Dovi testade i helgen på att representera Repsol Honda MGP team i Madrid en gala där även trail mästare var med. Dovi var onekligen mkt tillmötesgående sin arbetsgivare och "gnället" förra veckan om att hans cykel inte fyller förväntningarna var som bortblåst. Det var ju just ett jippo där alla ska vara glada o nöjda o peppa varandra med all världens superlativ. Dovi som i mina ögon snart e teamets No:1 klarade sig bra även i det spelet..
“Becoming an official rider in the Repsol Honda Team is a dream come true for me,” said Dovizioso, the leading satellite rider in the 2008 world championship. “It is a great experience and an incredible challenge, something I have already had a chance to see in the pre-season practice sessions.
“Being in the official team means that you carry more responsibility, I now have to help develop the motorbike, and that in the world of MotoGP is quite complex.
“All I did before was to ride and go as fast as possible, refining the setup, but now I also have to think about how the bike behaves so that its overall performance can be improved.
“The bike is going quite a bit better as we have more power coming from the engine, and a new chassis has really helped us with the sensations that the front end transmits to us, it now leans over better.
“I am very pleased to be in Madrid for the presentation of the Repsol team, and from now on I will do all I can in the fight for the world title,” vowed the young Italian.
“Becoming an official rider in the Repsol Honda Team is a dream come true for me,” said Dovizioso, the leading satellite rider in the 2008 world championship. “It is a great experience and an incredible challenge, something I have already had a chance to see in the pre-season practice sessions.
“Being in the official team means that you carry more responsibility, I now have to help develop the motorbike, and that in the world of MotoGP is quite complex.
“All I did before was to ride and go as fast as possible, refining the setup, but now I also have to think about how the bike behaves so that its overall performance can be improved.
“The bike is going quite a bit better as we have more power coming from the engine, and a new chassis has really helped us with the sensations that the front end transmits to us, it now leans over better.
“I am very pleased to be in Madrid for the presentation of the Repsol team, and from now on I will do all I can in the fight for the world title,” vowed the young Italian.
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