Supermoto des Nations


Ny medlem
Gick med
8 Dec 2005
Race Rapport.

Barrett skrev:
2502553 13:e på Huvell & 11:e på Ejdehage just NU! Båda ser ut att kunna avancera. Heja!

Edit: Caprani & dom andra danskarna är för bakfulla för att orka ett helt rejs :)
Edit2: Nu 10:a & 12:a! Huvell plockar dansken oxå. Tar nu sekunder per varv!
Edit3: Attans. Dansken måste dopat sig med en pilsner innan start. Huvell hade honom. SM-mästaren körde ju som en gud! Låg ett tag under rejset på stadigt höga 1:16-tider. Man fick leta sig upp till Fabio Balducci som då låg på 4:e placering för att hitta någon som körde fortare! Respekt!

Lördagens kval blev inte riktigt som Sverige hade hoppats.

Klass S1 Martin Lind kör som fan ligger 4:a tills 3 varv kvar då han går omkull och bryter 3 revben så det var ingen kul start för Sverige.

Klass S2 Jörgen Huvell gör ett bra race och kör in som 7:a

Klass Open Johan Ejdehage får motorstopp direkt i starten och får ej igång cykeln.

Så förutsättningarna inför dagens race var verkligen ej dom bästa all heder till Martin Lind trots svåra smärtor körde han dagens race.

Race 1 (S1+S2) Jörgen Huvell+Martin Lind.

Både Jörgen och Martin kör bra med tanke på martins skada och eftersom dom fick starta bland de sista eftersom kvalet igår gick dåligt.

Jörgen Huvell 12:a Martin Lind 15 vann gjorde Ivan Lazzarini Italien före Adrian Chareyre 3:a kom Massimo Belltrami.

Norges Henning Brokerud kom 9:a Kent Finkenhagen 21:a
Danmark Mikkel Caprani 14 och Steen Sörensen 20.

Race 2 (S2+Open) Jörgen Huvell+Johan Ejdehage.

Jörgen och Johan kör bra Jörgen är jävligt nöjd efter ha kört upp sig från 23:a till 12:a hans bästa varv tid 1.16.805 var lika bra som killen som kom 6:a. Johan gör ett bra race och slutar 10:a.

Vann gjorde Massimo Belltrami Italien före Sylvain Bidart Frankrike och Fabio Balducci Italien.

Norge Henning Brokerud 14 Ståle Björdal 25.
Danmark. Mikkel Capprani 11:a Andreas Mikkelsen 20.

Race 3 (S1+Open) Johan Ejdehage+Martin Lind.

Martin Lind gör ett kanon race han hade väldigt ont körde in som 10:a Johan körde också bra slutade 14.

Vann gjorde Adrian Chareye Frankrike före Ivan Lazzarini Italien och 3:a blev Christian Iddon England.

Norge Här gjorde Kent Finkenhagen ett kanon race och blev 8:a Ståle Björdal slutade 12:a.
Danmark Steen Sörensen 15+Andreas Mikkelsen 16.


Italien 1
Frankrike 2
England 3
Italien Juniorer 4
Irland 5
Sverige 6
Norge 7

Jag tycker Sverige gjorde en kanon bra insats med tanke på kvalet igår och Martin Linds skada.:tummenupp :tummenupp :tummenupp :) :)

Största överaskningen var Italiens junior lag I Race 1 körde Ricardo Cavazzaro in som 4:a. och i Race 2 körde han in som 5:a.:tummenupp :tummenupp :tummenupp


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
sleepy1 skrev:
2502906 :tummenupp

Lördagens kval blev inte riktigt som Sverige hade hoppats.

Klass S1 Martin Lind kör som fan ligger 4:a tills 3 varv kvar då han går omkull och bryter 3 revben så det var ingen kul start för Sverige.
Som vi misstänkte alltså med Martins skada. Jäkla skit att han inte kan få till det till 100%. Ejdehage kör stopp, har det hänt förut :va
Bra kört som tusan av grabbarna såklart, allihop. Jörgen verkade ju kokhet med ruggiga tider. En sjätteplats är ju inget annat än SUCCÈ tycker iaf jag :yoparty :)

Hoppas vi snart får se sändningen....

Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Superduke och Nikon
Fint som skam! Hade allt gått som det borde så hade sverige ju bergis blivit ännu bättre. De hade lika långt ner till 7:e platsen som de hade upp till 4:e ;)..

- Johan


It's an attitude, not a wheelsize...
Gick med
28 Jan 2004
Honda CR 500 & Husqvarna Rödmyra
Supermoto skrev:
2504171 Som vi misstänkte alltså med Martins skada. Jäkla skit att han inte kan få till det till 100%. Ejdehage kör stopp, har det hänt förut :va
Bra kört som tusan av grabbarna såklart, allihop. Jörgen verkade ju kokhet med ruggiga tider. En sjätteplats är ju inget annat än SUCCÈ tycker iaf jag :yoparty :)

Hoppas vi snart får se sändningen....

Johans stopp kom j..ligt olämpligt och berodde på att tändningen helt enkelt la av under uppvärmningsvarven. Vi plockade delar från reservhojen och kom igång igen till finalerna.



Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Lindhracing skrev:
2507154 Johans stopp kom j..ligt olämpligt och berodde på att tändningen helt enkelt la av under uppvärmningsvarven. Vi plockade delar från reservhojen och kom igång igen till finalerna.

Team Managers :tummenupp

Är det inte farbror Lindh ungefär i mitten....
Vill se massa bra bilder nu :yoparty


It's an attitude, not a wheelsize...
Gick med
28 Jan 2004
Honda CR 500 & Husqvarna Rödmyra
Spider skrev:
2508396 Vilket team är det som kör med rosa som sin färg ? :rolleyes: Tänkte höra om dom har plats för en rookie i sitt stall ?:hoppa

Det är våra "smörjmedelskonsulter". Man måste ju vara noga med oljebyten och så...:D



Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Racerapport från DCR. De skötte det mesta vad gällde bergare som var med i SMofNations. Lite skoj läsning tycker iaf jag.

Han säger bl.a att Martin t.o.m spräckte käken :skrämd och att han körde med whisky :dricka på kvällen för smärtan. Efter racet direkt till sjukan :ätapiller
Krya på dig Martin !!!

Preparations for the first ever Supermoto des Nations for the DCR team began about six weeks ago when we found out that Husaberg rider Greg Kinsella had been picked for the Irish team. We had to prep the 2007 model 650 that he had previously ridden twice in England, prior to this event.

David Larsson, International sales manager for Husaberg, also asked us if we could prep a bike for one of the South African team riders. We agreed to do this and he put us in touch with the South African Importer, who then asked if we could actually help two riders, which we said we should be able to manage. We were told they would arrive in England on the Wednesday before the event to test ride the bikes before going to Ireland.
A week and a half to go before the event I got a call “Hello Dave, it is Koky, we are at Preston station”, my reply to which was “what the hell are you doing there?!” They had turned up ten days before the race! I picked them up and brought them back to the DCR workshop, the riders Michael and Riaan excitedly asked which were their bikes?
Mike was told he would be riding Andy Mitchell’s championship winning 450 and Riaan was shown a frame with just the engine in as his ride. He asked “Is it fast?” and was told “well it will be when it gets the suspension and wheels in!”

On the Thursday, DCR team leader Andy Mitchell and mechanic Andy Fawcett took them down to Trax, an excellent practice track here in Preston for a serious workout. We took them practicing again on the Sunday, then for more serious training in the Preston night spots on Tuesday evening, before they boarded a plane to Belfast on the Wednesday before the race.

Back at the DCR workshop, Dave and mechanic Andy had fully loaded the van on Thursday and set off to get the overnight Norfolkline ferry to Belfast, arriving at the Bishopscourt circuit at 8 o’clock on Friday morning. We started work reframing Greg’s bike with a DCR stiffened frame, on completion it was presented to technical control and proved to be the quietest and lightest bike at the meeting. Thanks to WDS air suspension, it weighed in at 110kg with fuel and was the only bike to go straight through technical control.

