

Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Bygg egna grejer till din iPhone...

Top 5 Coolest Homemade iPhone Gadgets and Accessories

There are millions of iPhone gadgets and accessories on the market today, but sometimes, making your own could save you lots of money.


For example, the iPhone owner above used LEGO Technic to create a functional steering wheel of sorts. Continue reading to see more.

5. Fork and Spoon Stand


What better way to make use of the old spoons and forks you have laying around than by turning them into a functional iPhone stand? This does require some machine work to properly and safely bend the utensils into the desired shape, but it's definitely worth the effort.

4. Document Scanner


Scanning 8.5 x 11 documents with your iPhone just got a whole lot easier, thanks to this invention by Kyle A Koch, an industrial design student at the University of Cincinnati's school of Design. He was looking for a way to take perfect pictures of his documents and came up with what you see above.

3. Game Controller


Are you seeking an accessory that will turn your iPhone into a mini game console, and have wood shop skills? Then this game controller accessory might be a project that you want to take on. It's modeled after an Xbox controller and can be decorated however you please.

2. Bread Dock


Ok, so this isn't your run of the mill bread straight from the package, but one that has been preserved with layers of wax and other chemicals. However, if you do plan on making one of these for your iPhone 5, we recommend sticking with something non-perishable.

1. Steadicam


Some people actually use the iPhone as their sole camera, but keeping the handset steady during extended video shoots was a problem, and that's why Spencer Watson wants to show you how to build your very own steadicam accessory. This tutorial can probably be modified to accommodate the iPhone 5 as well.


174,74 Hk
Gick med
16 Mar 2006
Bara Vagnhärad
HONDA CBR 1000RR -08, GSXR1000 K6 (Såld),KTM 450 SX -05, Can-AM Outlander 800 MAX LTD-08 och en EU-moppe.
Fick min 5:a igår, dock inte hunnit mer än ta ut den ur kartongen och kika att den inte var skadad,.
Blir till att pilla mer ngn kväll i veckan.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Kan vara en idé att vänta med uppgradering till iOS6 :brynad

Wifi- och batteristrul i iOS 6

Av Mikael Markander |

Det finns uppenbarligen andra problem i iOS 6 än usla kartor.

Många användare som uppdaterat sin iPhone 4S eller tredje generationens iPad till iOS 6.0 har råkat ut för problem med det trådlösa nätverket. På Apples supportforum finns en 91 sidor lång tråd där folk försöker att hjälpa varandra med problemet.

Ett bra tips om man har råkat ut för wifi-problem är att återställa nätverksinställningarna och ändra HTTP-proxy till ”Auto”. Det löser problemet för vissa, dock inte för alla.

Det finns även ett antal trådar som pekar på att användare som uppdaterat sin iPhone 4S eller tredje generationens iPad har fått försämrad batteritid. Här kan man testa att ladda ur batteriet helt och hållet. Dessutom kan det vara en bra idé att gå igenom enhetens inställningar, många av dessa har nämligen ändrats efter uppdateringen.

Förhoppningsvis kommer nämnda brister att åtgärdas i iOS 6.0.1, en uppdatering som borde släppas inom några veckor.


Trying real hard to be the shepherd
Gick med
20 Jan 2008
Kawasaki Z750 -82, Hillbilly edition & Suzuki CS125 -83
Resetips efterlyses!

Ska utomlands och vill optimera användandet av min telefon och padda. Båda är JB:ade.

Hur bra fungerar gps utan 3G? Tips på program?

Har kört med Navigon i iPhonen under ett par utlandsresor och tycker att det funkat riktigt bra. Kör bara på GPS-nätet så annan uppkoppling behövs ej. Finns också att hämta på Installous. Se bara till att tanka kartorna för de länder du ska besöka innan du åker, du tankar dem separat i programmet så man kan säkert missa dem om man är lite tankspridd.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Dela foton i iOS6...

Use Shared Photo Streams On iOS The Right Way [Feature]

Shared Photo Streams came along with iOS 6, allowing us all to create our own little photo sharing social networks using nothing more than an iCloud account and our iOS devices. Creating and sharing Photo Streams is dead-simple, but managing some of the more non-intuitive features, like comments and subscribers, can be a bit tricky for the uninitiated.

We took a look at these new features and put together a guide on using Shared Photo Streams to help you get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch when creating and sharing your photos with your friends and family.

Share Your Photos Only With People You Want To

We constantly share our snapshots from our iPhones to Twitter and Facebook, we send them via e-mail and iMessage, print them from our phones, and even share them to group sites like Picasa and Flickr. It’s a veritable frenzy of photo sharing!

It’s all really amazing and fun, of course, but what about those times we just want to share our photos with a select group of friends or family members? Setting up special lists in Facebook or Flickr can be unintuitive and tricky, so chances are good that it doesn’t happen that often.

Luckily, Apple’s got shared Photo Streams in the new iOS 6, and it’s fairly straightforward to set up.

