Typisk SM-racinginfo 2005!


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Mer info om tävlingen i Tranås den 13 Juni.

Arrangör: Tranås Motorsällskap
Tävlingsplats: Sommens samhälle
Vägbeskrivning: Väg32 15km norr Tranås, ta av mot Lugna Landet

Besiktning: 07.00-09.00

Förarsammanträde: 09.00

Träning grupp 1 09.30-09.50 20 min
Träning grupp 2 10.00-10.20 20 min
Träning grupp 3 10.30-10.50 20 min

Tidsträning grupp 1 11.00-11.20 20 min
Tidsträning grupp 2 11.30-11.50 20 min
Tidsträning grupp 3 12.00-12.20 20 min

Lunch 12.30-13.20

C-final 13.30 12 min + 2 varv
B-final 14.00 12 min + 2 varv
A-final 14.30 15 min + 2 varv

Vinnare/na av C-final / B-final klassas upp till nästa grupp beroende på hur många förare
banlicens tillåter

Vid lika väderlek under tidsträning, placeras förarna på startplattan efter snabbaste tid i tidsträningen, oavsett träninggrupp. Vid olika väderlek, t.ex. regn och sol, tar man snabbaste förare från varje grupp att
placeras 1:a 2:a 3:a på startplattan, näst snabbaste förare från varje grupp blir 4:a 5:a 6:a
osv. Svemodomare avgör när det ena eller det andra systemet skall tillämpas.


4 x 690 cup
Gick med
7 Nov 2003
KTM 690 SuperMonoRäser 08, BVR 730 SuperMono
Tävling Gävle

Enligt Svemos tävlingskalender är det tävling i Gävle 10/7.
Någon som vet mer?


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
megagossen skrev:
Enligt Svemos tävlingskalender är det tävling i Gävle 10/7.
Någon som vet mer?
Just fanken. Såg det igår. Glömde fylla i listan. Ebbe, Heda mfl där upe lär väl veta....

Nu är listan uppdaterad med den infon jag har....

Kolla SMK Gävle och klicka 'kalender' för mer info
Last edited:


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Mer info om tävlingen i Tommelilla 19-20/6

Svampabanan, ca 3 km från Tomelilla centrum. 400 m från Svampakorset där Riksväg 19 och 11 möts.

Fredag 12:00 Depån öppnar.
18:00-21:00 Administrativ incheckning.
22:00 Depån stängs.

Lördag 07:00-08:00 Administrativ incheckning och besiktning.
09:00-09:40 Träning.
09:45 Förarsammanträde
10:15-11:35 Tidskval (startnummerordning)
12:15 Inledande kval, 4 heat
13:20 Uppsamlingsheat, 2 heat
19:00 Grillfest i depån
22:00 Depån stängs.

Söndag 12:30 Semifinaler och sista chansen.
13:30 Final

Mera information och resultat efter tävlingen hittar ni på:
Last edited:


knatter knatter...igen
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Trehundra kubikare
ang tomelilla...

ser ut som vi ska köra tidskval och en massa heat på schemat.
vad gör tidskvalet för nytta då?

eller e det rallycross och motard blandat?


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
rejser skrev:
ang tomelilla...

ser ut som vi ska köra tidskval och en massa heat på schemat.
vad gör tidskvalet för nytta då?

eller e det rallycross och motard blandat?
Inte en aning :confused:


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Hur ser kalendern ut f;r senare i sommar...
T'nkte komma upp och åka nåt rejs i augusti typ om nåt passar mellan rejsen här...


Bifogar krönika för helgens strapatser:

Well, let’s start this report with an excuse for not having written any for a while. The reason is two:
1. The last two races haven’t exactly gone my way and I just haven’t felt like sharing that with the world.
2. I work at a bike shop (Bike Parts, Dendermonde) and it’s been spring/summer making us pull 10-12 hour shifts 6 days a week. I’ve in other words been working, sleeping, training, fixing my bike and building on our new race truck for the last months.