The South African team meanwhile had struck very lucky, after meeting a guy in a pub who offered to loan them his £100,000 race truck for the weekend – this could only happen in Ireland!

Saturday – Qualifying

Not all Husaberg riders had a trouble free run, Greg qualified 5th in the SM1 class, South African riders Mike Kok and Riaan Neveling improved more and more as the day went on and SMR rider Keith Farmer came into the pits with his engine running ok but oil leaking out of a crack in the crank case. Husaberg R&D rider Martin Linde crashed heavily, breaking 3 ribs and cracking his jaw in the process and Portuguese riderAntonio Oliviera broke a main bearing in the engine. The outcome of all this was a happy Greg qualifying 5th , Mike qualifying 6th and Riaan 7th, Keith Farmers SMR team had to swap engines, Martin Linde drank whisky for the pain and DCR International Rescue came to the aid of the Portuguese team. DCR mechanic Andy Fawcett and myself stripped down their engine to see that it was the main bearing we needed, a call to Irish dealer Stephen Duddy arranged for the parts to be there first thing on Sunday.

Sunday – Race day

We arrived at the track at 8am to meet the Portuguese team and Stephen Duddy, who told us he would be twenty minutes when we phoned him as he hadn’t arrived. An hour and a half later he arrived after having a twenty mile trip to do, I told him I used to have a van like that too!
Andy and Stephen started to assemble the engine while I prepared Greg’s engine for free practice. After free practice I prepped Greg’s bike for the first race, finishing just as the Portuguese engine was ready and the team brought in the chassis, which we fitted the engine into. The bike started on the second kick with half an hour to spare before the first race – not bad even by DCR standards!

Race 1 S1 and S2

With most teams opting to put the 450 riders at the front of the grid, Greg had to start from the back row and rode like a hero to finish 5th. South African Riaan Neveling kept pushing hard to finish 16th and the Portuguese rider Antonio Oliviera made it to the finish in 19th place, but the hero of the race in DCR terms was Husaberg R&D Swedish team rider Martin Linde who looking like he had done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson managing to finish 18th, broken bones and all.

Race 2 S2 and Open

There were only two Husaberg riders in this race, Irish rider Keith Farmer and South African Mike Kok had to start from the back of the grid, Keith finished 16th and Mike 15th.

Race 3 S1 and Open

Full size bikes on a full size track, that was what the crowds had come to see, and when you saw the fastest motard riders on the fastest motard bikes in the world thundering down the monstrously long start straight to the first corner, it was one of the most awesome sights you will ever see. Especially as there had been a heavy rain downpour ten minutes before the start of the race, making it very slippery. The best of the Husaberg riders was Greg Kinsella who rode really well to finish 6th and got 3rd overall in the S1 class.
Keith Farmer also rode well, starting from the back of the grid again he started slowly building up speed lap after lap to look more like the hard charging rider we have been seeing all year, finishing 9th helping the Irish team to finish 5th overall.
South Africans, Mike and Riaan both rode extremely well considering that neither had ridden in the rain before, finishing 11th and 17th respectively. Portuguese rider Antonio Oliviera managed to finish 19th after his mad dash engine rebuild.
Swede Martin Linde once again rode through the pain to finish 18th, then went straight to hospital, get well soon!


This was a fantastic event, where nations from all over the world came together to race for their country, and there was a very special atmosphere. There was a slight glitch when the organisers put up the wrong flag for the Irish team, causing some people to get a bit stressed!

Thanks must go to Winston Buchanan, team leader for the Irish team, organizing the race truck to work in and looking after the riders, he was always busy and under pressure but did a great job.

It was great to meet and help out Husaberg riders from other countries, thanks to all the sponsors and to DCR mechanic Andy Fawcett for his time and help.
Vinn vårt testvinnande mc-lås!

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