweden.

Imagine the groom’s horror when he walked into the sauna where his naked buddies were waiting for him and then to notice that best mate number one had no pubic hair ...

neither did friend two ...
nor three ...
or four...

Now check out the false beard again...........


Gick med
8 Mar 2003
08', Triumph, Daytona 675
vår käre hjälte kanske borde överväga att byta polare eller vad säger ni? :D
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