But, this week it was different finally (and I have this Monday morning off).
I can just say briefly about the race in Bilstain a few weeks back that marked the beginning of the Belgian Championship.
It was NOT a success to say the least sending me home with 0 points and a bit broken confidence. In Bilstain there were an off road part that was aprox 400m long with a totally crazy jump. I never got the hang of it and I guess most didn’t. Even the guys I spoke to with a quite solid MX background had problems with it as it was not well made. A LOT of crashes there. And for the rest it was just a bit too much offroad for me. Anyway I got to 15’th in the semifinal after a crash on the first lap making me finish the first lap dead last, 36’th. That made me start both finals on 30’th spot which in it self makes for a rough ride. A major crash in the jump made me retire in the first final and the second final I decided to take all the risks in the first lap and then play it reasonably safe. I went from 30 to 19 that first lap but got hit from behind in a braking sending me to the ground and the bike stalled. Finished 25 or something. But enough of that.
What I came home knowing was that I had lost 5-7 seconds on the long dirt part to the really fast riders but more or less nothing on the tarmac.
This was a bit discomforting as I’ve been riding so much cross the last months, but I guess it’s difficult to make up for the fact that a lot of the guys have been put on mx bikes by their fathers when they where 6 years old and I just my entry into that part of bike riding for real just recently. So I got home, parked the bike and did nothing for a few days and then made the decision to start riding more and tougher MX. Said and done. The last weeks I’ve been riding 2-3 times a week on a quite rough little track with a nasty table top and I’ve pulled shifts until I wanted to puke and then a little more. After a while I got the 15 meter tabletop to work quite well and the rest also a bit better and my arms have grown a bit stronger as well I guess. Just one thing. I actually broke my own rule of no bike training within 5 days of a race last week eager as I where to improve my mx-skills. Wednesday I went back out to ride a last time before this weekends races in Holland. It went quite well and my stamina had improved notecably. But I got a bit too cocky. At a few times I overtook the taple top lnding flat after it from 3-4 meters up. That hurts but it’s not really bad. After a while I noticed a bump 4 meters after the end of the big jump and started to think about really overtake it to land on the downslope of that one instead. Said and done. Daniel prepaired to make a +/- 20m jump with a landing zone that had to be correct to the meter. It didn’t go like that. As I sailed through the air I thought briefly that this is really gonna hurt and my mobile phone is in my van 100 meters away. Who is gonna call the ambulance?
I landed 1 meter too short on the upslope of the bump with 17” slicks and SM-suspensio. The last thing I remember before waking up in the grass was that my chin hit the steer. I was out for I guess just 10-15 seconds as the bike still laid down running when I came back to the wonderful world of sound, smell, vision and unfortunately pain. My first reaction as usual was to get the gs of the bike so it didn’t stall and get back on it asap. Then I realized that this was not a race and I was probably not gonna ride anything for a while anyway. I got up and I got back down again as my senses began to yet again slip away from me, unfortunately not the pain though which is what I think kept me from blacking out again. I lay down for a while and the slowly got up. Nothing seemed broken but My left knee and both my feet hurted like hell. On top of that I was a bit light headed. Usually I like that but preferably at an Irish pub with a Pint of Guinness in my hand. This time I got myself and the bike back to the van and sat down in the seat realizing that I was not gonna ride anywhere just now and hospital was out of the question. I new nothing was broken and they would just forbid me to work and race. So I did what seemed totally natural for the moment and took a nap. I set my Ericsson on 20 minutes and slept. When I woke up I put the bike in the van and very slowly went home.
The day after I limped from pains in both feet and my left knee, my right always hurts since former accidents. The day after that on Friday it got better and in the afternoon it was semi-ok… )

