Sen är det inte kul o spela i 10-15h i sträck med några 5 mins pauser.
Lite match ska det väl vara
minns jag inte fel så är en del live-turre smått marathonaktiga
Sen är det inte kul o spela i 10-15h i sträck med några 5 mins pauser.
Jag spelade förra SH-turren med mobilt och det funkade bra. Har iofs ingen begränsning på hur mycket jag får tanka men har svårt att tänka mig att du kommer över 1Gb. Det är ju i början av månaden så du borde väl ha det mesta kvar iaf
Lite match ska det väl vara
minns jag inte fel så är en del live-turre smått marathonaktiga
Måste man fortfarande ha nått spelkort och hela kittet för att lira på Svenska Spel eller är det bara regga sig och tuta och köra?
Okej, skönt att höra det... fast en polares bredband och soffa låter inte fel det heller En får se hur det blir.
Ja o det är ännu värre med tanke på allt går 10x så segt .
@Korvgubbe eller DM: Kommer det nåt lösenord på PM
Du har PM!
Hur ser det ut med max antal? Åtta pers (som vi är nu!?) är ju inte fel för ett bord... men... vill vi vara fler? har nämligen en polare som troligen gärna skulle hoppa på om möjlighet finns för icke SH'are.
I december är det dags igen.
inOfficiell SH- poker 2:a december
Ta chansen att tilta dina SH-polare eller antagoinister.
Anmäl dig här i tråden eller via PM till korvgubbe eller dark_messenger.
Lösenord kommer via PM.
Registrering på SvS kan ske först samma dygn
Turneringsnamn: (P)Sporthoj
Typ av turnering: Texas Hold'em
Startmarker: 3000
Inköp: 100+10
Mörkstruktur: Vanlig (12min)
Startdatum: 2 December
Starttid: 20:15
Anmälda: (anmälan är en intresseanmälan och INTE bindande)
- korvgubbe
- dark_messanger
- Werzion
- newstead
- Mjukis (nickar Mjuukiz på ss)
- Matteh!
- Mr Skåne
- SjöKexet (nick eddiiiee)
- gnip
- richie
- totti-R
Hur ser det ut med max antal? Åtta pers (som vi är nu!?)
Jag kanske söker fram mitt spelkort och joinar om jag hittar det och inte har annat för mig
Köpte nyligen boken Every Hand Revealed av Gus Hansen, riktigt bra bok, som en actionfilm för oss pokernördar
Man följer Gus Hansens händer (329 för att vara exakt) och tankar igenom 2007 Aussie Millions Champion.
REKOMMENDERAR DEN VERKLIGEN, kanske inte framförallt som "bli-bättre-på-poker"-bok (även om det helt klart hjälper en att förstå hur han tänker och varför han gör som han gör i olika situationer mot olika spelare) utan framförallt som en grym (och annorlunda) "skönlitteratur" med cool handling.
(Har visserligen inte läst klart den än, men lär ju vara ungefär samma tema boken igenom hehe)
Lite mer info om boken
Hand 77
Blinds 1000/2000/300 (sista 300 är ante, en pot alla lägger i potten)
Gus Position: 2nd
Gus Hand: 3s 3d
Chip Stack: 215,4K
I limp in early position with my favorite limping hand, the small pair. The SB (Small Blind) calls and the BB (Big Blind) checks. the flop comes:
Ac 8d 7h (är egentligen bilder på kortet, snygga och tydliga)
The both check and I see no reason to give more free cards. I bet 3,300 into an 8k pot with my two Treys. They both fold.
Hand 84
Blinds 1200/2400/400
Gus Position: BB
Gus Hand: Ac Kd
Chip Stack: 211,4K
John Doe in the first position limps and it is folded around to the SB. He ponders for a while whether to raise or not but ends up just calling. I wake up with Ac Kd in the BB and raise it 11,200 more to a total of 13,600. The limper folds and the SB calls. The flop comes:
9h 9c 2h
Not quite what I was looking for but it also makes it very hard for my opponent to have hit anything.
He checks, I bet 16,000, and he check-raises me to a total of 45k. Although unpleasant, it was not tottaly unexcpected. The SB had definitely comes to play and this seemed like a good spot to make a move. I reconstruct the entire hand and play it over in my head a couple of times.
Bottom line:
1. I was expecting a move.
2. I didn't think he started out with a pair.
3. In case I was wrong and he actually did have something like two Sixes, he be hard-pressed to call 90k more.
4. In case he should decide to call with a flush-draw it would be a 50-50 deal.
5. Math says he only has about an 8& chance of holding a Nine, and my read said that I could eliminate those 8%.
All-in all, barring the ugly Nine scenario, the all-in move was starting to make a lot of sense to me.
I convinced myself that it was gonna be hard for him to call, and even if he did I was ahead anyway, so I pulled the trigger. 135K on A-high! I was either a fool or a hero!
