Old Badger
Vi blir inte ensamma!
Varför ska vi då pendla med motorcykel imorgon?
Ride To Work Day is a global event which promotes the societal benefits of motorcycling and is held on the third Monday of June every year.
Här är något som ett Mc-fientligt Tragikborgarråd inte håller med om...
Cycling is great but… Staff who use a motorcycle, scooter or moped to commute to work typically live beyond a reasonable cycling distance. Supporting them is in everyone’s interests and can be integrated into supports put in place for cyclists – for example provision of cycle locking rails.
Reduce parking and congestion problems. Parking spaces are a costly overhead. Supporting staff who use a motorcycle, scooter or moped to commute permits more efficient use of spaces and helps to lower the cost to your organization. Small motorcycles and scooters take up very little space – typically similar to that required for a bicycle.
Varför ska vi då pendla med motorcykel imorgon?
Ride To Work Day is a global event which promotes the societal benefits of motorcycling and is held on the third Monday of June every year.
Här är något som ett Mc-fientligt Tragikborgarråd inte håller med om...
Cycling is great but… Staff who use a motorcycle, scooter or moped to commute to work typically live beyond a reasonable cycling distance. Supporting them is in everyone’s interests and can be integrated into supports put in place for cyclists – for example provision of cycle locking rails.
Reduce parking and congestion problems. Parking spaces are a costly overhead. Supporting staff who use a motorcycle, scooter or moped to commute permits more efficient use of spaces and helps to lower the cost to your organization. Small motorcycles and scooters take up very little space – typically similar to that required for a bicycle.