So, here is actually where the story of this weekend begins.
The van, which now has a gasbottle mounted under it to supply the fridge with power and soon a stove, got filled with food, bike, tools etc and away we went. We stopped by briefly to watch the first half of the Sweden-Italy football game with some Swedish guys in Antwerp but after first half when we had to continue to Holland they where down 0-1. They later got 1-1 I heard.
Anyway, we slip-streamed a few trucks to get to Veenendaal where the second race in the ONK was taking place. When we came there the industrial zone which hosted the track was closed for entrance so we set up our newly prepaired mobile “home” and went in to walk the track and sniff around a bit. The track was around a block in a square more or less. 3 sides on tarmac and one on dirt. Small jumps. Two chicanes where being prepaired on two of the tarmac straights. A fast track. That’s good I thought to my self. I usually carry the most amount of horse powers to the races or at least there about as my bike is the one used by semi-factory rider Bertrand last year. I worked for him as a mechanic in the Euro and world championships for a few years and now bought his last year bike.
We went to sleep but woke up at 3 am when the roof almost fell down on us from the extremely heavy rain. Damn I thought and fell back to sleep. Damn for a few reasons. Rain on the dirt = mud = again the MX-riders will have a huge advantage. And who likes to get wet, really?
The day of the 2’nd ONK.
In the morning the rain had stopped and it was drying up. So, we went in to the paddock and found that Ruben was already there so we parked up beside him and I opened up the back to wake up Sara who had stayed in bed and didn’t wanted to wake up at all.

-Wake up woman! We have a 6*3 meter tent to set up and a race to ride.
-My little princess wake up now. I need some help.

5 minutes later the tent was up and breakfast was on the table. And, I’m as of now warning the world and any country to keep me out of the diplomat business as there will be wars and plenty of them if I ever get a job like that.
Well, as Ruben woke up we started to prepare for the day. My bike was gonna be ridden as it was for the free practise. Rain in front and cut slick in the rear. It was almost dry but the offroad was of course gonna be a bit wet still. We both rolled out in the first group to enter the track.
200m straight, three gears down slide into a 90 right. 250m straight, 3 gears down slide into a 90 left. Double chicane and onto 250m (straight) dirt with 2 small jumps. 130 right and back onto (slippery) tarmac and a 250m straight, two down into a fast chicane and then 50 meters straight to the 90 right getting us back to the Start/Finnish. Nothing except a KX500 came close to the speed of my bike down the straights and I think I during the day got passed only 3-5 times in total on the tarmac. On the dirt I was at least ok but we were first out and it was still quite nice there when we left it. In between that and our qualification session there would be 2 more groups of bikes and one group of quads on the track to alter things a bit. And the ONK in Holland (Open Nederlandse Kampionskap, I think) hosts a bunch of really fast riders. Not as many as in Belgium but here they are compressed into one class. Parc Ferme:
2 minutes to go out on the track. Raindrops. Then the skies opened. Slick rear, no good. I went for a rain but as I was half through changing the officials let everybody out. And, as I still don’t have a 2’nd rear wheel I had to change tire on the wheel that was on. 8 minutes left of the qualification when I entered. 1m10s laps and first lap is for warming the tires a bit. Rain pouring heavily. Well, I’m a reasonable wet rider an tarmac not slower than just a few but I am not a good rider on liquid mud. And there was no time getting used to it. I qualified 23’rd out of 36. Not that good but considering.
Race one:
Semi wet track but drying up as we waited to enter. I had kept the rains on. To make it short I made a reasonable start and a reasonable race for me. Stalled the engine once but got it started quickly and took back the places lost. Kept my position and finished 23rd. Again on the wet dirt I lost 2-7 seconds to most riders and then took back a few seconds on almost everyone on the tarmac with a total loss of 3-5 seconds on the really fast ones.
Race two:
Dry track, more or less, and a bit drier dirt. However really nasty holes and tracks by now. I still kept the rains on because of the half wet dirt and the 3rd of the tarmac now being dirty. Not as good start this time but quite a nice race. Still loosing tons on most guys on the dirt but now I could use the tarmac to my advantage even a bit more. I took I guess only something like 3 places in the start and kept on well for 4 laps or so until I made a mistake after the start/finish loosing 3-5 again. Then I slowly took some back and finished 21st. But this time I at least had fun. The dirt was really hard to ride for me by now with all these crossing tracks and the really bumpy part before you had to brake to almost a stand still but I have a track like that to train on now so that’s what I’m gonna do. I will never be a fast rider on the dirt compaired to some but I will make an effort to loose less. I am however fast on the rest so given the right conditions or the right track I will stand a more than small chance of doing well. But Supermotard is not a sport where you can score heavily on just being good on one part, you have to be a good over all rider so training it is. There is nothing to blame but me this time. Bike is a monster and tires where great.

