Lördag morgon. Vår värd Ver kommer upp och gör något han gillar, snacka!
- How was ze racetrack?
- Great, no crash. I did well!
- Ahhhh, good. Bot today rain, you don't go?!?
- Oh yes, we race in the rain, absolutely!
- Ahhhh no!!! Wow, he is very brave your friend!
Erik mutrar något ohörbart.
- We experienced some difficulties reaching the racetrack yesterday, it took us some 35 minutes.
- WHY??? It is just 10 kilometers!
- I dont know, we PROBABLY didn't go the best way
- It is ezy. look!
Ver ritar upp en enkel karta (se bilden), tre korsningar att navigera.
- Thank you very much.
- Ten minutes maximum.
- Very good. I also hav another question.
- Yez?
- When we drove here thursday night, from Sweden, we came over Meppen.
- MEPPEN!???!!!??? Why?????
- Well, our system of navigation said that to be the best way.
- But Meppen is not the best way!!!!
- No, so i figured. Would you say it is better to traven north up to E22 and then east?
- Of course! I still don't understand, why did you go to Meppen?????