Texten till videon:
Added: March 19, 2007
this guy once did 106 runs on deals gap in 24 hours
fastest run about 11 minutes. He makes video's from your ride on Deals Gap (don't try to outrun this guy), on his tail is Fuse (also on a GoldWing)
Det verkar som om Fuse oxå kör en GW (låter det inte som en boxer 6:a?)
Texten till videon:
Added: March 19, 2007
this guy once did 106 runs on deals gap in 24 hours
fastest run about 11 minutes. He makes video's from your ride on Deals Gap (don't try to outrun this guy), on his tail is Fuse (also on a GoldWing)
Det verkar som om Fuse oxå kör en GW (låter det inte som en boxer 6:a?)