Hur länge stannar Hayden hos Ducati?


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
Han gnällde satan på samma chassi som Biaggi gnällde på..

Jag vet inte hur jag ska förhålla mig till dig ibland :krama

Men här e en intrevju från och gissa vem som stortjuter som ett litet barn..

Kanske förståeligt.! Max kände väl på sig tidigt vem av d två som körde bäst och resultatet 2005 Max 5:a och Nicky 3:a var säkert inte vad han tänkte sig "utmanaråret" ..

Intervju från 2005 ..

“We started from a bad situation, just like in Sepang,” said the Italian. “Since Motegi, we haven't been competitive at all. This is not just a problem with the set-up of the machine, it's something bigger than that.”

“Working on the set-up, you can improve things like corner entry, but not everything. It's more than an engine management problem. Since Motegi, it has been impossible to go into or out of the corners quickly, the bike just doesn't turn. Nothing is working at all anymore.”

“Here again, from Thursday to Saturday it was the same. In the race, the machine just stopped, we had some electronic problems. It's unbelievable. It happens all to me. What can I say?” :hihi

“All my hopes are gone… This weekend, I couldn't fight for the podium again, this is so frustrating. I believe I should be able to fight for the podium on any track, but since Motegi, it's over, all the problems are coming back at once. We didn't change the settings which worked well at Brno and Motegi, it should have worked at Sepang, one of my favourite tracks - I had been the fastest there during the winter tests, but this time the bike didn't work, I was always spinning, had no traction. So there must be something much more serious than just chassis or suspension set-up problems.”

“I’m so happy to be to be on the podium,” smiled Hayden, whose 16 points moves him up to fifth overall. “Before the race things weren’t going to plan. In the morning warm-up we were so slow and were in real trouble. My guys made some changes and I have to be real grateful to them as they got it right and that’s why I got third. The bike was so much better in the race than it had been all weekend - so much faster.”

“The Michelins were brilliant - so much grip! I got an awesome start. In turn one my buddy Sete ran into the back of me again but I stayed on. In the race I just hung on in there. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it back but I’m here. I was pushing so hard to stay with the lead group and there were some pretty scary moments. It wasn’t pretty with Sete running off but I’ll take the result the way the weekend was going.”
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Slipar röven
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
yamaha xt660r
Skillnaden är att Biaggi fick det nya chassiet, Hayden åkte på det gamla beprövade hela 2005.
Biaggi låg före Hayden i tabellen fram till dess.
Sen när Hayden fick samma chassi efter säsongen så gick det långsamt med mycket problem..


Kör på tomgång
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Pedrosa har väl haft en aning hårdare motstånd än det fanns 2006?
2006 satt stoner på en moppe som han vurpade konstant, Yamaha hade driftstörningar. Capirex skadad etc.
Förutsättningarna finns, bara inte lika lätt att vinna en titel som det var 2006.
I mitt minne så satt Pedrosa på samma material som världsmästaren, på hojen som vann konstruktörsmästerskapet och körde i teamet som vann teammästerskapet överlägset. Pedrosa slutade femma.

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
I mitt minne så satt Pedrosa på samma material som världsmästaren, på hojen som vann konstruktörsmästerskapet och körde i teamet som vann teammästerskapet överlägset. Pedrosa slutade femma.
Haydens och pedrosas hojar var väsentligt olika. Inte en del var samm i princip.


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Jag har MotoGP Technology från Haynes hemma med smaskiga bilder från 990-tiden. Finns ett bra uppslag där de jämför Hayden och Pedrosas hojar. Minns inte exakt när bilderna togs men de körde absolut inte på samma hoj just då. Ram och sving skiljer grymt mycket. Kan försöka scanna/fota detta om intresse finns...

Säger inte att nån i tråden har fel, minns inte när bilderna är tagna som sagt. Det är bara väldigt intressant att se hur stora skillnader det kan vara på "samma hoj".


