Stoner gör ingen besviken och har åsikter om det mesta, alltid lika positiv.
Or in Casey Stoner's case, thinking about a future outside of MotoGP. As his departure from the championship grows near, it is clear that he has had more than enough of the series. Asked if he was worried about the politics in V8 Supercars, where he is headed in the near future, he said he wasn't, because he understood that V8 Supercars is a different kind of championship. MotoGP, though, was supposed to be a professional championship, and in his opinion, it was 'a joke'. Four races in Spain, another just over the border in Portugal, this was not a truly world championship, Stoner said. Instead, MotoGP is too much of a European championship, and it needed to rediscover its roots.
Man kan ju undra vilka rötter det är han pratar om. VM har väl sätt ungefär likadant ut den senaste 20-30 åren?
The new surface was a clear improvement, but whether it was good enough or not depended on your perspective. In the 'glass half empty' camp was Casey Stoner, who pointed out that there were still several bumps around, and that there were a couple of places where the seams of the new asphalt were in critical braking zones. In the 'glass half full' camp was just about everyone else, who praised the number of bumps that had been removed, and felt the resurfacing was a massive improvement.