Det gör ju bara Alberto Puigs uttalanden ännu (ot)roligare
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Och vilken är egentligen din invändning mot Alberto Puig?
Tänker du på intervjun med Puig från som bl.a. berörde den vägg som sattes upp mellan Hayden och Pedrosa i Honda Repsol-teamet? Läser man den och förstår hur spänt det måste kunna vara i ett MotoGP-team, som arbetar under jättehård press och består av människor från vitalt olika kulturer och som ska både samarbeta och besegra varandra på samma gång, så är det Puig säger inte speciellt svårt att förstå. Människor är olika och om Hayden inte gillar Puig, så innebär inte det något annat än just det. För egen del har jag lätt att bli imponerad av det inflytande som Puig har lyckats skaffa sig i GP-depån.
Delar av intervjun från här:
"All I can say is that Hayden may be bothered [av väggen] because now he can't access information and telemetry data from Dani's bike. With this information he was able to improve his riding, as he had all of Dani's references and now he can't use that any longer. He was simply copying as he never knew how to set-up a bike."
Puig also accused Hayden of being a hypocrite in saying he has no problem with Pedrosa.
"That's not the case. Everything changed with the incident in Portugal (in 2006), where Dani made a mistake during the race and apologised for it afterwards. Nicky eventually won the title and Dani did what he had to do in Valencia, which was to help him. But from that point - even if Hayden denies it - all he's been doing has been talking about how Dani was 'weird' and bringing the people around Pedrosa into the subject. He shouldn't act like a hypocrite and say that he doesn't have a problem with Dani, because since that incident in Portugal I think he has talked to him about twice."
Puig rejected the claims by Hayden that it is Puig who pulls the strings at Honda.
"In my opinion, those who say that just lack respect to Honda and the work that they do. All I can do is bring my experience of racing like Honda has asked me to do, as I've been working for a long time with Pedrosa and Honda, forming the 125cc and 250cc teams and winning three titles with them. If you refer to Hayden saying that I'm the one who's in charge or used to be in charge, then he has to understand that in this job and in this paddock, anyone who believes he is in charge of anything is simply wrong. Nobody has control over things or is in charge of anything - results decide everything and put the people in the place they are."