GSXR1100R skrev:
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"Présenté at the end of July 1987 at the time 8 hours of Suzuka, the RC30, or VFR 750 R, makes the effect of a bomb. Copy nearly identical RVF of endurance and TTF1, it has été conceived before just like a machine destinée with the circuit, and incidentally being able to go there by the road. Its selling price attests some, 1,8 times more élevé that that of a GSXR of the époque one.
However, technology employée is worth it well. The 24°50 and 1410 mm, footing and castor angle respectively, the place of emblée like a very compact machine and typée circuit. The chêssis and will monobras it back (the first use of série of the patent racheté by Honda at Elf) are out of aluminium. fork (not inversée) of 43 mm is Showa with double hydraulic system, and équipée of a double disc of 310 mm.
With driving level, put aside the type and the values of alésage/course, the common points with the VFR of série are non-existent. One will quote in bulk the titanium rods, the camshafts and the connecting rod assembly with chromium molybdenum (gups!), pistons with two segments with an aim of réduire frictions, as well as allégement systématique of all that could the être. For a better filling, the conduits of admissions are practically rectilinear, and are précédés Keihin carburettors.
Available in France as from June 1988, the RC 30 was commercialisée until 1990, and approached only one représentation. It did not know significant évolutions during its career in its version of série. "
Säger bara att det är en en nästan kopia av rvf, dessutom rc30 har inga ovalkolvar. Så leta fram en länk som säger att RVF 750 endurancehojen någonstans har ovalkolvar..
Inte nr500 eller nr750, jag kan dock tänka mig att det funnits en endurancehoj med ovalkolvar som också hette nr750 som inte var den hojen som kom 92..