Launch your Photos app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and then tap on the Photo Stream button in the bottom center of the screen. Tap on the Plus button in the upper left, and you’ll get the Photo Stream creation screen. Type a name or several names of people you want to share this Photo Stream with in the To: field, then name the Photo Stream in the field below. Finally, toggle the Public Website option to ON if you want anyone tobe able to view this stream on iCloud.com. Tap on the Create button to make your new, empty Photo Stream.

Now, tap on the Photo Stream you created and then tap on the Edit button in the upper right fo the Photo Stream screen. Tap on Add at the bottom, there, and then choose the photo or photos you want to add to the shared Photo Stream. Tap the Done button when you’re finished, and you’ll finally have a way to share photos you’ve taken with specific folks that you choose to. When you want to add more, simply tap the Edit button again, and Add more photos to the shared Photo Stream. The people you’ve shared with will see the new additions on their devices, as well.

Invite (Or Un-invite) Subscribers From Your Shared Photo Streams

We got a couple of comments on our tip about using shared Photo Streams on iOS devices. One of them was how to add new people to a Photo Stream once it’s been created. It’s fairly unintuitive (Apple, are you listening?), so here’s a quick step-by-step on how to do so.

Launch your Photos app with a tap. Then, tap on the Photo Stream tab at the bottom. If you’re using an iPhone or iPod touch, tap the blue arrow next to the name of the shared Photo Stream. If you’re on an iPad, tap the Edit button, and then tap on the shared Photo Stream.

Next, to add a new person, tap the Add People… section below the list of other subscribers and either add a person from your Contacts via the little blue button, or just type in an email address. Then tap the Add button in the top right corner.

If you want to delete a subscriber, tap the name of the person you want to remove in the list of subscribers, then tap the big red Remove Subscriber button. Boom! They’re gone.

Subscribers can only view or comment on the pictures with shared Photo Streams, on their own iOS devices or on the web. Hopefully, Apple will add a way for subscribers to add photos to a shared stream, as well, which will make the whole thing much more useful for groups who want to share among themselves.

How To Delete A Comment From A Shared Photo Stream

On the internet, comments can be as important as the content being articulated about. Of course, comments can also be rude, hateful, or just plain ridiculous. You know, like much of the content on the internet, as well.

So, if shared Photo Streams are like little photo social networks that contain only the people you invite, comments should never be a problem, right? Well, I don’t know about your friends and family, but mine can be both irreverent and irregular in their commenting activities. That’s why it’s handy to be able to delete comments that the original Photo Stream poster doesn’t want any more.

Here’s how to get rid of those commenting curiosities.

Launch your Photos app, and tap on the Photo Stream button at the bottom. Tap a shared Photo Stream you want to edit the comments from, and then tap on the comment bubble in the lower right hand corner. Tap and hold on the comment you wish to delete, and a popup menu will appear, with a Copy and a Delete option. Choose the Delete option with a tap, and the comment will disappear.

You can delete comments that you have made, as well as those from others in the shared Photo Stream that you created. You can’t delete a comment from a Photo Stream that you didn’t originally share.

Pretty cool, right?

Fix Shared Photo Stream Comment Sync Issues

Shared Photo Streams are fantastic, of course, barring the niggling detail that only the person who creates them can add photos to them. Sometimes, though, as with all tech, things don’t necessarily work the way they should. For example, sometimes you won’t be able to see comments that have been posted by subscribers. Other times, deleting a comment from a shared Photo Stream via iPhoto or Aperture won’t be reflected on your iPhone.

Here’s how to fix that.

First, if you’re having a comment sync issue, check the System Status notification on the iCloud Support webpage. If iCloud is down, there’s no amount of troubleshooting you can do. Just wait it out.

Second of all, make sure you’re connected to the internet. Sounds silly, but it can happen. Check your connection by launching Safari and going to a site that’s up all the time, like apple.com or google.com.

If your deleted comment is still showing up, make sure that the number of comments for a photo is the same on your iOS device and your Mac. Remember that the number in the speech bubble on your iPhone also includes Likes. Click through to the comments on the iOS device and count them manually to be sure there isn’t a mismatch.

If all of the above is fine, follow the steps Apple suggests, below:

Quit Photos.
From your Home screen, click your Home button twice. Your open applications should appear in a row at the bottom of your screen.
Scroll to find the Photos icon. Press the icon until the icons jiggle.
Tap the red circle in the upper-left corner of the Photos icon. The icon should disappear from the list.
Tap the Home button again to return to normal operations.
Tap Settings, then tap iCloud.
Tap Photo Stream. Tap Shared Photo Streams to turn it OFF.
Tap Delete Photos. The photos will be automatically re-added later when you turn this setting back on.
Tap the Home button to exit Settings, and wait about a minute.
Tap Settings, then tap iCloud.
Tap Photo Stream. Tap Shared Photo Streams to turn it ON.
Tap the Home button.
Open Photos. Tap the Photo Stream tab. Tap the name of the shared photo stream.
Test to see if the issue has been resolved.
If all of that still doesn’t work, email Apple support and see what they have to say about the matter.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Ännu en anledning att vänta med iOS6 till v6.0.1