Well, after that day was concluded we said bye to Ruben who was a bit hurt after some crashes and he was not going to the next race which was the day after just 45kms away. He finished 18th in the 2nd race by the way. In the 1st 15th I think.

forts följer...


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
So, me and my little Princess packed up and went to Burger King for a Big King XXL menue for me and a salad or something for Sara. Hardly sportman like food but I do this only after races as my theory is that what ever I eat after a day like that it can never make up for the amount of energy I just lost. Good it was and off we went to new adventures. Sara slept on the way there with her ears covered for the loud Metallica playing on the stereo and her tounge hanging out from exhaustion. It had been a long day and it was still far from over.
After riding around the Enspijk area of Holland for a while looking for the track we finally found it. No camping allowed on sight which was a bit strange as they hosted an international race and there were even a sign telling us that trespassing was an offense and that the dog that was always on duty would eat us alive if we went in.
Hmmm, I wisseled a bit and made a racket with the fence to lure any guard dog out but nothing happened. So, we went in for a look. I thought about the possibility of there being a very sly dog in there anyway but came to the conclusion that there probably were not and if there were I would stay still and Sara would run so it would probably run after her anyway, hehe…
No dog.
The track was a former place for driving lessons, actually for training riding in slippery conditions it turned out! It was completely flat and the tarmac was well not that good really but reasonable. The dirt parts was one hairpin on grass, one 60 left on grass and one double apex also on grass. No, jumps. I like jumps so that was a bit sad but for the rest it seemed ok. A bit dull but ok. We met a few other guys also risking their lifes by trespassing and went for the van to park it somewhere for the night. Navigating with the GPS we went for a river just a few km’s away but there was no where to park so we asked a apple farmer if we could park up on his yard and that was ok. After that we walked to a near by village for a Heineken and found out that Holland was playing Tjeckia in the Euro cup that night so nobody took much notice of the first foreign people entering their area for decades.
Back in the van we fell asleep until 3 am when it again poured down like hell. In the morning we parked up in an already half crowded paddock mnjmkjnmnn (sorry the cat stepped on the keyboard) and again put our tent up. I walked the track a bit more carefully and started to think that this might be something for me. Not that fast only one 150m straight and for the rest nothing over 80-100m and a lot of hairpins and more or less fast corners on sometimes good and sometime bad tarmac. But as usual a lot of the big teams where there and well, most of the guys that beat me the day before had again showed up.
I entered in the 3’rd group a bit down as I had seen the other groups ride before and there where a bunch of guys riding fast like crazy. The groups where devided by starting numbers. 1st group 1-41 2nd 42-77 and 3rd 78- . I ride 106 in Holland so I was in group 3.
After a few laps in the free practise on the 50% gone rain in front and 80% gone rain in rear I noticed that people was way slower than me in most cases and after it was completed I reminded myself that there where actually no one there at all that had passed me. Laptimes we didn’t get from the free practise however and I suspected that even if I where one of the fastest in my group surely the fastest riders would be in the 1st and 2nd group as it normally is like that. Lower numbers, faster riders.
I went to the parc ferme first to get out on the track first. Better to have a free track to start with. Again on my bad rains as the grip was really really good with them. Already after a lap I started to go for it. Got a few nice laps but then people got in the way or crashed in front of me. Then again some good laps and the same thing. When they showed one lap to go I waited for a free track in front of me and went for it hard. Got through all the way clean sure to have done reasonably well at least. Damn nice slides and powersliding on this track. Coming back out to the paddock Sara told me that I had done the 3’rd fastest lap in my group which was nice. Maybe I finally would have a shot at some real points this time. 20 minutes later we went to the billboard to see what had happened. We were gonna be devided into 3 groups after how fast we were and there I was on 3 place in group C. How the hell?! I knew I was one of the fastest in my group and everyone in the other groups couldn’t have been faster than me. Then the officials came to say that group C was the fast group and A the slowest.
That suddenly meant that I had qualified 3rd over all.

