Premiär: MotoGP Qatar - 9:e Mars, 2008.


MotoGP URT 3 seed: 5
Gick med
22 Sep 2004
ZX6R (såld) Triumph Street Triple R 2010
Ja, då var det äntligen snart dags igen. Vi börjar med den utsökta banan på Qatar och om jag inte har fel så blir det första nattrejset i MotoGP (det blev väl bestämt till slut?).

Så här såg sista träningen på Jerez ut om det nu spelar någon roll:

Ska bli intressant framförallt om Rossi gör bättre ifrån sig på Bridgestone-sulorna. Verkar vara liten skillnad på Michelin och Bridgestone f.t. om man får tro nyhetsavdelningen på

Nu finns det iaf inte fler ursäkter för Rossi förutsatt att motorn hänger på Duccarna.

Vad tror expertpanelen?


MotoGP URT 3 seed: 5
Gick med
22 Sep 2004
ZX6R (såld) Triumph Street Triple R 2010
2008 MotoGP Season Preview :

125 and 250 Preview:


MotoGP: Qatar goes floodlit for 2008


31 August 2007 16:31

It’s been a year in the coming, but the 2008 Qatar MotoGP race has been confirmed as being run under floodlights in the series’ first ever night race.
The venue will be festooned with spot and floodlights in what is claimed to be the biggest lighting project ever undertaken for a sporting event. And we all had such trouble seeing the race during daylight hours.
The reason stated for the change is to synch the staging of the race with European TV schedules, though the move to a Sunday slot for 2008 from its traditional Saturday running will likely work just as well.
The race has been slated for March 9, making it the season opener.



Last edited:


Gick med
20 May 2005
Tillsvidare hojlös
Men... det är ju en hel vecka kvar... :(

Jag ser fram emot årets säsong, det ska bli mycket spännande att se alla youngsters och se om de kan leva upp till sin attityd (främst Lorenzo då ;) )


Mullsjö Maniac
Gick med
14 Feb 2007
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 K9 extra allt! KTM 690 SMC-R -13
Inte hängde det på däcken i alla fall för Rossi, endast motorn enligt min mening! Har dom inte ordning på den nu, tillförlitlighet + effekt så kan han glömma att vinna i år!
Stoner vinner i år igen tror jag!
Vet inte varför han bytte egentligen, han var ju snabbare i kurvorna än alla andra:confused:

Han blev väl inte sponsrad med däck till rallybilen :rolleyes:


Inte hängde det på däcken i alla fall för Rossi, endast motorn enligt min mening!
Då har du och Yamahas teamchef olika syn på Rossi problem ;)

And Fiat Yamaha team boss Davide Brivio told MCN: “Last year with Casey it was frustrating some times for us because we had a gap on the engine and on many occasions we had a gap on tyres.

“We can’t make tyres so we tried to fill this gap choosing the same tyre and also we worked very hard on the bike and on the engine.

“It is not that we changed to Bridgestone to be on the same tyres as Casey.

“Valentino’s feeling on the track following the Bridgestone riders was that in some occasion it looks like the tyres suited more what his request, needs and his expectations are.

“He felt quite confident that this could have been a change that might help. We are looking at more consistency on the performance and we are confident that we have done the right thing.”

samuel w

Team Wiking Racing
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
R6 v4.0
Är det bara själva racet som ska gå på natten, eller är det även träningar och kval?


Gick med
6 Mar 2003
YZF250, GSXR750
TV tider på Eurosport:

Fredag 7/3
21:00 Moto GP Träning
22:00 250 Träning

Lördag 8/3
20:45 Moto GP Kval
22:00 250 Kval

Söndag 9/3
17:30 Intro
17:45 125 Race
19:00 250 Race
21:15 Moto GP Race


MotoGP URT 3 seed: 5
Gick med
22 Sep 2004
ZX6R (såld) Triumph Street Triple R 2010
As day turns to night Stoner is the best
Qatar Test: Day/Night 1


Racing at night. It's like PGR for real. Everyone admits that it's a brilliant way to liven up a crap circuit. It seems everyone is really excited about seeing a MotoGP race run at night. The thrill of witnessing the light sparkling off the most exclusive motorcycle racing machines in the world to a dead black background will be something else.

The riders love the idea too. Usually change is greeted with a long list of complaints among the self-loving MotoGP riders - all keen to have an excuse ready in their pocket should it all go Ellisonish. But, as day 1 (or night 1?) of the first ever night test finished, the sulking, even in the silence of the desert night, was inaudable. The MotoGP stars loved it. Even the riders like Rossi and Hayden who, for whatever reason, underachieved were still full of praise.
In short every person in the known universe universally agreed that this whole 'night race' idea was one of utter excitement. Everyone, that is, but the boring twat Danni Pedrosa.

Thumbelina is a special guy. He finds explosions dull. He'd complain about winning the lottery. He'd even, as we know, pick faults in a MotoGP championship designed just for him. He could easily be the dullest, miserable knee-high person currently occupying this, or any, planet.

So what didn't Danni like about the night test? Was he up too late? Was the black, blank background still too interesting? No (or 'maybe' at least). Danni was upset because the lights hurt his eyes.


Meanwhile others got on with it.

