Yamaha samlare
Läser att Stoner och Lorenzo sagt att de inte tänker köra Motegi.
Någon som vet varför? Är de rädda för strålning?
The other gob-smacker has been the riders declaring that they won't go to Motegi, because of some perceived fear of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Yes, the same riders who have been riding around all year with slogans in support of Japan all over their bikes and leathers. The same riders who asked for more information and then ignored it when it came. For the record, there is no increased radiation level at Motegi, and there is no radiation in the tap water (check the International Atomic Energy Agency's website for an enormous amount of data on Fukushima). You will be exposed to more radiation flying to Japan than over a weekend in Motegi, and if you're worried about the milliseiverts adding up, for pity's sake don't have an x-ray and definitely steer clear of CT scans. You'd also be surprised at the amount of radiation in a banana—look it up, they're full of potassium and the K40 isotope is seriously hot.