Samåkning i Lund

F. Void

Ny medlem
Gick med
22 May 2014
KTM RC8R 2009
Satt för övrigt och pillade lite igårkväll... Vi behöver definitivt en logga! :D



Ny medlem
Gick med
28 Aug 2014
2011, Ninja 250r / 2013, Kawa er6f
Here it comes KNIX

I really do not know what went wrong, It was only in 2nd gear speed around 30-40 km/h

no sudden gas and no front or back braking !!!

Again tips and comments are welcome...

Worth mentioning, that day ended up 2 bikes went down. Me and a rider in yellow group (intermediate level).
I was the fastest in green group (beginner). And my instructor told me my riding was ok. ��
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Ny medlem
Gick med
3 Aug 2010
XT660X - 06
Here it comes KNIX

Well its really hard to say what you did wrong from the cameras perspective, its was obviusly very slippery. So i cant really give you any pointers on your riding style, bodypositioning and so on, but other things might have added on to the crash, tiertempeture, roadtempeture and so on. Maybe you just came in with an odd angel, seems to me that you where turning the frontwhell maybe a bit to hard into the corner. Obviously its all just speculations. Good that your ok and the bike too! Dont get scared by this now, you need to keep at it.


Ny medlem
Gick med
28 Aug 2014
2011, Ninja 250r / 2013, Kawa er6f
............ tiertempeture, roadtempeture and so on. ......... you need to keep at it.

I agree it was cold tire
I arrived at the gokartbanen at 8:30 and our group start riding at 10:00
we drove for only 10 minutes at that low speed and rain then crash happened.


I also uploaded now the crash clip without music to hear engine sound

I will not gave up, I am so determinant to get better and better


Ny medlem
Gick med
16 Feb 2011
Ducati Monster 696 -11
From my experiance with riding the er6, its not a good idea to hold in the clutch all the way in to a curve, but to release it before you start to bring the bike down for a turn.
It sounds like u did just that. (cant see what u are doing with the fingers^^)
Held in the clutch and when u where leaning, u started to release it. (my english?!) Hope you know what i am trying to explain. =)
The er6 is fairly easy to ride on the road. You need to be more considerate on wich gear you shoose, then stronger bikes, so you get that smooth riding. But on the track it can be crusual not to try to ride it like any other bike with 4 cyl and smoother gear change.
At least from my little experiance with it.
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Ny medlem
Gick med
16 Feb 2011
Ducati Monster 696 -11
Vad tusan snackar ni om med gummibands effekter o skit?!?
Det är ju för fasen bara att GAZZA!! =D:arsele:tuttar:tummenupp
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Gick med
30 Apr 2011
Kwikasfuki R -19
I really do not know what went wrong, It was only in 2nd gear speed around 30-40 km/h and no sudden gas and no front or back braking !!!

Again tips and comments are welcome...

The track at Klippan is know to be very slippery when wet.
From what I can see your riding right in the blackest patch of asphalt (which is rubber from gocarts) while the instructor ahead is taking a tighter line going inside the patch.
Water on rubber is not a good combination (unless you like slippery surfaces!)...
It's very hard to say if you did anything wrong, except choosing the wrong part of the track to ride on.
Pajret has a good theory there but if you release the clutch while turning in a corner the backwheel would have kicked out first.
To me it looks like the frontwheel is sliding away from you...
Nothing to do other than get up and get going again (trying to avoid the rubbered patches next time its raining).

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Det var inte jag
Gick med
22 Sep 2003
Svenska Rivieran
Aprilia RSV4 Factory, Aprilia RS250 ,RD350-84
Skip the rain exercise, at least on standard tires. if you must take trackdays in rainy days get your self some rain tyres, the go out and have some fun ...

asking me its just a waste of money doing what you just did!


Gick med
30 Apr 2011
Kwikasfuki R -19
Vad tusan snackar ni om med gummibands effekter o skit?!?
Det är ju för fasen bara att GAZZA!! =D:arsele:tuttar:tummenupp

Säger hon som inte ens har hoj längre... :tungan

Det var länge sedan man såg dig här inne.
Hur lever livet med dig?
Vad blev det (om det har blivit något än)?


Ny medlem
Gick med
28 Aug 2014
2011, Ninja 250r / 2013, Kawa er6f
From my experiance with riding the er6, .....

umm usually I do not do that (I keep the engine engaged in gear to slow down). I looked again on the original clip (with better sound quality, direct from GoPro), I still hear engine sound rpm at 3000sh.

But you are right when rpm is high it needs more attention to select proper gear (I guess torque plays role here)

Thanks for comment


Ny medlem
Gick med
28 Aug 2014
2011, Ninja 250r / 2013, Kawa er6f
The track at Klippan is know to be very slippery when wet.........

Oh, I went back and this time focused on the instructor, you are right.. we had 2 different paths.
(I was asking myself, why he did not fall down :död ?)

Thanks for that tip, I will avoid black areas

I'm going there on Sunday and weather broadcast is not good :huvet
It will rain


Gick med
6 Aug 2006
Ducati SF 848
Jag e rätt sugen på en sväng imorgon. När hade ni tänkt bege er?
Kan från lite innan lunch till 16-17 ish..


Ny medlem
Gick med
16 Feb 2011
Ducati Monster 696 -11
Säger hon som inte ens har hoj längre... :tungan

Det var länge sedan man såg dig här inne.
Hur lever livet med dig?
Vad blev det (om det har blivit något än)?

Nej, ja vet! Hade gärna haft en och visat hur det går till. ;)
Lätt att vara kaxig när man sitter på avbytare bänken.
Inte så lönt för mig att vara aktiv här. Man får ju bara gazz ångest av att läsa om alla era turer.
Du verkar ha haft en shyst resa iaf. :tummenupp
Ingen unge än. Men det dröjer inte många dagar till innan det är dags. Det är en kille jag väntar. =)

Men gazza lite extra för mig, så blir det kanske några turer för mig nästa år istället. :tuttar


Gick med
30 Apr 2011
Kwikasfuki R -19
Jag får nog tyvärr hoppa över dagens övningar :gråta
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