Only in America


Skitfrän MC
Gick med
31 Jul 2006
Honda x3
Amerikansk "frihet" på familjefoto.



What would Shervin do?
Gick med
4 Oct 2006
Månbas Alpha
120 år gammalt, 2559cc
Såg att det numera heter "freedom toast" istället för "french toast" i amerkatt.
Inte konstigt (men idiotiskt) med tanke på "freedom fries".
Men vad händer om det skär sig med Düschlant?
Vad skall flottpuckarna kallas?


Ny medlem
Gick med
23 May 2007
Engelskt och japanskt
Republikan försöker sätta käppar i hjulet för WOW-spelande demokraten Colleen Lachowicz. Gick inte så bra.

Colleen Lachowicz is a Democrat candidate for Maine State Senate. In Colleen’s online fantasy world, she gets away with crude, vicious and violent comments like the ones below. Maine needs a State Senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy world.

Hennes replik:

“I think it's weird that I'm being targeted for playing online games. Apparently I'm in good company since there are 183 million other Americans who also enjoy online games. What's next? Will I be ostracized for playing Angry Birds or Words with Friends? If so, guilty as charged!"
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Ny medlem
Gick med
23 May 2007
Engelskt och japanskt
Två bomber, sägs det, small av på Boston Maraton.
Undrar vilka som ligger bakom och vad konsekvenserna blir nu.

Two huge explosions rocked the Boston Marathon finish line at Copley Square just before 3 p.m. today, apparently causing numerous casualties, some possible with traumatic injuries on streets crowded with runners, spectators and post-race partiers, while a top city official said police were finding “more devices.” ge_blasts_rock,AAAAAA6piHY~,DqRT40XOAr9OWST-YiEQyzUCo3g3L-Af&bctid=2303076923001
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Ogudaktig sporthojare
Gick med
27 Dec 2003
Precis vid ringen
En sån där grön.

Harmon Rabb

Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
1 May 2004
Om man trodde svenska fängelser var blockflöjt

En av ledarna för det kriminella gänget Black Guerilla Family (BGF), Tavon White, 36, har under tiden i amerikanskt fängelse blivit pappa till fem barn med fyra olika fångvaktare, smörjt kråset och tjänat över 100 000 kronor i månaden.

Helt sjukt! Killen måste vara jäkligt intressant från ett kvinnligt perspektiv...


Ny medlem
Gick med
23 May 2007
Engelskt och japanskt


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
12 Jan 2004
Area 08


What would Shervin do?
Gick med
4 Oct 2006
Månbas Alpha
120 år gammalt, 2559cc
Ja bara i amerika dör barn i olyckshändelser!!

Tja, när jag var liten så var det inte särskilt ovanligt att man fick ett "salongsgevär" när man var 12-14 år.
Skotten låstes in så att man inte sköt för mycket på egen hand.
Men det är ganska långt ifrån att låta en femåring ha ett laddat gevär stående.


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
12 Jan 2004
Area 08
Visst, det är lite hard core men ändå är det dubbla måttstockar som vanligt. I Sverige dör barn helt i onödan pga våra kulturella avarter


Ny medlem
Gick med
23 May 2007
Engelskt och japanskt

Childhood gun and shooting accidents are not rare.

They are one of the top ten leading causes of accidental death for all age groups outside of newborns and infants.

In 2007, there were 122 unintentional firearm deaths in children, and an additional 3,060 nonfatal gun and shooting accidents, which resulted in an estimated 1,375 children needing to be hospitalized for their injuries. Unintentional firearm deaths in children have remained at about the same levels since, with 114 deaths in children and teens less than age 18 in 2010.

Gun and Shooting Accidents
Some more recent gun and shooting accidents involving children include:

•a 2-year-old in Cooper County, Missouri, died after shooting himself in the head with a handgun that "he got a hold of" in his house.
•a 3-year-old in Loris, South Carolina, near Myrtle Beach, died after shooting himself in the head with a pistol that he found in the car.
•a 5-year-old in Belleville, Illinois, near St. Louis, was accidentally shot in the head with a shotgun by his 10-year-old brother.
•a 3-year-old in Maryland Heights, Missouri, near St. Louis, who shot himself once in the chest, died. He found the gun in his parents bedroom, one of whom is a police officer.
•a 2-year-old was shot in the head by his 5-year-old brother in Connersville, Indiana who was playing with a gun he found in a bedroom. The boy, a twin, died of the gun shot.
•a 3-year-old in St. Louis, Missouri who died after she shot herself in the head with a gun she found tucked between two mattresses.
•a 6-year-old who was shot and killed by his 11-year-old stepbrother, in what was initially thought to be an accident, but the boy is now facing possible murder charges. The two boys were left home alone at the time of the shooting in Martinsville, Indiana.
•a 10-year-old in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi died after he shot himself with his grandfather's gun that he found in his nightstand. He would have been going into the fifth grade next fall.
•a 15-year-old from Cherry Hill, Baltimore was shot in the head and killed by a 12-year-old friend who was playing with the gun during a sleepover.
•a 5-year-old from Bossier City, Louisiana found a loaded handgun a cabinet in his home, and accidentally shot and killed himself.
•a 2-year-old near Fresno, California found a loaded, semi-automatic handgun in his home, walked into a bedroom with the gun, and it fired, striking and killing his 6-year-old sister.
•a 3-year-old in South Carolina was shot in his upper boy by his uncle who was cleaning his gun when it accidentally fire. The toddler died in emergency surgery.
•a 2-year-old in Georgia was shot in the back by a 9 or 10-year-old who found a gun in a van they were all playing in while the toddler's family was preparing to move to a new apartment.
•a 2-year-old in Phoenix was shot in the face with a handgun by her 8-year-old brother, who thought he was playing with a toy gun he found on the floor of his grandfather's apartment.
•a 3-year-old in Summerville, South Carolina who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to her head after finding a loaded, unsecured handgun on the window sill of her parent's bedroom
•a 5-year-old in Telferner, Texas who shot his 4-year-old brother in the abdomen with a rifle they were playing with in their home. His brother died from the gun shot wound.
•a 2-year-old in Missouri who died after he accidentally shot himself in the head after finding a loaded handgun on a shelf in the closet of his parent's bedroom
•an 11-year-old in Indianapolis who was accidentally shot by his brother
•three children in Houston who were hurt when a 6-year-old accidentally fired a gun he had brought to school
•an 8-year-old in Alabama who died from an accidental shotgun blast
•a 2-year-old in Vermont who died after he was accidentally shot with a rifle by a sibling
•a 10-year-old who lost use of his right eye after being shot by an older teen cousin while they were playing with a gun that they thought was unloaded
•a 3-year-old in North Carolina who shot and killed himself
•a 4-year-old who accidentally shot a 12-year-old in Louisiana while playing with a rifle they found in a closet
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Gick med
3 May 2011


Men det finns alltid två sidor av ett mynt.

* At the current homicide rate, roughly one in every 240 Americans will be murdered.[23]

* A U.S. Justice Department study based on crime data from 1974-1985 found:

• 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives
• 83% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime
• 52% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime more than once[24]

* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, "30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime."[25]
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