Kommer KTM överleva?


Gudomlig sporthojare
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25 Jan 2012
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De kan väl inte börja bygga nya cyklar innan de minskat lagret en smula.
Man kan nog inte lägga ner produktionen ett par år, sälja av lagret och sedan bara starta igång den igen.
Gissar att man håller arbetsstyrkan igång med modeller man har lågt lager på.


Buy quality, cry once
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Bara fräna hojar



Galne Dansken

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Mycket kan jag, men tyska är inte en av mina styrkor. Kan man få en grov sammanfattning?
Du ser en bild vart det finns text på ett språk du inte förstår. Öppna chatGPT.com på din dator, och skriv i textrutan: Översätt till svenska "och här kopierar du ganska enkelt in ett screenshot av bilden efter "tecknat. Trycka på return och avvakta några sekunder, sedan kommer texten på svenska..

Det är totalt oförskämd enkelt!


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Du ser en bild vart det finns text på ett språk du inte förstår. Öppna chatGPT.com på din dator, och skriv i textrutan: Översätt till svenska "och här kopierar du ganska enkelt in ett screenshot av bilden efter "tecknat. Trycka på return och avvakta några sekunder, sedan kommer texten på svenska..

Det är totalt oförskämd enkelt!
Det sägs att AI inte fixar danska ännu. Det är det nya Turing-testet.


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Du ser en bild vart det finns text på ett språk du inte förstår. Öppna chatGPT.com på din dator, och skriv i textrutan: Översätt till svenska "och här kopierar du ganska enkelt in ett screenshot av bilden efter "tecknat. Trycka på return och avvakta några sekunder, sedan kommer texten på svenska..

Det är totalt oförskämd enkelt!
Möjligt, men det gick inte att klistra in utan att vara inloggad och jag har för tillfället inte lust att registrera mig där. Men det låter oerhört smidigt.


Gick med
28 Apr 2022

escue in Installments

It took almost five hours for the creditors to vote on the restructuring plan for the insolvent motorcycle manufacturer KTM. The investor negotiations will continue afterward.

Restructuring Approved

The insolvent brand KTM is not out of trouble yet. However, the largest hurdle on the road to recovery has now been cleared by the Austrians. On February 25, in the insolvency court in Ried/Upper Austria, around 380 creditors, representing various credit institutions, approved the restructuring plan. This was not foreseeable beforehand. Until late in the night, negotiations took place between KTM management and the insolvency administrator—especially with a bank to which KTM alone owed over two billion euros. Additionally, many suppliers, whose components had not been paid for, and KTM employees, to whom the manufacturer still owed wages and salaries, were involved. The result was by no means certain. When the court opened the session at 9 AM, even long-time Chairman Stefan Pierer participated, increasing the tension significantly.

It wasn't until 1:50 PM, after almost five hours, that the news broke, bringing relief to the entire motorcycle industry: The biggest obstacle to the brand's collapse had likely been overcome, as the creditors accepted the proposed 20 percent settlement of their claims. They will receive an immediate cash payment as well as a practical payout. For this, KTM must deposit a total of 548 million euros with the restructuring administrator by March 23 at the latest. After that, the restructuring process will be concluded, and KTM can start anew.

However, how this will work out remains uncertain. Because KTM does not have the 548 million euros to partially repay its debts on its own. Additionally, another 150 million euros is needed to restart motorcycle production in Mattighofen, which has been halted since December. The money must come from one or more investors. And suddenly, BMW is back in play: Shortly before the creditors' meeting, an Austrian news portal reported that the Munich-based corporation had offered to buy parts from its Austrian competitor, bringing components from Germany to the Mattighofen plant. A scenario that seems almost unbelievable to KTM insiders, as BMW had repeatedly denied similar inquiries in the past. KTM and its supervisory board chairman Hubert Trunkenpolz remain vague about it. "All potential investors are very interested in a continuation of KTM, not in a breakup," says CEO Gottfried Neumeister. At least some creditors saw BMW's willingness as a sign of Mattighofen's market potential. However, Neumeister explicitly confirmed that the Indian two- and four-wheeler manufacturer Bajaj, which has been involved with KTM since 2007, will continue to pay for Mattighofen: 50 million euros for the gradual restart of the plant until March 17 are to come from Bajaj. But to achieve full capacity in the four-stage production line—one step before the pre-crisis level—KTM still needs another 100 million euros. If this money does not come soon, KTM may also have to bring in Austrian investor Stephan Zöchling from exhaust manufacturer Remus. The investor poker game at KTM is far from over.

What’s Next for KTM Customers?

Amid customer uncertainty, KTM is offering a return guarantee for its street motorcycles. Specifically, KTM now provides its LC8c platform motorcycles (parallel-twin and V-twin) from the 790 Duke to the 1390 Super Duke with a "Buyback Premium Guarantee" for up to two years. This also applies to daily registrations (model years 2023/2024). However, all maintenance services must be conducted by authorized KTM dealers. In case of damage, warranties should still be honored flexibly, according to dealers' documents.

Starting in May, KTM will unveil a new 125/390cc single-cylinder model series. The already showcased new 690 SM R with 75 hp (for 2025) and the 690 Enduro R are expected to launch in July, along with the planned sale of KTM’s off-road production to KTM, Husqvarna, and GasGas. New 5+ off-road two-stroke models and the new 1390 series will not arrive until fall 2025 at the earliest.

Pierer Draws Consequences

Just one day after the creditor meeting, Stefan Pierer announced his resignation as chairman of the KTM supervisory board in March. He had already stepped down as co-CEO alongside Gottfried Neumeister in early January. This marks the end of an era, as the 68-year-old led KTM for over 30 years and made the company a market leader. In 1992, he purchased the then insolvent brand and turned it from a small motorcycle manufacturer into the largest motorcycle producer in Europe. This was made possible through acquisitions such as Husqvarna, Pankl, Leoni, and Karl Rausenbauer, as well as numerous state subsidies. At Mercedes-Benz, he was even considered a billionaire, with Forbes estimating his net worth at 1.6 billion dollars. The outspoken Styrian, who was never afraid to call electric motorcycles "nonsense," also made political statements. He was active in right-wing FPÖ circles and declared that Austria needed "lower labor costs, fewer holidays, and lower wages." These statements haunted him after KTM’s insolvency in November 2025. Critics argued that he should have invested his own fortune to save KTM. In front of all the banks, which had to approve the restructuring plan, Pierer stood firm: He did not step in. Instead, the majority owner of KTM remains with KTM—but as an investor who has yet to find a way to revive KTM with millions.

Photo Captions:

  • After approval of the restructuring plan, the KTM factory, which had been dormant since December, lit up orange on the night of February 25. Employees celebrated by doing burnouts in front of the factory gates. CEO Gottfried Neumeister, former boss Stefan Pierer, and KTM sports director Pit Beirer briefly appeared on Instagram to celebrate.
  • Author: Eva Breutel, Michael Schümann
  • Photos: KTM, mps-Photostudio, Zep Gori

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