"Mannen som talar med whisky"
Nu small det nog i brallan på Elffors, visst är det där den s.k. halvtoppen?
Jag bjuder lätt en femhunka för motorn! :hållertummarna
Lite info, du får nog sälja av busan och din själ om du ska ha den där
Kommer min 750gsxr rova att vara värd så mycket om jag sparar den i 100år
Re: Need help with information on a 1917 v-twin F- Head
so i ened up taking the motor to the AMCA show in Oley, i was very lucky to have that show right in my backyard when i just found the motor. i showed pictures and everyone was very interested. I sold the motor for $3,500. cash i alsmot got $4000 for it. but i am very happy with that. Thank you everyone that gave me information and let me know about the show! it was very cool to act. see the bike that motor came out of.