Back to the paddock to check the bike and start thinking about what tires to use. It was completely dry and everyone was going for slicks more or less. But I thought about the really good grip I had enjoyed with my now totally degraded rains and that I apparently had made my fastest lap on my last lap in the qualification. I kept them on.
When the bike was ready Sara took it to the parc ferme and I followed a few minutes later to enjoy the sight of my Husaberg standing on 3rd position. The other riders watched my tires and looked at e like I was either stupid or poor. I had very good slicks to fit if I wanted but on this track I now knew it was better with the bad rain. The shifting tarmac quality and the grass all gripped like glue to the soft rubber.

I started on 2nd as usual but there where only 30 meters to the first corner so it was a poor thing to do. I ended up loosing 4 spots. I took them all back on the first grass part and I was back on 3rd. I had already lost contact a bit with 1st and 2nd but I trailed them at exactly the same pace and even gaining some. The guys after where long gone after 5 laps or so. So I started to make an attempt to catch up the leading duo. Gaining all the time a bit on the second guy but then lost it in the hairpin after the straight. I went down, held on to the gas to not stall it and got up just after 2 guys had passed me. First 100 meters I had to bang my barkbuster back into position and then I started to hunt. Not long there after I had taken back the 150 meters that I trailed number 81 and tried to pass him on the only place where passing was possible into the same hairpin where I had crashed. I came close to out brake him a few times but was just a bit short of being able to do it until I took a bit different line than him coming out on the straight begging my rear to hold on as I gave full throttle 2 meters earlier than before. After a 15 m powerslide with the front in the air I drifted past him into the hairpin. Nothing will keep my Berg behind when it’s up to raw acceleration. Two laps later number 81 was too far away to read the name on my back and as they showed one lap to go I knew I couldn’t reclaim my 3rd position as number 4 was too far away so I ended up 4th which was ok after a crash I guess…

2nd race.

I now stood on 4th place on the grid but with a goal to finish no worse than 3rd hopefully a bit better than that as I knew that the start is everything here. You can hardly pass a rider that is about the same speed as yourself on this track. The only place where you can pass is after the straight and as none would out accelerate my bike there it meant that if I could take the start I would probably finish 1st as well naturally given that I didn’t crash or make a mistake.
83 and me went into the corner side by side, him on the inside and me on the outside. The next corner was the other way so I still had an advantage over him. But number 90 who was 2’nd in the first was before us both and in the same line as me. He fucking fell in the first corner. I hit him and fell as well. 83 and almost everyone else got past it all. I came up and away as 2nd last in the field. Damn, damn, damn!!!
I never got to see the fastest lap of this race but I must have gotten it. I rode furiously. I even went to the ground once again but was up in 4 seconds and away. Now there was no mercy. I scared guys half off the track shouting as I closed in on them and elbowed past some here and there. 111 fell just in front of me in a hairpin but this time I didn’t go down. He fell to the left and I hit the gas instead of the brake as I saw he was free from the bike and passed over his rear and started hunting the next guy. Number 80 I think. I trailed him for 4-5 laps until I got a good enough chance to outbrake him after the straight. Finished 7th.
After we had packed up we went for the price ceremony and found out that I was on a split 4th position over all. Quite ok after having been on the ground 3 times during those two races and that most of the guys beating me the day before now had been thoroughly beaten by me instead. And, the opposition is murdering here so I was happy.

In the end I went home a happy guy pledging that there will be a lot of moto- crossing during the next 3 weeks coming up to the next Belgian Championship in Florennes the 2’nd weekend in juli.

As usual I would like to thank a few persons for making my adventures possible.

The most service minded Husaberg/Husky/KTM dealer and workshop you will ever find.

Bike Parts (Dendermonde):
For material help and for letting me prepare my bike there with professional equipment. You got a bike from Nippon and live in Belgium this is the place to tune, service or fix your bike. Got problems with your monobike, supermotard etc. Give them a call. www.bikeparts.be

Bike Design:
Optical tuning, race equipment etc. This is who help me out with brake issues, chain and sprockets but they have a wide range of high quality stuff deleviered all over Europe and beyond for most bikes. www.bikedesign.be

For great ground service and an incredible patience with me as I’m sometimes a bit difficult during race weekends.

