Vintertester 2007/08.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Ännu en kanske lite pinsam grej. West motor pajjade idag på sin Kawa och hojen tog eld.



Alex De Angelis

Jorge Lorenzo

Sylvain Guintoli

Nicky Hayden

Dani Pedrosa

Randy De Puniet

Marco Melandri + Mattia Pasini (på en 250GP)

På förmidagen var Stoner enda som körde 1.32-tid.
1.33-tider körde Capirossi, Pedrosa, Hayden, Nakano och Melandri.
1.34-tider körde De Angelis, Guintoli, De Puniet, Hopkins, Vermeulen, Elías, Lorenzo och West.
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Gudomlig sporthojare
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Race-R1 -05, KTM 520 EXC, Suzuki RM 250
Det känns inte lika galet långt till nästa säsong (både MotoGP:s och vår egen) när man vet att dom redan är ute och testar. För att se lite positivt på det hela...innan man vet ordet av är det jul och sen inte mycket mer än 2 månader kvar till premiären i Qatar. :)

Axxess: Grymma bilder som vanligt! :tummenupp


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Kort om vad dom här 3 tyckte om att få köra Kawasakis MotoGP-hoj.

Kevin Schwantz
'The engine's much smoother than on last year's machine. The front end's great under braking and the chassis turns really well.'

Alex Criville
Compared to the 990cc bike, everything's so much smoother. It's much easier to ride and I really enjoyed it.'

Gehard Berger
'Everybody was really helpful and let me have information beforehand such as which gear I should be in for each corner.
'When I was a child, I remember my father taking me to watch Agostini race and, from then on, it was a childhood dream to ride a Grand Prix motorcycle, so this has been a fantastic experience.'
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Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Yamaha R7 -24
Schysta bilder och information... och hondan ... man förstår ju nu vartifrån gathojen cbr1000rr fått sin design ifrån. Ska bli intressant med vad de första testerna på gathojen säger.


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Bilderna på reportern som vurpa i depån.





Gustav O

Gick med
7 Mar 2003
Yamaha TZ-M250 96
Det var ju någon av de olika reportrarna som kraschade en Kawasaki för två år sedan och när han kom tillbaka nästa år så gav Harald Eckl honom en prislista på delar till hojen innan han släpptes ut på den nya modellen. :D


Gick med
4 Feb 2004
Dagens tider:

Valencia MotoGP test times - Wednesday.
Wednesday, 7th November 2007

Following Sunday's season-ending Valencian Grand Prix, preparations for the 2008 season began with a two-day test session at the Spanish circuit, which concluded on Wednesday...

1. Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro Team (B) 1min 32.095 secs
2. Nicky Hayden USA Repsol Honda Team (M) 1min 32.434 secs
3. Randy de Puniet FRA Honda LCR (M) 1min 32.625 secs
4. Dani Pedrosa SPA Repsol Honda Team (M) 1min 32.718 secs
5. Chris Vermeulen AUS Rizla Suzuki MotoGP (B) 1min 32.979 secs
6. John Hopkins USA Kawasaki Racing Team (B) 1min 33.058 secs
7. Loris Capirossi ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP (B) 1min 33.163 secs
8. Toni Elias SPA Pramac d'Antin (B) 1min 33.294 secs
9. Shinya Nakano JPN Honda Gresini (B) 1min 33.465 secs
10. Sylvain Guintoli FRA Pramac d'Antin (B) 1min 33.571 secs
11. Jorge Lorenzo SPA Fiat Yamaha Team (M) 1min 33.588 secs
12. Anthony West AUS Kawasaki Racing Team (B) 1min 33.695 secs
13. Marco Melandri ITA Ducati Marlboro Team (B) 1min 33.835 secs
14. Andrea Dovizioso ITA JiR Team Scot (M) 1min 33.991 secs
15. Alex de Angelis RSM Honda Gresini (B) 1min 34.060 secs
16. Nobuatsu Aoki JPN Suzuki Test Rider (B) 1min 35.043 secs
17. Vittoriano Guareschi ITA Ducati Test Rider (B) 1min 35.840 secs

Fastest day one time:
Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro (B) 1min 32.348secs


Gick med
10 Sep 2007
gävle, sthlm
verkar inte vara särskild förändring på ducatin endast framgaffeln med "bättre kontroll" japshojarna har väl lagt ned mkt energi på att få snabbare hojar.
föresten det blir spännande detta "vintertest" så som att följa träning/kval nästan:D


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Casey Stoner 1.32:095 (55 varv)
"We found something extra during these tests. Straight away yesterday, second lap out, we went a lot quicker than we did in the race on Sunday and we just kept going from there. Today we kept getting faster and faster. We weren't really trying to do that, we had a lot of tyres and things to test, so we weren't out there trying to do lap times, but everything just seemed to come to us quite easily. It's been a fantastic season for us and it's really good to end this test with some positives and some more information which the Ducati technicians can take back to Bologna, knowing that we've got something more to work with and knowing the right direction in which to head."

Marco Melandri 1.33:835 (87 varv)
"Today we worked a lot on the engine and electronics, to understand how the bike reacts to every kind of change. It's been demanding because the throttle feeling is very different to what I'm used to. This afternoon we started working on the chassis, making some important, if not radical, changes. During the last half hour of the day I could feel we were improving and that we were starting to go in the right direction for my riding style. It was maybe too late to better my lap time but the sensation was really encouraging. Generally I'm very happy because I'm beginning to understand this bike's huge potential. All I've got to do is work hard to get it set up for my style."