The 2008 MotoGP championship will be won by Casey Stoner. Of this there is no doubt.
The test was seven hours long. Within the first 45 minutes the son-of-a-convict posted a lap three seconds faster than everyone else. This time was never beaten.
2008 looks like being completely crap again.
"It's those Bridgestone tyres!" cry the anti-Ducati brigade…but Stoner was the only Bridgestone rider in the top five.
"It's Ducati!" cry the Rossi fans…but the next Ducati was Elias in eleventh.
"Err….he's an uneducated Australian!" Anthony West has also proven this doesn't mean success.

Adventure travel to some of the world's least visited destinations. Take a river cruise down the Congo, visit remote tribes in Angola or dive in the Dahlak Islands of Eritrea. Oh and we can arrange travel to MotoGP if you want!

So the season's gonna be crap? Yup. Or at least the battle for the champion will be. But as that aspect, like Biaggi's real hair, fades away and looks more like a rotting turd with each second that goes by, thankfully, help at hand. The new boys!

King Midas Lorenzo. Randy 'he'll never succeed on a Honda' de Puniet. Andrea 'in the shadow of Lorenzo's head' Dovizioso. Piano boy Toseland and the certified insane Alex de Angelis filled the next five positions. And this is very, very good news. Even better news, nearly, than when we learnt that Foggy's bid to start a MotoGP team had failed.

Losers? Well the old boys really. But none more than the Italian horse-faced donkey Marco 'I was once fresh' Melandri.
Last season Marco suffered from extreme randomness. Sometimes fast. Sometimes slow. Sometimes both. For 2008 he seems to already cast that problem aside as he is now just consistently rubbish…whilst his team-mate dominates.

Team Suzuki had another poor day. Being in the middle of a desert there was never really much hope of rain for Vermeulen to shine whereas Loris was obviously less motivated than ever knowing that Ben Spies is already set to replace him at Suzuki for 2009.

Qatar Test: Day 1
1. Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro Team (B) 1min 55.330 secs
2. Jorge Lorenzo SPA Fiat Yamaha Team (M) 1min 56.019 secs
3. Randy de Puniet FRA LCR Honda MotoGP (M) 1min 56.062 secs
4. Andrea Dovizioso ITA JiR Scot Team (M) 1min 56.121 secs
5. James Toseland GBR Yamaha Tech 3 (M) 1min 56.251 secs
6. Alex de Angelis RSM San Carlo Honda Gresini (B) 1min 56.571 secs
7. John Hopkins USA Kawasaki Racing Team (B) 1min 56.614 secs
8. Dani Pedrosa SPA Repsol Honda Team (M) 1min 56.621 secs
9. Valentino Rossi ITA Fiat Yamaha Team (B) 1min 56.749 secs
10. Colin Edwards USA Yamaha Tech 3 (M) 1min 56.762 secs
11. Toni Elias SPA Alice Team (B) 1min 57.007 secs
12. Nicky Hayden USA Repsol Honda Team (M) 1min 57.010 secs
13. Shinya Nakano JPN San Carlo Honda Gresini (B) 1min 57.223 secs
14. Chris Vermeulen AUS Rizla Suzuki MotoGP (B) 1min 57.522 secs
15. Loris Capirossi ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP (B) 1min 57.551 secs
16. Marco Melandri ITA Ducati Marlboro Team (B) 1min 57.593 secs
17. Sylvain Guintoli FRA Alice Team (B) 1min 57.644 secs
18. Anthony West AUS Kawasaki Racing Team (B) 1min 57.787 secs




Thumbelina is a special guy. He finds explosions dull. He'd complain about winning the lottery. He'd even, as we know, pick faults in a MotoGP championship designed just for him. He could easily be the dullest, miserable knee-high person currently occupying this, or any, planet.


Ny medlem
Gick med
8 Aug 2006
O så ska man ligga ute på jobb hela helgen de är så man kan hålla sig för skratt sllaå!!:huvet


Gick med
8 Mar 2003
Äntligen nåt vettigt att se på TV! MotoGP-säsongen borde skjutas så det tävlas under vintertid istället.


Diamonds and pearls don´t move this girl
Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Såklart att jag bor!!
No more!! :( :( :(
HURRA...en lång vinters väntan är över.!!! :banana

Ska bli spännande att följa denna säsong...hoppas nu att Rossis Yamma håller måttet. Ja och han själv oxå såklart. Men det är nog inte det största
problemet. :rolleyes:

Och det kommer att bli hårda strider tror jag. Nya rookies som är hungriga som fan, och gamla godingar som vill visa vart skåpet ska stå.

Och äntligen kommer den nya 50 tums tv:n till sin rätt. :tummenupp



Ska bli spännande att följa denna säsong...hoppas nu att Rossis Yamma håller måttet.
Risken är nog stor att du och många andra Rossi-fans blir besvikna. Men visst vore det kul om han kunde ge Stoner en match. Men sen har han ju en ny yngling i det egna teamet som han bara måste slå.


EX SP Nr:90
Gick med
25 Aug 2003
Några olika
Undrar om Rossi har laddat sin ursäktsburk. Detta kan bli spännande. En höjdare vore ju om Lorenzo verkligen höll sig långt framför sin 'teamkompis', "We have some problems with the tyres" :D
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