Ska man vara orolig för Ryssland?


Buy quality, cry once
Gick med
26 Mar 2014
Bara fräna hojar
Man skall nog inte helt utesluta rysk mtrl som hamnar helt fel - minns filmen på LVRb som vände 180 grader och träffade den egna avfyrningsrampen…


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird
"Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated the Russian seizure of Lysychansk and the Luhansk Oblast border and appeared to direct the Russian military to conduct an operational pause"

"Former Russian military commander Igor Girkin
(Inte samma som Twitter profilen), an ardent Russian nationalist who commanded militants during the 2014 war in Donbas, posted a scathing critique of the Kremlin’s handling of the war on his Telegram channel and questioned the significance of the seizure of Lysychansk. He suggested that Russian forces had paid too high a price for a limited gain"

"-Russian leadership may be setting conditions for an operational pause following the seizure of Lysychansk and the Luhansk Oblast boundary.
-Russian forces are consolidating territorial and administrative control over Severodonetsk and Lysychansk.
-Russian forces continued offensive operations to the east of Bakhmut to prepare for advances on Bakhmut and Siversk.
-Russian forces continued limited and unsuccessful assaults north of Kharkiv City.
-Ukrainian partisan activity is targeting Russian railway lines around Melitopol and Tokmak.
-Russian leadership may be setting conditions for the conscription of Ukrainian citizens living in occupied territories."

ISWs karta över frontläget som uppdateras dagligen:
Detta torde vara en av de bästa kartorna över hur det ser ut.


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird

Finland seizes hundreds of Russian freight cars as EU sanctions bite​

MOSCOW, July 5 (Reuters) - Finland has seized nearly a thousand freight cars belonging to Russian companies as a result of European Union sanctions, according to Finnish state-owned rail operator VR and a letter from Russia's rail monopoly seen by Reuters.

As Finland's VR moved to reduce railway traffic with Russia after the EU sanctioned Russian coal supplies in April, 865 rail cars from Russia were seized by bailiffs, according to the June 6 dated letter from Russian Railways to the Ministry of Transport.

Finnish bailiff authority told Reuters it has had frozen assets of a few dozen of Russian and Belarusian individuals and legal entities, including transportation firms, worth at least 82 million euros, to comply with EU sanctions.

VR's spokeswoman Taina Kuitunen confirmed by email that there were "around 800 units of sanctioned (freight) cars in Finland at the moment" and the company sought to return the non-seized ones to Russia as soon as possible.

VR's head of logistics told Finnish media in March that around 5,000 Russian rail cars were in Finland when it decided to suspend traffic, and while his company wanted to send them back, bailiffs ordered some to be seized.

The seized rail cars belong to companies either directly hit by EU sanctions or whose shareholders gave up their control because they got hit by sanctions after Russia sent its troops into Ukraine in late February.

Uralchem-Trans, whose former owner, Dmitry Mazepin, ceded control after coming under EU sanctions in March, did not reply to request for a comment, and the state leasing company GTLK, under EU sanctions itself, declined comment.

Rusagrotrans, part of Demetra Holding where sanctions-hit state bank VTB (VTBR.MM) ceded control to other investors in February, also declined comment.

The fourth company whose cars were seized, Alpha Leasing, has lodged an appeal to a Finnish court against an "unlawful" move by Finnish bailiffs, said Andrey Barkov, head of corporate business. Alpha Leasing is a unit of sanctions-hit Alfa Bank.

Russian Railways declined comment and the Ministry of Transport did not reply to a request for comment.



Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
25 Jan 2012
KTM 1290 Super Adventure, Honda CB650 -80

Finland seizes hundreds of Russian freight cars as EU sanctions bite​

MOSCOW, July 5 (Reuters) - Finland has seized nearly a thousand freight cars belonging to Russian companies as a result of European Union sanctions, according to Finnish state-owned rail operator VR and a letter from Russia's rail monopoly seen by Reuters.

