Det börjar närma sig... Jerez!


Ny medlem
Gick med
19 Feb 2005
Hojlös för tillfället
Jag var lite tveksam efter racet och tyckte nog att Rossi va liiiite väl het på gröten. Men, efter att ha sett filmen ett par gånger så måste jag säga att det helt klart var en "racing incident"

Båda vill vinna, ingen vill backa av. Sete gav Rossi precis tillräckligt med lucka för att han skulle lyckas. Och förresten, vem bryr sig (förutom Sete) om att Rossi inte kunde hålla spåret!? Han vann ju för tusan!

Jag tror att Sete tänkte på det där racet ifjol (kommer inte ihåg när det var, Donington?) då Rossi ledde in i sista kurvan men tog ett för snävt spår och Sete som tog höjd kunde köra om strax innan mållinjen. Tror inte han vill göra samma misstag...



Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Ninjaboy skrev:
Någon som vet varför KRJr och Shane Byrne bröt? Man är ju lite intresserad av KTM-motorn som Byrne var så nöjd med, pajade den eller var det något annat?

Pressmedelandet från KR:

The first of 17 races was the first also for the new Proton KR powered by KTM, and an early retirement for rider Shane "Shakey" Byrne was a clear reflection that these are still very early days for the marriage between the England-built chassis and the Austrian engine.

Minor problems in the new-this-year single qualifying session meant a 20th-place position at the back of the grid for Byrne, and then a short race when a misfire that surfaced in morning warm-up returned for the race. Shakey retired with 25 laps remaining.

"I had a bit of a problem with the engine spluttering in the warm-up, and we thought it was fixed - but it came back early in the race. I pulled to the side of the track, and the engine wasn't running right, so there was no point in going on," the Kentish rider said.

"It's been one of those weekends when everything that could go wrong did go wrong - but we learned a lot, and I'm much happier chassis-wise. There's plenty of potential there," he added.

Team owner Kenny Roberts said: "It's going to be a while. This weekend was not as good as it could have been, and we have a lot of work to do. But this was really only our third test, and things are always tough when you start late."

Rider and team are confident that things will get better, with a new-generation '05 engine expected for the French GP in mid-May. Team manager Chuck Aksland said: "We're still trying to understand the machine as well as Shakey's requirements. We will have a new generation motor for Le Mans, lighter than this one, and with some other differences from what we have already learned."

Shakey´s rapport. Tydligen var d strul med att motorn fortsatte varva efter att gasen hade släppts:

Well I guess it’s probably pretty obvious that things didn’t go our way at Jerez at the weekend. It’s a funny old balance racing, I have two weekends racing throughout my whole 8 full seasons of doing it that were special, special as in everything went my way, I had no dramas, you almost feel like you could walk on water, they were my first ever race weekend which was at Brands hatch on my ZXR400 when I won 1st time out and the other was once again at Brands a couple of years ago when I won the 2 World super bike races but the funny thing is that even a semi good weekend totally blows away any memories of bad weekends, last weekend my team did an awesome job again for me, we got a load of positives out of the bike and they like I said blow away all the bad bits. I felt that we were in a position to start pushing hard, really ride the bike and not just kinda ride around on it and that feeling is so good for a racer, it’s that feeling of being able to push something as hard as you can that makes any problem feel irrelevant.
That potential, that feeling, we just didn’t get a chance to put together out on the track, we had a few little problems that prevented it all coming together which was a shame, the race didn’t last either, we could’ve done with the data that we would’ve collected over a race distance but I had a problem which meant I had to pull out early, it’s a shame really because the whole team worked so hard all weekend and it would have been real good to get out there in the race and pull in a point or two, for sure it would’ve been even better to get the thing into the top 10 but I think we’re going to have to be patient for now and build towards that as the season goes on, anyway thanks for all the hard work boys!!!!
The most gutting thing about Jerez is that after the race a few of us headed up to the hills on the scooters for a bit of a mess around, DJ and I went up there during the test the other week and had a right giggle, this time Alex, Chaz, Casey and I headed up but unfortunately on the way up I had a big accident, the Spanish had layed a load of tarmac where the gravel started last time, we were flat out across the tarmac then at the end was the 1st fairly steep climb, at the edge of the tarmac there was loads of bags of rubbish and cans and stuff so I got on the gravel to start the climb went over the rubbish then the scooter literally stopped dead at about 40mph and sent me straight over the bars, all I had on was team clothing, I skinned my left hand, my right elbow and knee and to top it off knocked myself out, it was massive I tell ya, I needed that not!!!, the boys got one of the Dr’s from Dr Costa’s up and got me to the medical centre, I felt a right pratt, I’d been racing all weekend then I crash a bloody scooter!!!, god knows what I hit, the boys said there were some big rock things in amongst the rubbish so it must’ve been one of them!!!
Midlife, Mrs M, Midlife’s daughter, Chaz and I left Jerez Monday morning as Mrs M and Emma were on a flight home from Faro which was on the way between Jerez and Estoril so we dropped them off and then cruised up to Estoril, we got here about 5 ish so Chaz and I went and ran 2 laps of the track, Midlife was giving it the big one about us doing nothing all day so I got one of my mountain bikes out and said there you go and made him cycle round with us, poor old Midlife, springs to mind, he was blowing on the uphill bits!!!! I’m confident that everything will be better at Estoril though, I think I might steer clear of any scooter antics this time!!!, I think that it’s going to be a bit of a difficult weekend though because I’ve not seen the track before.
The track looks quite good fun in places, it’ll certainly take some learning, there’s a few places where you fly into like a hairpin that then opens out then tightens up again, it should be fun!!! I think that’s more than enough for today, we’re off into town now and to check out there shopping centre’s and take a walk along the beach so I’m outta here, one things for sure, I along with the whole team will be giving it 110% this and every weekend, keep cheering for us, we’ll be there soon!!!!


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Chris Ash skrev:
Jovisst finns det "domare" eller disciplinnämnd eller vad man kallar det. Hur processen går till vid eventuellt fråntagande av segern vet jag dock inte i detalj. I fallet Loris capirossi-Tetsuya harada var det väl så att Capirossi först fråntogs segern men sedan fick tillbaka den.

Nån (Axxexxs eller Mattias kanske?) Kan nog det bättre än jag.

Domare måste finnas på alla race. Eva Gödke kommer vara domare nu på SM-premiären på Anderstorp tex.

Chris Ash

Kapten Gars
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
En gammal en
Nyteknik skrev:
Låter bekant. Att han orkar...

Tycker synd om Kenny...det är en jäkligt cool idé att driva ett eget team och försöka konkurrera med jättarna och när han äntligen gjorde en fantastisk hoj så kom den ett år för sent...


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
Chris Ash skrev:
Tycker synd om Kenny...det är en jäkligt cool idé att driva ett eget team och försöka konkurrera med jättarna och när han äntligen gjorde en fantastisk hoj så kom den ett år för sent...
Jo, man var ju överlyckliga när den nya V-4 motorn testades i slutet av förra året. Och varvtiderna var det sannerligen inget fel på. Men när konkurrenterna radar upp byggen som är ännu värre blir det samma sak säsong efter säsong: "We have a lot of work to do...".

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