Nya 600cc klassen= Moto2


Trefaldig världsmästare
Gick med
23 Sep 2008
Det verkar vara ett intressant koncept. Många pekar på att reglementet är begränsande in i absurdum och visst kan jag hålla med om det. Samtidigt håller väl den gamla klyschan om ett steg bakåt, två steg framåt, mycket väl i det här fallet.

Med ett reglemente som inte uppmuntrar till enorma utvecklings- och produktionskostnader samt håller alla på en jämn (låg) nivå kan det bli borga för en nystart i racingen.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Reglementet för årets Spanska Moto2.

Jag hittade ingen överstrykningsfunktion - så det som i reglerna är struket har jag färgat rött = struket och ej använt i CEV-Moto2. Ändringarna i reglerna är för att underlätta team att använda delar från Supersporthojar.

Fins även rykten om att man kommer låta 250GP-cyklar få delta i denna klassen med.


CEV 2009

Technical Regulations

1. Engine
1.1 4-stroke engines only.
1.2 Engine capacity: maximum 600cc.
1.3 4 cylinders maximum.
1.4 No oval pistons.
1.5 Engines must be normally aspirated. No turbo-charging, no super-charging.
1.6 Engine speed limited to maximum: 16,000 rpm. 4-cylinder engines
15,500 rpm. 3-cylinder engines
15,000 rpm. 2-cylinder engines
An electronic system supplied by the Organisers will be permanently attached to
monitor and control engine speed

1.7 Pneumatic valve operation is not permitted.
1.8 Inlet and Exhaust valves must be of conventional type (reciprocating poppet valves).
1.9 Variable valve timing or variable valve lift systems are not permitted.
1.10 Only wet-sump type engine lubrication systems are permitted.
1.11 Minimum weight of complete engine with throttle body, dry:
53 kg 4-cylinder
50 kg 3-cylinder
47 kg 2 cylinder

2. Inlet & Fuel System
2.1 Variable-length inlet tract systems are not permitted.
2.2 Only one throttle control valve per cylinder is permitted. No other moving devices are
permitted in the inlet tract before the engine intake valve.

2.3 Throttle bodies will have a maximum internal diameter (must be perfectly circle except
for the area of dent or groove to allow the injector to come out)
at engine side out-let of:
42 mm for 4-cylinder
48 mm for 3-cylinder
59 mm for 2-cylinder
2.4 Fuel injectors will be restricted to a defined type (tba, based on cost).
2.5 Fuel pressure must not exceed 5.0 bar.
2.6 No artificial cooling of intake air or fuel.
2.7 Only air or air/fuel mixture is permitted in the induction tract and combustion chamber.
2.8 No direct fuel injection into the cylinder/head/combustion chamber.
2.9 All engines must function on normal unleaded fuel with a maximum lead content of
0.005 g/l (unleaded) and a maximum MON of 90 (see also Art. 2.10 for full fuel
specifications and RFME fuel specifications).

3. Exhaust system
3.1 Variable length exhaust systems are not permitted.
3.2 Noise limit will be a maximum of 120 dB/A, measured in a static test.
4. Transmission
4.1 A maximum of 6 gearbox speeds is permitted.
4.2 A maximum of 3 alternate gear ratios for each gearbox speed, and 2 alternate ratios for
the primary drive gear is permitted. Teams will be required to declare the gearbox ratios
for each gear used at the beginning of the season.

4.3 Electro-mechanical or electro-hydraulic clutch actuating systems are not permitted.

5. Ignition, Electronics & Data-Logging
5.1 Data logger system will be supplied by the series Organizer.
5.2 Only the ECU/fuel injection control units supplied by the series Organiser are allowed to
be fitted to the motorcycle. Electronic control units include the timing transponder,
engine RPM control, and datalogger systems. No other electronic control or datalogging
systems will be allowed on the motorcycle. The price of ECU unit made by each engine
manufacturer must be equal to or less than about Euro650.

6. Chassis
6.1 Chassis will be a prototype, the design and construction of which is free within the
constraints of the FIM Grand Prix Technical Regulations. The frame, swing-arm, fuel
tank, seat and cowling are forbidden to use from a non-prototype as series production
road-going motorcycle.
6.2 Minimum Total Weight: 135kg for 4-cylinder
130kg for 3-cylinder
125kg for 2-cylinder
6.3 No carbon brake discs.

7. Wheels & Tyres
7.1 No carbon composite wheels.
7.2 The maximum permitted wheel rim width is: Front 4.00”
Rear 6.00” or 6.25”
7.3 The only permitted wheel rim diameter is: Front 17”
Rear 17”
7.4 The number of slick tyres allocated to each rider per event will be controlled.

8. Materials & Construction
8.1 Construction materials will be limited to exclude expensive “non-conventional” materials
and manufacturing methods (a list will be issued).

8.2 The following components must be made from iron-based alloys:
Valve springs, camshafts, crankshafts, connecting rods, piston pins, brake discs.
8.3 Engine crankcases and cylinder heads must be made from cast aluminum alloys.
8.4 Pistons must be made from an aluminum alloy.

9. General
9.1 Number of machines: the team can scrutineer only one motorcycle per rider.
9.2 Number of engines: a maximum of 2 complete engines per rider is permitted at any
event. Teams will be required to register engine serial numbers at Technical Control on
the day before the first practice.

9.3 Apart from the above regulations, all other construction criteria, dimensions and
specifications are as per the FIM Grand Prix Regulations.
9.4 The engine (excluding exhaust, throttle bodies and ECU) used in a race is available to
be purchased by another competitor in the same race for a fixed price of €20,000
(Euro). Such purchase request must be made in writing to Race Direction within the
protest period, that is within 60 minutes after the official end of the race. The transaction
and delivery will be completed immediately at the end of the 60 minute protest period
and will be underwritten by IRTA. Teams refusing to sell when presented with a valid
request will be disqualified.

Boris JR

Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
2 Apr 2003
Men vad trevligt att de tar bort folkrace regeln och en del annat av det jag ogillade mest....frågan är hur mycket kostnaderna kommer att skena när de inte begränsar varken varv eller antal motorer per helg...


Snabbare än fy fan jävla skit-sege!
Gick med
13 Dec 2003
ZX-6R SST 600
Men vad trevligt att de tar bort folkrace regeln och en del annat av det jag ogillade mest....frågan är hur mycket kostnaderna kommer att skena när de inte begränsar varken varv eller antal motorer per helg...

Detta gäller ju bara spanska mästerskapet för att kunna få fram team snabbt. Till VM så blir det säkert med dom reglerna som var satta ifrån början.


raj raj
Gick med
21 Mar 2009
Är inblandad i det hela tack vare jobbet (kan inte säga mera), och jag håller med er att det är tråkiga begränsingar när det kommer till motorer, elektronik (löjligt), och klassen kommer att bli betydligt långsammare än 250cc, samtidigt som vi kommer antagligen att forlora stora aktörerna som aprilia. Dock ser det positivt ut när det kommer till utveckling av prototypramar, remember the 70's? T.ex. verkar det som spondon kommer att samarbeta med Norton, Harris är sugen på att bygga ramar igen, Bimota är också sugen, det får tillbaka gamla namn i racet som kan innebära innovativa lösnignar och därmed roliga hojar att köpa därefter!
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