- Gick med
- 2 Mar 2006
- Ort
- Insjön, Dalarna
- Hoj
- Buell 1125 R, Harley Wide Glide, Harley XL1200C, D&G Dragbike
Peter, måste ha mera mått om du ska få en bra ritning och beräkningar på tröghetsmoment. Här är i alla fall beräkningar på själva trumman utan att jag tagit hänsyn till borrade hål i den...
Mass = 291602.63 grams (291,6 Kg)
Volume = 37384952.58 cubic millimeters
Surface area = 1066570.71 millimeters^2
Center of mass: ( millimeters )
X = 0.00
Y = 0.00
Z = 0.00
Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = (1.00, 0.00, 0.00) Px = 8616553631.11
Iy = (0.00, 1.00, 0.00) Py = 8616554302.69
Iz = (0.00, 0.00, 1.00) Pz = 9457037797.63
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
Lxx = 8616553966.90 Lxy = 0.00 Lxz = 0.00
Lyx = 0.00 Lyy = 8616553966.90 Lyz = 0.00
Lzx = 0.00 Lzy = 0.00 Lzz = 9457037797.63
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the output coordinate system.
Ixx = 8616553966.90 Ixy = 0.00 Ixz = 0.00
Iyx = 0.00 Iyy = 8616553966.90 Iyz = 0.00
Izx = 0.00 Izy = 0.00 Izz = 9457037797.63
// Peter
Mass = 291602.63 grams (291,6 Kg)
Volume = 37384952.58 cubic millimeters
Surface area = 1066570.71 millimeters^2
Center of mass: ( millimeters )
X = 0.00
Y = 0.00
Z = 0.00
Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass.
Ix = (1.00, 0.00, 0.00) Px = 8616553631.11
Iy = (0.00, 1.00, 0.00) Py = 8616554302.69
Iz = (0.00, 0.00, 1.00) Pz = 9457037797.63
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
Lxx = 8616553966.90 Lxy = 0.00 Lxz = 0.00
Lyx = 0.00 Lyy = 8616553966.90 Lyz = 0.00
Lzx = 0.00 Lzy = 0.00 Lzz = 9457037797.63
Moments of inertia: ( grams * square millimeters )
Taken at the output coordinate system.
Ixx = 8616553966.90 Ixy = 0.00 Ixz = 0.00
Iyx = 0.00 Iyy = 8616553966.90 Iyz = 0.00
Izx = 0.00 Izy = 0.00 Izz = 9457037797.63
// Peter