CS Ikväll!


Trek Domane
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Exhojar: ZXR750 '91, ZX-9R '99, ZX-6R '01
Goines skrev:

Jag är i Balmora och invånarna här är allt lite avogt inställda till utbölingar, som de ser på saken. Om jag överlever och tar mig ut härifrån styr jag kosan mot SH-servern senare inatt.

- You better run for ya lives ya rotten creatures from the dark. The wooden elves are here to make the Emperor's words become law! Behold the silver arrows, beware the shining sword! Die scum, DIEEE!

*host* :rolleyes:


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
I mina träningskläder
Kona CC 04
abstruse skrev:
Jag är i Balmora och invånarna här är allt lite avogt inställda till utbölingar, som de ser på saken. Om jag överlever och tar mig ut härifrån styr jag kosan mot SH-servern senare inatt.

- You better run for ya lives ya rotten creatures from the dark. The wooden elves are here to make the Emperor's words become law! Behold the silver arrows, beware the shining sword! Die scum, DIEEE!

*host* :rolleyes:

Be aware! The Emperor's spies shall haunt you down...those who turn their heads away will see the fearful destiny in the reflection of the sword of the Blade - the Emperor's agent. (Aaand for you all to know...the wooden elves...is like grasshopers...N-E-R-D-S...that is...And for you all too know 2: The Blade is the spellsword - the true warrior with mysterious magic power) :fyllisar


Trek Domane
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Exhojar: ZXR750 '91, ZX-9R '99, ZX-6R '01
Acrid skrev:
Be aware! The Emperor's spies shall haunt you down...those who turn their heads away will see the fearful destiny in the reflection of the sword of the Blade - the Emperor's agent. (Aaand for you all to know...the wooden elves...is like grasshopers...N-E-R-D-S...that is...And for you all too know 2: The Blade is the spellsword - the true warrior with mysterious magic power) :fyllisar

-Filthy Bagginses.Oh..we hates those disgusting filthy hobbitses don't we, Precious? We hates them....THIEVES!!! Oh..thief Baggins! :mad:

Oj, fel film, my bad!... :rolleyes:

-My elven fellows! Let 'em blades experience how their hearts turn into ice when our arrows of mithril pierce their weak bodies! We ARE the real spies of the Emperor, WE do NOT reveal our true identities on a public internet forum, WE do NOT... ....eeerh.... *host* :rodnar

Äääh, miffo! :6surkart


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Acrid skrev:
Be aware! The Emperor's spies shall haunt you down...those who turn their heads away will see the fearful destiny in the reflection of the sword of the Blade - the Emperor's agent. (Aaand for you all to know...the wooden elves...is like grasshopers...N-E-R-D-S...that is...And for you all too know 2: The Blade is the spellsword - the true warrior with mysterious magic power) :fyllisar

Acrid, lägg av med knarket på vardagar. :3freak



Gick med
6 Mar 2003
I mina träningskläder
Kona CC 04
abstruse skrev:
-Filthy Bagginses.Oh..we hates those disgusting filthy hobbitses don't we, Precious? We hates them....THIEVES!!! Oh..thief Baggins! :mad:

Oj, fel film, my bad!... :rolleyes:

-My elven fellows! Let 'em blades experience how their hearts turn into ice when our arrows of mithril pierce their weak bodies! We ARE the real spies of the Emperor, WE do NOT reveal our true identities on a public internet forum, WE do NOT... ....eeerh.... *host* :rodnar

Äääh, miffo! :6surkart

False, dishonest creature! We mustn't trust Sméagol...I certainly do not. Only speaks of Káwa....not good..not good at all my friends.

- Are u gonna pay for that?
- Talk to the hand...and remember...I'll be back... :tungan
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