As Finland's VR moved to reduce railway traffic with Russia after the EU sanctioned Russian coal supplies in April, 865 rail cars from Russia were seized by bailiffs, according to the June 6 dated letter from Russian Railways to the Ministry of Transport.

Finnish bailiff authority told Reuters it has had frozen assets of a few dozen of Russian and Belarusian individuals and legal entities, including transportation firms, worth at least 82 million euros, to comply with EU sanctions.

VR's spokeswoman Taina Kuitunen confirmed by email that there were "around 800 units of sanctioned (freight) cars in Finland at the moment" and the company sought to return the non-seized ones to Russia as soon as possible.

VR's head of logistics told Finnish media in March that around 5,000 Russian rail cars were in Finland when it decided to suspend traffic, and while his company wanted to send them back, bailiffs ordered some to be seized.

The seized rail cars belong to companies either directly hit by EU sanctions or whose shareholders gave up their control because they got hit by sanctions after Russia sent its troops into Ukraine in late February.

Uralchem-Trans, whose former owner, Dmitry Mazepin, ceded control after coming under EU sanctions in March, did not reply to request for a comment, and the state leasing company GTLK, under EU sanctions itself, declined comment.

Rusagrotrans, part of Demetra Holding where sanctions-hit state bank VTB (VTBR.MM) ceded control to other investors in February, also declined comment.

The fourth company whose cars were seized, Alpha Leasing, has lodged an appeal to a Finnish court against an "unlawful" move by Finnish bailiffs, said Andrey Barkov, head of corporate business. Alpha Leasing is a unit of sanctions-hit Alfa Bank.

Russian Railways declined comment and the Ministry of Transport did not reply to a request for comment.

Gissar att Finland inte kommer undan någon form av "pay back".


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird


Version 1.1
Gick med
30 Jul 2004
Ryssland verkar ju tömma gränstrakten mot Finland på både materiel och soldater just nu...?

Varje stridsvagn eller artelleripjäs Ukraina slår ut är en mindre som kan vändas mot andra länder.

Därför ska vi ge Ukraina alla resurser vi kan avvara för att bekämpa ryssen


Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
25 Jan 2012
KTM 1290 Super Adventure, Honda CB650 -80
Ryssland verkar ju tömma gränstrakten mot Finland på både materiel och soldater just nu...?

Inte nödvändigtvis militärt.
Så länge Putler lever kommer han inte glömma eller förlåta.
Hans liv verkar ju gå ut på att hämnas på verkliga eller påhittade oförrätter.


Medlem nr.8 sen starten
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
+46 Rover, wanderer, Nomad, vagabond
Honda CBR900RR Fireblade, CBR1100XX Blackbird
Inga egentliga förändringar i de ryska målen trotts att det vinklas så ibland.

"Russia’s stated objectives in its invasion of Ukraine remain regime change in Kyiv and the truncation of the sovereignty of any Ukrainian state that survives the Russian attack despite Russian military setbacks and rhetoric hinting at a reduction in war aims following those defeats. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev stated on July 5 that the Russian military operation in Ukraine will continue until Russia achieves its goals of protecting civilians from “genocide,” “denazifying” and demilitarizing Ukraine, and obliging Ukraine to be permanently neutral between Russia and NATO—almost exactly restating the goals Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in his February 24 speech justifying the war"

"Patrushev’s statement is noteworthy because of its timing and his position as a close confidante of Putin. Patrushev is very unlikely to stray far from Putin’s position in his public comments given his relationship with Putin and his role in the Kremlin. His restatement of virtually the same maximalist objectives that Putin laid out before the invasion even as Russian forces seemed to be closing in on the more limited objectives of securing Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts—which Putin and other Russian leaders had hinted were their new aims following their defeats around Kyiv—strongly suggests that those hints did not reflect any actual change in Kremlin policy. Patrushev’s statement significantly increases the burden on those who suggest that some compromise ceasefire or even peace based on limited additional Russian territorial gains is possible"


Two stroke man

Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
12 Apr 2005
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