Kör på tomgång
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Haydens och pedrosas hojar var väsentligt olika. Inte en del var samms i princip.
Hur menar du? Pedrosas hoj gjordes medvetet sämre så att han inte skulle kunna prestera efter sin förmåga? :va

Förstår inte varför 2006 skulle vara ett så lätt år att prestera på.
Nicky blev femma sitt debutår. Max Biaggi och Rossi blev tvåa på sina. Capirossi och Bayliss sexa. Lorenzo som fick liknande förutsättningar som Pedrosa (gå till fabriksstallet när fabriksstallet ligger i vinnarläget) blev fyra.

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Bl.a därför faller Puigs uttalande 2008 om att Nicky skulle ha kopierat Danis inställningar platt till nonsens..
Vi pratar 2006 här.

Hur menar du? Pedrosas hoj gjordes medvetet sämre så att han inte skulle kunna prestera efter sin förmåga? :va

Förstår inte varför 2006 skulle vara ett så lätt år att prestera på.
Nicky blev femma sitt debutår. Max Biaggi och Rossi blev tvåa på sina. Capirossi och Bayliss sexa. Lorenzo som fick liknande förutsättningar som Pedrosa (gå till fabriksstallet när fabriksstallet ligger i vinnarläget) blev fyra.
Hayden körde "evolutionsmodellen" av RC211V:n. Pedrosa hade den gamla modellen med samma uppdateringar som Melandri, ungeäfr. Bägge cyklarna hade såklart sina för och nackdelar men de var väsentligt olika. Pedrosa erbjöds att köra en likadan hoj som hayden men avstod eftersom de gjort alla försäsongstesterna på den gamla modellen och han var rookie.
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Kör på tomgång
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Hayden körde "evolutionsmodellen" av RC211V:n. Pedrosa hade den gamla modellen med samma uppdateringar som Melandri, ungeäfr. Bägge cyklarna hade såklart sina för och nackdelar men de var väsentligt olika. Pedrosa erbjöds att köra en likadan hoj som hayden men avstod eftersom de gjort alla försäsongstesterna på den gamla modellen och han var rookie.
Men om 2006 nu var "året utan motstånd" så kunde man kanske förvänta sig bättre resultat? Gamla modellen blev tvåa och trea året innan i händerna på just Melandri och Hayden.
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Gick med
6 Mar 2003


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
28 Jun 2005
Gsx-r 1000 Racehoj
After six seasons in MotoGP with Repsol Honda, highlighted by victory in the 2006 world championship, Nicky Hayden became Casey Stoner's third different Ducati Marlboro team-mate in as many seasons for 2009.

It was a formidable task, given the prior experiences of Loris Capirossi and Marco Melandri with the 800cc Desmosedici. And Hayden wasn't only changing teams and bikes, but also tyres - having spent his entire career with Michelin - and just as MotoGP slashed winter testing.

The 2009 season started with a worrying twelfth from 16th on the grid at Qatar, following a big qualifying accident, and Hayden was then taken out on lap one of the Japanese GP. However, steady improvements since have taken the American to a best of fourth on the grid (Germany) and fifth in a race (America).

For comparison, Melandri also claimed a best race result of fifth last year, but didn't start higher than eleventh on the grid. Hayden, who has scored 46 points, is now just five points behind Melandri's total for the entire 2008 season.

During Wednesday's London media launch for the British Grand Prix, sat down with Hayden to discuss his first nine races as a Ducati rider - including his progress with the bike, the 'myths' surrounding the Desmosedici, life alongside Casey Stoner, where he stands regarding the 2010 season and more..

Following your first ride on the Ducati, during testing at Valencia last year, if someone had told you that after nine races you'd have qualified a best of fourth and finished a best of fifth, what would you have said?

Nicky Hayden:
I'd have been mad at them! I knew after the first day it was going to be hard but I hoped to have a better season up to now than I've had. It's been a lot of work but I'm quite proud of the team and everybody. The way we've hung in there and made progress. We've made some real progress this season. The level now in MotoGP is so high it's been tough for us. But I've got a smile on my face again and I'm looking forward to the second half of the season.

Has Nicky Hayden changed to suit the bike, or has the bike changed to suit Nicky Hayden?

