WSBK - silly season 2012


Gick med
15 Mar 2003
ZX10R -05 DBR Killer MiniGP-motard -13
John Hopkins has confirmed he will step up to the World Superbike Championship in 2012 with Crescent Suzuki after his hopes of landing a MotoGP deal were scuppered.

The American joined the Jack Valentine-helmed squad at the start of 2011 for a run at the MCE British Superbike Championship title, Hopkins proceeding to revive his flagging career by battling season-long with Tommy Hill and Shane Byrne.

Though he would ultimately fall two points short of the title win, Hopkins – who also scored a fine pole position as a World Superbike wild-card at Silverstone – had done enough to warrant the attention of the MotoGP teams once again, with links to Rizla Suzuki and LCR Honda heading into the off-season.

However, with Rizla Suzuki announcing its withdrawal from the series and LCR Honda opting to sign Moto2 champion Stefan Bradl, Hopkins will instead remain with Crescent for its foray into the World Superbike Championship.

"I am really happy to be joining up with the Crescent guys again. We had a great year in British Superbike and I'm sure we can continue that in WSB. I wanted to get back into world championship racing and this is a natural progression from last year. The difference this time is that I will be going to tracks that I already know and have some reference from, so that should make some things a bit easier.

"I know it's going to be a big step, but with some big technical advances and Yoshimura on board, I'm sure the bike will be fully competitive. It will be great to work with Lez Pearson again, as we built up a strong relationship and his understanding of the way the bike works will be invaluable next year.

"I'm also looking forward to riding with Leon. I'm sure he'll be strong next year and will be a difficult team-mate to beat and also one who will push me to the limit.

"I want to say thanks to Paul, Martyn, Jack and everyone at Crescent Suzuki for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. I can't wait to get on the bike and see what we can do. I know it's not going to be an easy task by any means, but I have every intention of going out and trying to earn my first ever world championship for myself and the team. I'll be doing everything in my power to make it happen."


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Mullsjö Maniac
Gick med
14 Feb 2007
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 K9 extra allt! KTM 690 SMC-R -13
Sofouglo tillbaka till supersport med Kawasaki!
Riktigt roligt med Yoshimura/Cresent Suzuki :tummenupp

Fabrizio undrar var han tar vägen?


Gick med
31 Mar 2009
:tummenupp, eller tummen ner, hoppas de får snurr på grejorna nu då!
Som jag skrev i en annan tråd byter iaf fabriksteamet till Magneti Marelli och vi kan ju hoppas att de andra BMW-teamen också gör det. Haslam har ju klagat som satan på skiten de gjorde själva.


Drömmande tänkare....
Gick med
22 Oct 2004
Höglandets djupa skogar
SF 750 -72,900 Darmah -82, skurhink blåfemtio -92, TRX 850 -97, TT600-94, Ett par Mzór...och numera Desmoquattro Touring Millenie-edition. XL 1000 Varadero 2004 brukis
Som jag skrev i en annan tråd byter iaf fabriksteamet till Magneti Marelli och vi kan ju hoppas att de andra BMW-teamen också gör det. Haslam har ju klagat som satan på skiten de gjorde själva.

Det där är nog en mycket viktig nyckel för BMW om de skall nå hela vägen - det var en ambitiös satsning att gå på egen elektronik men det är känsliga saker och det gäller att ha ordning på alla ettor och nollor.....

Blir månne Haslam en seriös utmanare till Världsmästartiteln nästa år!?


Gick med
15 Mar 2003
ZX10R -05 DBR Killer MiniGP-motard -13
Ryktas att PATA-Aprilia splitras, BRC och DFX, 1 st Aprilia och 1 st Ducati.


Gick med
15 Mar 2003
ZX10R -05 DBR Killer MiniGP-motard -13
McCormick - SST1000 effenbert på Ducati 1199

Effenbert-Liberty will expand to the FIM Superstock 1000 series for its second season of world championship racing with the new Ducati 1199 Panigale.

The Czech team showed impressive form during its first year in the World Superbike Championship, taking five podiums and sixth position in the WSBK standings with Sylvain Guintoli.

Now, ahead of the 2012 season, Effenbert-Liberty has announced a three-man line-up in WSBK – Guintoli, Jakub Smrz and Maxime Berger – and an entry into the Superstock 1000 series with Brett McCormick.


Mullsjö Maniac
Gick med
14 Feb 2007
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 K9 extra allt! KTM 690 SMC-R -13
Mycket snack nu, men Haga kommer förmodligen köra Pata Ducati ihop med Laverty, Sandström :hihi

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Pata Aprilia menar du väl?

Fast det mest intressanta ryktet är att Giovanni Sandi, Biaggis crew chief, och alla mekaniker ska byta för att jobba för Giampero Sacchi och Ioda racing och deras CRT satsning.Sacchi är före detta chef för Aprilia Racing...


Mullsjö Maniac
Gick med
14 Feb 2007
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 K9 extra allt! KTM 690 SMC-R -13
Nej Pata Ducati enligt vad jag kunde läsa mig till!
Skall se om jag hittar artikeln igen!

Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Fast Laverty kör ju Aprilia så då blir det ju i Alitaliafärgerna, det var det jag reagerade på. Ducati för Haga då kanske.


Mullsjö Maniac
Gick med
14 Feb 2007
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 K9 extra allt! KTM 690 SMC-R -13
Bayliss har nu släppt sitt startnr 21 till Hopkins!
(Han hade sparat det till en eventuell comeback)
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