All the guys in the paddocks for the exchange of services. I just love that everyone help out each other as they do.

So ‘til the next time in Florennes.


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Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
Info om gävletävlingen:


Tävlingsplats: Gävle Motorstadion efter väg 67 i Valbo. (Samma som RM-förra året)

Banans längd 790 meter. Underlaget 60% asfalt och 40% grus.

Tävlingsart: Supermotard, solo och quadracer. Max. 60 st startande i solo och 20st i quadracer.

Anmälan: SMK Gävle tillhanda senast 2004-07-02.
Anmälningsavgift: 300:- inbetalas på postgiro 494 49 24-2. Efteranmälan + 150:-

Anmälan/besiktning: Anmälan på tävlingsplatsen kan göras fredagen den 9 juli mellan kl. 19.00-21.00 eller Lördagen den 10juli mellan kl. 09.00-1030.

Förarsammanträde: Sker på startplattan kl.10.45.

Träning: Med början kl. 11.00. Två gånger á 15 min. per klass.

Tävling: Första start kl. 14.00. Genomförs med två kvalomgångar, B-final och A-final i solo. För quadracer två kvalomgångar samt A- final.

Maskinunderhåll: Solo: 1:a. 3.000:-, 2:a 1.500:-, 3:a 1.000:-, 4:a 800:-, 5:a 500:-, 6:a 400:-, 7:a 300:-.


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
ypvs skrev:
Hur ligger det till med Racet i Örebro, nån?

Info om racet, arrangör, reglemente osv finns var?

Vad jag vet ska racet vara den 7e augusti. Platsen är vinterstadion mitt i Örebro.
1. Gå in på http://mapweb.orebro.se.
2. Välj den karta du tycker verkar rolig.
3. Välj att visa idrottsanläggningar och ta nr 2 (Bandybanan).

Rejset körs på den utritade stadion plus en liten bit ut på det gröna området öster om stadion bort mot Österplan som är en grusparkering.

Arrangör är Teknis MC. Tyvärr är inte klubben (min klubb) så himla online men jag postar här igen när mer info finns att hämta eller det finns nåt jag kan berätta.

Reglementet är samma som nere hos er antar jag. Det är det gamla vanliga vad gäller najjning osv. Det som jag kommer på som kan vara speciellt är att det ska vara svarta siffror på gul botten. Men det är ju lätt fixat med husan :tummenupp

Det jag kommer på som kan strula nåt är din licens men kolla det med SVEMO i tid så är det inga problem.

Onthall an Örebro (Rätt?? :))

Obs att jag baserar allt här på hur det var förra året. Hur mycket som stämmer till i år är jag inte 100% på men antar att det äblir likadant.


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Supermoto skrev:
Vad jag vet ska racet vara den 7e augusti. Platsen är vinterstadion mitt i Örebro.
1. Gå in på http://mapweb.orebro.se.
2. Välj den karta du tycker verkar rolig.
3. Välj att visa idrottsanläggningar och ta nr 2 (Bandybanan).

Rejset körs på den utritade stadion plus en liten bit ut på det gröna området öster om stadion bort mot Österplan som är en grusparkering.

Arrangör är Teknis MC. Tyvärr är inte klubben (min klubb) så himla online men jag postar här igen när mer info finns att hämta eller det finns nåt jag kan berätta.

Reglementet är samma som nere hos er antar jag. Det är det gamla vanliga vad gäller najjning osv. Det som jag kommer på som kan vara speciellt är att det ska vara svarta siffror på gul botten. Men det är ju lätt fixat med husan :tummenupp

Det jag kommer på som kan strula nåt är din licens men kolla det med SVEMO i tid så är det inga problem.

Onthall an Örebro (Rätt?? :))

Obs att jag baserar allt här på hur det var förra året. Hur mycket som stämmer till i år är jag inte 100% på men antar att det äblir likadant.

Ska försöka komma och köra där då...

Ang licens så vore det väl själva fan om en internationell Belgisk Supermotardlicens inte gäller.