The SB went into thinking mode, which had me scared for a bit. Had I completely overplayed my hand, my read, everything? After a while I calmed down as I was back into he-is-going-to-fol-anyway mode. But no!
He finally shoved the rest of his chips in the middle, and needless to say I wasen't happy about it. I reluctantly turned over my beautiful no-pair no-draw. At least I could still claim A-high top kicker.
It was good!
Maybe I hadn't tottalt lost my mind after all. It wasen't like I was home free, but I was definitely in the hunt. The SB turned over Qh Th (10) for a queen-high flush draw and two live cards. I was in front but still a small underdog with about a 45% winning chance.
Turn = Ac
Exceptionally good card! I now only have fo fade the hearts, and not the Ah, I might add. Being an 81-19% favorite I'm starting to feel good about the hand.
River = 4c
Pheew! I had knocked out my wrose competitor at the table and added significant spare change to my stack.
In retrospect, normally this was way too much money to put in the pot with Ace high. Were there really enough mitigating circumstances to justify my "crazy" play? Hmmm...?!?
All I know is that I went with my read, and put in some serious money to back my opinion.
Hand 143
Blinds 15K/10K/1K (5-Handed table)
Gus Position: 1st
Gus Hand: Qc Tc
Chip Stack: 487K
Still playing five-handed at my table, I open in first position for 32k with Qc Tc. The button calls as well as Paul Wasicka in the big blind.
Flop comes: Qh 5c 3d
Top pair, decent kicker. Paul checks and I bet 75k into a 106k pot. The button calls and Paul folds.
Turn: 3h
Decision time! There is 379k left in my stack, 315k in my opponent's and 256k in the middle.
My main priority is to pick up the 256k! Am I prepared to risk losing 315k in the process of obtaining my main goal? I'm not quite sure. Let's stop for a second and see what I know about his hand. He called pre-flop and post-flop with gyus behind him yet to act, so he probably has a little bit of something. Enough to beat QT? Another question I don't know the answer to. With a lot of doubt creeping into my mind I like to stay on the aggressive path, or to quote my old friend Kurgan from Highlander: "I've got something to say. It's better to burn out than to fade away!" What that mean is, move all-in and let your opponent make the big decision. It seems like a very reasonable approach, bevause I know I wouldn't want to be in John Doe's shoes facing a 315k bet with QJ or Q9. It is not an enviable spot to be in. What would you do with those two hands? Is there anybody out there good enough to call with QJ and at the same time fold Q9? Personally I don't think so! If my 315k bet can steer up some noise, and create a tough guess for my opponent, it will definitely have served its purpose.
No way around it - I move all-in. My opponent thinks for a while before finally letting it go. To this day I have no idea what I was up against.
I achieved my goal of picking up the 256k in the middle, putting me right back in the 650k range!
Hand 145
Blinds 5K/10K/1K
Gus Position: SB
Gus Hand: 9c4d
Chip Stack: 624K
Ross Boatman is the only one standing between me and the 20k out there so I am quietly preparing to raise. Looking down at 9c 4d, I decide to change my mind. So far I had been rasing every time given the same circumstances, and it was time to let one go. I of course waste no time in telling the table that I only raise with "good" hands.* The timing turned out to be perfect as Ross, with a disgusted look on his face, turned over As Qs.
Hand 148
Blinds 5K/10K/1K (5-handed table)
Gus Position: BB
Gus Hand: Tc 2h
Chip Stack: 810K
Everybody folds to the small blind, who limps for 5k more. Last hand he folded T6o (offsuited) in his big blind to one of Paul Wasicka's mini-raises. I have a feeling he is not to eager to play this hand either, so a small raise seems appropriate. The actual strenght of my hand is a minor concern, since my projected pickup vig (vig = juice, slang for gain or edge) heavily outweighs any other factors. As it turned out I have Doyle Brunson's favorite hand, T2o, but again that is not going to stop me from making what I consider to be the best equity play. I raise 22k more to a total of 32k and the small blind quickly folds. A small but nice pick-up solely based on me perception of my opponent and not the cards in my hand.
Det dära brukar inte stämma eftersom den plussar på timmarna för varje bord. <--- Ivey "årslön" är 56 miljoner, men så har han lirat poker i över 1500 timmar, är ju fasen nästan åtta timmar om dagen varje vardag (exkl. 4 veckor semester).... damn
* När jag läste den meningen skrattade jag fasen till, Hansen har fasen inga problem att på knappen slänga in 60K i en 30K pot för att få blindsen att folda och lägga till 30K i sin stack med bara 6c 3d
(och han gör det, om och om igen) <--- Ivey "årslön" är 56 miljoner, men så har han lirat poker i över 1500 timmar, är ju fasen nästan åtta timmar om dagen varje vardag (exkl. 4 veckor semester).... damn
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