Nicky Hayden:
It's been a combination. I've had to adjust my style a lot and learn a lot. Just to understand and get a feel for the bike. Also the team, they did a lot of work to change the bike to suit me better. We've changed the riding position in the last few weeks and that's helped a lot. Just spending more time on the bike and with the team has been a big help.

There are conflicting opinions about riding the Ducati. Some people say you should just pin the throttle wide open but others, including Niccolo Canepa, say you have to be very gentle with the throttle...

Nicky Hayden:

You've got to be smooth with it. That myth [about pinning the throttle] is wrong! I don't know where it comes from! This bike; it's a partner. You've got to work with it and get the most out of it and be really smooth with the throttle. It's not just twist the grip man and hang on. That won't work - or not for long anyway.

The rear 'pumping' on corner exit was a big problem for you initially, how is it now?

Nicky Hayden:
We made that a lot better, actually, with some electronics. I would say, if there is one single biggest improvement that we've made, that would be it. Now I need to get some more feel from the bike and more feedback so I can find the limit.

You've been quick on the bike in the wet since the beginning, what does that tell us about you and the bike?

Nicky Hayden:
That I'm great in the wet! No... The bike in the wet is strange because it doesn't give a lot of feedback. You feel so slow in the wet because it's hard to find the limit, but then the lap time comes. Not just for me but for everybody. The bike just works well in the wet.

How big a change was it going from Honda to the Ducati, compared with say going from AMA to MotoGP, or from 990 to 800cc?

Nicky Hayden:
I don't know, those are some big changes there! It's just that it was everything; new bike, tyres, suspension, team. The team was a lot different and I think that's where we are making most of our progress now. Everybody, the engineers and within the team itself, are starting to understand me better and find those last couple of tenths that really make the difference between being just inside the points and just inside the top five. It's so close. It's not two seconds that makes the difference, it's half a second.

You're riding alongside Casey, who it seems was born to ride this bike, how are you working together?

Nicky Hayden:
We've talked about a lot of things and he's been first class all the way, but some things that work for him don't work for me. Sometimes you've got to row your own boat. But me and Casey get on well and the team atmosphere is great.

What are the main differences between you and Casey?

Nicky Hayden:
Well the results have been one of the biggest differences! It's tough to say one element, sure he gets up to speed immediately. And his style, he somehow gets heat into the tyres so quick. Early in the year I struggled a lot, getting heat into the tyres, and that is one area where he is immediately on the pace.

Is there any significant difference between you in terms braking, corner speed or acceleration?

Nicky Hayden:
Off the corners. He gets off the corners a lot better than me and carries that speed all the way down the straightaway and has a lot better top speed than I have. That's one thing that's kinda been a big question mark for me and the team, why he is always so much faster at the end of the straightaways.

And it's because he's getting out of the corners better?

Nicky Hayden:
That and a combination of maybe the electronics and my [physical] size.

I think you are on a one year deal with Ducati. You've got more points, after nine rounds, than the three other Ducati riders - other than Stoner - had last year after nine rounds. Have you done enough to show you should be with Ducati next year?

Nicky Hayden:
I'm not sure. I actually have a two year deal with Ducati, but it is their option [to stay for the second year]. They haven't renewed it yet, so we'll see. I know there are a lot of games going on in the paddock. This and that. I signed on for two years and I feel like we can do something here. I don't want to give up now that we've come this far and start again. We'll see if they renew.

When do you think you will know?

Nicky Hayden:
The deadline is still a bit away. But I would think if they really want me back I would say we're gonna know soon. If they keep dragging it along then chances are I better go look for a new spot. But I like the team and I like the bike. I really feel like, even though the results haven't been good, the work we're all putting in is starting to pay off.

You fought and beat Rossi for the title, you've been team-mate to Pedrosa and now Stoner. Lorenzo is the only rider in the present top four that you haven't either fought closely or been a team-mate with, so what do you think of this year's title fight?

Nicky Hayden:
I think it's great. As a fan of this sport, after Barcelona we had a three-way tie for the championship. That's awesome! There's been some great racing and those guys up there are really on the limit. I can appreciate how hard they are riding and how good they are riding. Hey, we'll just sit back and see what happens. Anything can happen in racing. I wouldn't want to bet against Rossi though, he's looking so strong. But we'll see.