Nicky Hayden 1.32:434 ( 92 varv )
“Today was pretty productive. We spent most of the day on the new machine and made some decent progress. We were focussed on trying to get the engine to run a little smoother at the top end and we’ve still got some work to do on that front. But it’s early days and we’ve gathered some useful data that the HRC engineers can use to hopefully improve things before we test at Sepang next week. I really like the chassis which is more balanced than the old machine. Not so much weight pitches to the front under braking and it wheelies less too. Overall I’m pretty happy with how this first test has gone and we’ve definitely got a better base compared with this time last year. Today I also did a long run on the 2007 bike to get some comparison data and I was still a little faster on the old machine – by about half a second – so we need to try to close that gap when we get down to work this winter.”

Dani Pedrosa 1.32:718 ( 88 varv )
“We’ve been testing a lot of things today and jumping from the old machine to the new one to gather comparison data. I think we’ve done a lot of useful work. One and a half days is not a lot of time to fully test a completely new machine but now we need to analyse the data we collected and come to some conclusions about the direction to take the machine. The feel of the new bike is quite different both in terms of the engine characteristics and the riding position. From the outside it looks bigger – and it is a bit bigger but it’s still OK for me. I didn’t focus on lap times today because the most important thing is getting familiar with the new bike and learning where we’re going to develop it. Anyway the lap times are not so bad for the first test. We also tested tyres for Michelin today, mainly with the old bike because we have a lot of reference data for that bike.”


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Tider för några av dom som stannade kvar och testade i 250GP. Var några fler som Locatelli och Debon och körde.

1. Mika Kallio (KTM) 1.34:898
2. Hiroshi Aoyama (KTM) 1.35:801
3. Lukas Pesek (Aprilia) 1.36:797
4. Ratthapark Wilairot (Honda) 1.36:977
5. Karel Abraham (Aprilia) 1.37:390

Lukas Pesek Emmi Caffe Latte 250GP


Matia Pasini Polaris World 250GP

Hector Faubel Master Aspar 250GP









verkar inte vara särskild förändring på ducatin endast framgaffeln med "bättre kontroll" japshojarna har väl lagt ned mkt energi på att få snabbare hojar.
föresten det blir spännande detta "vintertest" så som att följa träning/kval nästan:D

Ducati håller på med att bygga GP8:eek:rna nu och dom är färdiga till januari.
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Gick med
6 Mar 2003
Yamaha R7 -24
Kallio körde 1.34? Är inte det vääldigt fort för 250 på Valencia? Vad körde de som snabbast under tävlingshelgen?


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Kallio körde 1.34? Är inte det vääldigt fort för 250 på Valencia? Vad körde de som snabbast under tävlingshelgen?

Mika satte nytt banrekord detta året med 1.35:659 och kvalade på 1.35:109. Så ja det är riktigt snabb tid!

Mika testade bl.a idag en ny ram på KTM:en som skulle ge bättre egenskaper vid mycket bränsle i tanken.
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På två hjul sen -89
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
ett bygge, + en 954 + YZF750R -95 som R7 stylats men också skrotats + Aprilia RS250, + RGV 250 + två RD350 + en kinamoto med egendesignade kåpor, en Stomp MiniGP och en Anaconda mingp-motard och en egenbyggd GP70racer.


Slipar röven
Gick med
6 Mar 2003
yamaha xt660r
Mika satte nytt banrekord detta året med 1.35:659 och kvalade på 1.35:109. Så ja det är riktigt snabb tid!

Mika testade bl.a idag en ny ram på KTM:en som skulle ge bättre egenskaper vid mycket bränsle i tanken.

Det kan ju vara nåt för nästa år, Mika har nästan alltid sett ut att ha svårt att hänga med de första varven även om han gör en bra start.
Brutal tid, särskilt med tanke vad man åker för tider med motogp-mopparna :yoparty


Ordinary man doing extraordinary things
Gick med
11 Dec 2003
Technical Sports Racing AC28-M Prototype powered by Honda Racing Corporation
Jorge Lorenzo ( 86 varv)
“Obviously I’m feeling much more comfortable and relaxed on the bike than I did yesterday, when everything felt very new! It’s been good to have a full day to really concentrate on getting used to the bike and I’ve been feeling better and better throughout the day. The set-up we used today was more or less the same as yesterday, but today we worked mostly on tyres, because these are also new for me. I’m happy with what we’ve done at this first test and I very am pleased to be here. Now I am looking forward to next week when we will go to Malaysia and I will have another chance to learn more about the bike.”

Daniele Romagnoli – Jorge Lorenzo’s Team Manager
“We started today with yesterday’s setting and a reference tyre, just to check what we found yesterday. Then we began to work a bit with tyres, mainly rear, and we found some improvements. His riding is improving as he gains more confidence on the bike and the lap times are already quite good. We have seen him learn a lot about the MotoGP bike in just one and a half days and he’s made some very good progress. It’s been a good first test for him and now we will keep going like this next week in Malaysia.”

Masahiko Nakajima – Fiat Yamaha Team Director
“Today we made some changes to the set-up and especially to the suspension, and these small changes together have made Jorge more comfortable. His lap times today have been very consistent and have gradually got faster, without making any steps backward, and this is very encouraging. Although a MotoGP bike is very new to him and he is only just beginning to learn about it, his lap times and data show he is adapting quickly and that the changes we have made are improving things for him. This is the feedback we need at this stage. His hard work over these two days has been much appreciated and we’re very happy.”
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