Here in Sweden we have "drivers responsibility" not "owners responsibility"
that´s why U can hide your face. The police can identify the car but not the driver. (speed camera photo)
Do not worry about the high speed cameras. They only take pics on the front of the mc. (and U do not have any license plate in the front)
Cops do not use laser at night.
E6 is a highway
Skinnställ är ALLTID rätt!!!
Man vill inte va med om en marksyning UTAN rätt utrustning.
Been there, done that!
Men självklart skall passformen vara bra! (som ngn skrev i föregående inlägg)
There is a road from Helsingborg to Göteborg who is going along the coast. Very nice road. I think there are some kilometres gravel, but I am not sure.
i think it is called "Ginstleden" :yoparty