Lance introduced me to the delights of this rarified form of motoring with a demonstration of the effect of the racing cam. "Watch this," he said, as he dropped into Third at about 2,000 rpm and bore down on the throttle........ text....text......
Reventlow stayed on the throttle until the tack hit 5,500 and the scenery was a blur. The inexorable torque stayed the same, according to the hard pressure on hips and shoul*ders, until he backed off. In the "mild" range again, he slowed to 15 mph, then pulled away strongly in top gear. "That's what I mean," he said. "It's really two cars in one. One is a lamb and the other is a raging lion. And you can turn them off and on with a touch on the throttle. You can putter around town for a year and never call on the fierce side of the car's dual personality. But the instant you want that real wild performance, it's there."