It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Detta svar fick jag ang tävlingen i Örebro när jag frågade om den säkert skulle bli av och om min licens gäller...
Djävla skit. Jag hade planerat in min semester med avsikt att köra den tävlingen. Hade ett hål mellan Holländska och Belgiska mästerskapsrace.
Klantarslena ska ge fan i att gå ut med datum som inte ens är hyfsat spikade. Folk planerar naturligtvis efter den informationen som ges.

"Datumet är inte spikat. Vi har haft möte om detta ikväll. Förmodligen
det av stapeln i september.
Licensfrågan kollar vi upp med Martin Holm som ska vara domare och
MVH Bella/Teknis Motor Club"


It's over...
Gick med
4 Aug 2003
Husa FS650 Racer, Rullstol i Titan
Detta svar fick jag ang tävlingen i Örebro när jag frågade om den säkert skulle bli av och om min licens gäller...
Djävla skit. Jag hade planerat in min semester med avsikt att köra den tävlingen. Hade ett hål mellan Holländska och Belgiska mästerskapsrace.
Klantarslena ska ge fan i att gå ut med datum som inte ens är hyfsat spikade. Folk planerar naturligtvis efter den informationen som ges.
Surt, för det hade varit kul att åka en tävling i Sverige i år men det får väl bli nästa år om nåt blir av på planerat datum.

"Datumet är inte spikat. Vi har haft möte om detta ikväll. Förmodligen
det av stapeln i september.
Licensfrågan kollar vi upp med Martin Holm som ska vara domare och
MVH Bella/Teknis Motor Club"


Racer has-been...
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
| FE501 -14 sumo/enduro | CR500 -89 | FS1 -85(?) | ZZR 600 -93 "ratbike" | 350Freeride -12
ypvs skrev:
Detta svar fick jag ang tävlingen i Örebro när jag frågade om den säkert skulle bli av och om min licens gäller...
Djävla skit. Jag hade planerat in min semester med avsikt att köra den tävlingen. Hade ett hål mellan Holländska och Belgiska mästerskapsrace.
Klantarslena ska ge fan i att gå ut med datum som inte ens är hyfsat spikade. Folk planerar naturligtvis efter den informationen som ges.
Surt, för det hade varit kul att åka en tävling i Sverige i år men det får väl bli nästa år om nåt blir av på planerat datum.

"Datumet är inte spikat. Vi har haft möte om detta ikväll. Förmodligen
går det av stapeln i september.
Licensfrågan kollar vi upp med Martin Holm som ska vara domare och
MVH Bella/Teknis Motor Club"
Pissigt :4skrika
Får be om ursäkt å min klubbs vägnar :död

Om du vill ha svar från han som _verkligen_ står bakom tävlingen och troligen kan svara bäst på frågor om själva tävlingen (inte SVEMO-relaterat) så ring Björn Selvin på 070-5833236. Jag själv kanske skulle ta och slå en signal och se vad man kan hjälpa till med...

Ang licensen är ju tyvärr SVEMOs (och andra nationella förbund) vägar outgrundliga. I Norge funkade väl inte RR-licensen som här och även i Danmark var det nåt som skilde sig från här hemma.
Gick med
16 Feb 2004
Stockholm Ekerö
Honda CB1000R 2014
Supermoto skrev:
Pissigt :4skrika
Får be om ursäkt å min klubbs vägnar :död

Om du vill ha svar från han som _verkligen_ står bakom tävlingen och troligen kan svara bäst på frågor om själva tävlingen (inte SVEMO-relaterat) så ring Björn Selvin på 070-5833236. Jag själv kanske skulle ta och slå en signal och se vad man kan hjälpa till med...

Ang licensen är ju tyvärr SVEMOs (och andra nationella förbund) vägar outgrundliga. I Norge funkade väl inte RR-licensen som här och även i Danmark var det nåt som skilde sig från här hemma.

Har ni hört nåt ang. Örebro än? Blir det annat datum? Det kommer väl en
inbjudan i IB när det är spikat? :confused:
Bike kör Stark Varg på GGN 2.0!

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