Mysterious iOS 6 Cellular Data Usage: A Deeper Look

It’s becoming more and more difficult to ignore the numerous reports that iOS 6 on an iPhone or iPad can use far more cellular data than iOS 5 or earlier systems did. Anecdotal evidence is hardly to be trusted, even when it arrives in large quantity, but surely a massive thread such as this one on the Apple Support Communities cannot consist entirely of people who are mistaken or misapprehending the phenomena. Moreover, some of us here at TidBITS are convinced that we’ve experienced the problem in our own lives.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Praktisk finnes i iOS om du ofta ringer till organisationer med interna tilläggsnummer.

Add a “Dial Extension” Button to Contacts on iPhone

Though you’ve long been able to add automatically dialed extensions to contacts on the iPhone, the newest versions of iOS handle extensions much more intelligently, allowing you to create a “Dial Extension” button to any specific contact. That extension dialer can be activated manually, making the navigation of telephony menus infinitely easier, here’s how to quickly add this to a contact:

o Open Contacts and tap the contact name to add the extension to, then tap the “Edit” button

o Tap the phone number entry, place the cursor at the end, then tap the “+*#” button to access additional options

o Choose “wait” then enter the extension afterwards, it will add a semicolon and the extension afterwards to the address appearing like so: 1-888-555-5555;123

o Tap “Done” and exit out of contacts

o Now dial the contact to discover a “Dial 123″ button has appeared, tap that whenever you want to dial the extension

The extensions can also be added from a Mac in Contacts (Address Book) by adding a semicolon to numbers followed by an extension, just be sure to sync it through the same iCloud account or it won’t go over to the iPhone.

Anyone who frequently uses extensions to reach specific people at an office, or anyone who has battled an automated phone system knows how useful this can be. You can even set a string of numbers, though the Dial button remains the same.


Ny medlem
Gick med
22 Aug 2007
RSV Mille -02
Finns det någon som vet om man kan ha två epost appar på iphone?
Har en jobbmail med en app som heter mobileIron, den ligger på den vanliga epostappen.
Jag skulle dessutom vilja ha min privata epost på samma telefon.

Är det möjligt?
Har försökt att besöka eposten via internet på mobben, men det blir väldigt svårt att läsa samt skriva.


Med lem
Gick med
7 Mar 2003
CB1000R, BSA 650 -67.
Enklare är väl att koppla fler e-post adresser till samma App. Så har jag i alla fall.
Tryck bara på lägg till e-postadress.


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Flera konton till inbyggda mailen är grejen.

Kom bara ihåg att välja rätt avsändaradress när du mailar nya mail :)


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
19 Apr 2004
RC8/Husaberg 450/Husqvarna 450/HYM698/Honda Monkey King/ ATC125//Navstyrd supermono
Din vanliga mail kanske har en egen app?


Ny medlem
Gick med
22 Aug 2007
RSV Mille -02
Enklare är väl att koppla fler e-post adresser till samma App. Så har jag i alla fall.
Tryck bara på lägg till e-postadress.

Tackar för hjälpen. Var ju skitenkelt egentligen.
Jag trodde min epost skulle krångla till det p.g.a. jobbposten, men det gick som en dans.

Sporthoj kan man lita på :banana


Glad amatör
Gick med
10 Apr 2009
Honda VFR 800F -15
Nu kanske man vågar sig på en uppgradering :)

iOS 6.0.1 available

Posted on Thursday, November 1st, 2012 at 10:59 am. PT

Written by Jim Dalrymple

Connect your iOS device to your computer, launch iTunes and click “Check for Update.” You can also update from the device itself by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

According to Apple the update contains the following changes:

o Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates wirelessly over the air
o Fixes a bug where horizontal lines may be displayed across the keyboard
o Fixes an issue that could cause camera flash to not go off
o Improves reliability of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) when connected to encrypted WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
o Resolves an issue that prevents iPhone from using the cellular network in some instances
o Consolidated the Use Cellular Data switch for iTunes Match
o Fixes a Passcode Lock bug which sometimes allowed access to Passbook pass details from lock screen
o Fixes a bug affecting Exchange meetings


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
E-Wheels E2S V2 MAX
Är det bara jag som tycker att femman drar ohyggliga mängder ström, även i stand-by? :gnissla


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
13 May 2007
GSX-R 1000 -02, GSX-R 750 -98(såld), Duke II -02(såld), GSX 400 E -82
Är det bara jag som tycker att femman drar ohyggliga mängder ström, även i stand-by? :gnissla

Den drar nog inte så mycket, mest att 5an har ett väldigt litet batteri (jämfört med likvärdiga konkurrenter),
5an är ju slimmad.
CFMOTO dag 2, Gymkhana, Gokartbana och Portimao!

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