Finally Nicky, no one has ever won the MotoGP and WSBK titles, is that something you have any interest in trying to achieve one day?

Nicky Hayden:
My goal right now is MotoGP and I love it here. Sure it's hard and to think I'm gonna get back to winning the championship - I know how tough that's gonna be - but I've done it before and, as a rider, you always want to go against the best. World Superbike has got some great racing and strong talent, but MotoGP is still where it's at.
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Gick med
31 Mar 2009
There are conflicting opinions about riding the Ducati. Some people say you should just pin the throttle wide open but others, including Niccolo Canepa, say you have to be very gentle with the throttle...

Nicky Hayden:
You've got to be smooth with it. That myth [about pinning the throttle] is wrong! I don't know where it comes from! This bike; it's a partner. You've got to work with it and get the most out of it and be really smooth with the throttle. It's not just twist the grip man and hang on. That won't work - or not for long anyway.
Vilket pucko! Alla vet ju att det bara är att vrida fullt direkct!



Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
Haydens kontrakt med Ducati tar slut efter denna säsong? I så fall kanske han blir teamkompis med Biaggi igen. Vore säkert ett kärt återseende...

”Lying 14th in the championship points race, Ducati's Nicky Hayden is having a difficult say the least. His 6th place at Brno is a highlight, and Hayden has yet to step on to the podium in 2009.The Indianapolis Grand Prix coming up in two weeks time is absolutely critical for Nicky Hayden. Another race in the States for the native, and another chance to impress Ducati (or some other potential employer) that he is a worthwhile signing for next year. As a former World champ, you would think Hayden would have no trouble finding a job for 2010 somewhere in the MotoGP paddock, but the 28 year old really needs to consistently run near the front to garner some bargaining leverage for the next season.”


Slipar röven
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
yamaha xt660r

Krigsrubriker och Hayden går verkligen hand i hand 2009 ..

Hayden har såklart gjort mer hos Ducati 2009 än någon realist vågat hoppas på :tummenupp

Svagt minne av en hel del folk som var rätt orealistiska och trodde Hayden skulle köra Ducatin mycket bättre än melandri..
De som gjort något är väl de hos ducati som ändrat attityd så att cykeln numer verka funka ok för de andra förarna?


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
Hayden har såklart gjort mer hos Ducati 2009 än någon realist vågat hoppas på :tummenupp
Han ligger på plats 14 i tabellen; bakom Toseland och De Angelis.

Jag tolkar det du skriver som ironi/skadeglädje med avseende på hans poäng. 57 på 11 race.

Ett snitt på 5 poäng / race.

Genomsnittsplacering / race: 11

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Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Bördig från Pålsboda
Skeppshult damcykel
FireSalle skrev:
5-8-3-1-8-6...bevis nog för att han inte är ett one-hit-wonder.

Nu tar du ju min sida! Ditt exempel är ju jättebra för att visa att Hayden verkligen var ett one-hit-wonder.

Hans fyra första säsonger (samma team: det bästa i mästerskapet) är en stadig förbättring som kulminerar 2006 då han blir mästare med färre slutpoäng än Kenny Roberts Jr när han blev 500-mästare; trots att säsongen 2006 omfattade ett race ytterligare (17 jämfört med 16) än när Roberts blev mästare. Den minst övertygande mästaren någonsin, om man så vill.

Se Haydens poängsvit sedan 2003:


Man behöver inte vara Einstein för att se trenden.

När jag tänker på Hayden, ser jag en mental bild av ett amerikanskt musikfenomen som kom från ingenstans och sedan...


  • 3.jpg
    23.4 KB · Visningar: 30


Kör på tomgång
Gick med
14 Apr 2003
Nu tar du ju min sida! Ditt exempel är ju jättebra för att visa att Hayden verkligen var ett one-hit-wonder.
Som jag ser det är det få förare i fältet som matchar hans resultat-svit. Någon Rossi är han inte, men skulle man ta bort alla som inte är det ur fältet skulle det bli löjligt tomt på gridden.
samma team: det bästa i mästerskapet
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