TLR-Johan skrev:
Vad e TRE-modden? Är det den som tar bort spärren på vxl 1-5??
Står tokmycket om TRE eller Resistor-mod som den också kallas, om du kollar länkarna ovan.
En kort förklaring tagen från John´s sajt:
"An extremely easy mod that anyone with soldering equipment can do. It is supposed to remove the second gear bog which (may) occur when "nailing it" in 2nd gear at low revs. It has been speculated that this is a ignition retard that is supposed to reduce the wheelie happiness (read: tank slap risk reduction).
The idea is lock the ECU (TL brain) to think it is always in 6th gear. By this, it does not retard the ignition. Why not lock it in 1st or 4th? Because in 5th and 6th it compensates for the additional ram-air pressure in the air box. It may thus run lean at high speed causing overheating etc.
1. Remove the lower and right side fairing.
2. Find the 3 cable connector (black/white, blue, white cables). See fig 4.
3. Cut the pink wire and remove some isolation from the black/white.
4. Solder either of the ways shown in fig 5.
The gear sensor is a device which changes its resistance depending on the gear. So by disconnecting this one and instead mounting a constant resistor with the appropriate resistance, the goal can be accomplished. Personally I did't feel that much of a difference. As can be seen in Fig. 6, I used the variable version."